84782 packages online
demo/aga/MWI-Absolon_2.lha |
No screenshot available
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::: absolon: \ \ /\________\--/ \ / _/
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::: fairytale 2 /________/
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The Red, giant Star, Absolon, found in the constellation of Taurus, is
the Eye of the bull. From the Arabic, AB SOLON, it means 'the follow' as
it "follows" the Pleiades. This piece portaits Our future passing
Absolon on the journey to new mind territories, continuing the migratory
pattern which was so predominant on our own early history.
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We`re the pilgrims to forgotten squares of human mind...
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A B S O L O N .___________\ /____________. T H E D E M O
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friendly powerpc co-operation between Venus Art and MAd WIzards
produced for the GRAVITY 3 demo competition
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bD!/L124 .____.
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/ \ | _) _/_\ ___(__| _/ | | ___) /| \_ /
/_________|___\_____/___\_____|____l____|____|___\l _/_____/___/
Codework ............................................................... NOE
Additional codework ................................................ BJ.SEBO
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Introduction Part Tune ("Beyond Reality", 8 channels) ................ VAGON
Main Part tune ("Pulsating koloors", 8 channels) .................... REVISQ
End Part Tune ("swirl", 4 channels) ................................. PROTAS
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3-D Worlds & Objects ................................................ ZOLTAN
Additional Objects Scene ........................................... BJ.SEBO
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Graphism One ("Mawi, "VenusArt", "Absolon", "Magic-remix98", "Wisp") .. FAME
Graphism Two ("Cyberparrot", "Wood") ................................. GRASS
Graphism Three ("Fantazy") .......................................... INSANE
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Textures ............................................................ ZOLTAN
Additional Textures .................................................... DEF
Cliparts & Additional Graphics ...................................... AZZARO
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Art Directing ....................................................... AZZARO
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\____________\________/____\/ \____\/ \____________/ /-B- /_____/
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Note from Azzaro: This huge piece of bytes seems to be a seocnd part
of my history called "Fairytale". Previous one was presented an year
ago under the Floppy label ("Fairytale", Gravity`97) and here you have
the sequel. It`s all designed from the start to end by me and
contains visible effect of 7 months (Feb`98-Aug`98) of really hard
work assembled finally and presented on those first elite-only party
here in Poland. "Absolon" was mainly designed for working on standard
68k based processors, but due some reasons we move it all into the
PowerPC base. This power allow us to spread our wings and do the job
really better. All 3-d scenes modelled by Zoltan contains at least
7.000 textured and lightsourced faces on the screen at one moment and
still works with a full speed. Also - new Noe`s engine allows us to
include effects aren`t implemented in Amiga version of LightWave like
volumetric lights and some others. This makes me happy, because i can
direct the best producing team here in Poland and i can visialize many
more of my ill imaginations... |
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Hope You all guys who gots the PPc turbo board in Your Amiga will be
sattisfied after watching this production. We worked so hard on it
but it`s not the end. Wait for more high-end scene productions from
us... | |
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WARNING: end scroll will work only if lo resolution is selected
(320x200). Sorry for this, but there was no time to work on it.
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| ___ /_! ___ /_! . /_! | /_! ___ /_! ____/_! /_.
|_ _/ __|_ \__/ _|_ | _ _|_ ! _|_ \__/ _|_____ __|____ ____|
/___|___\ /_______\ /_____\_\ /_______\ /_______\ /_______\ /____\
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hardware] - Amiga with PowerPC processor;
- 32 mbytes of fastram; |
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software] - Ppc.library; |
- Dbplayer.library; |
- Xpk packet; |
- Ahi >v4.0 |
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|---)______| _____| |______ | _____|. ___ | |_( |____| )__
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[ aCid/k0 ]-------------+-------------------|__________|__________|________|--
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amnesty - anadune - appendix - dcs - endzeit - floppy
haujobb - monar - mystic - nahkolor - phasetruce - venture
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a n d s o m e o t h e r s
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[c] link124 /______________\·
ascii by azzaro, acid, budgie
and woober/arcade............
Contents of demo/aga/MWI-Absolon_2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 40618 215362 18.9% -lh5- 29b0 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/Drakkar2.va3d
[generic] 52382 307200 17.1% -lh5- dc1c Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/fantazy_640x480.chunky
[generic] 904 3080 29.4% -lh5- fbc9 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/fantazy_640x480.palette
[generic] 2042 10400 19.6% -lh5- 1730 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/fonts.chunky
[generic] 859 3080 27.9% -lh5- 1701 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/fonts.palette
[generic] 1247 3080 40.5% -lh5- 2867 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/gears.palette
[generic] 23718 106914 22.2% -lh5- ba96 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/gears.va3d
[generic] 1312 1484 88.4% -lh5- 365e Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/invasion.palette
[generic] 33058 39044 84.7% -lh5- 6f8e Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/invasion.va3d
[generic] 156124 156124 100.0% -lh0- d41f Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/magic_640x480.chunky
[generic] 1457 1656 88.0% -lh5- 8e4d Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/magic_640x480.palette
[generic] 13887 64000 21.7% -lh5- d8fb Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/mawi.chunky
[generic] 110555 114348 96.7% -lh5- cbd1 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/parrot_640x480.chunky
[generic] 1373 1580 86.9% -lh5- 9d9f Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/parrot_640x480.palette
[generic] 867 3080 28.1% -lh5- 37a5 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/parrot_640x480.palette1
[generic] 877 3080 28.5% -lh5- dc96 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/parrot_640x480.palette2
[generic] 1008 1256 80.3% -lh5- 897b Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/Sterowce.palette
[generic] 21110 28012 75.4% -lh5- 51e9 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/Sterowce.va3d
[generic] 51123 54280 94.2% -lh5- b41d Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/Story320x120x17.chunky
[generic] 16793 38400 43.7% -lh5- 1088 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/Swirl320x120.chunky
[generic] 12045 26880 44.8% -lh5- 2aa5 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/Swirl320x84.chunky
[generic] 31910 64000 49.9% -lh5- 9979 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/swirl_320x200.chunky
[generic] 900 976 92.2% -lh5- 589c Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/tikal.palette
[generic] 36395 42852 84.9% -lh5- b9ec Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/tikal.va3d
[generic] 17946 64000 28.0% -lh5- d762 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/venus.chunky
[generic] 171796 171796 100.0% -lh0- 56a9 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/wisp_640x480.chunky
[generic] 1439 1648 87.3% -lh5- 64f4 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/wisp_640x480.palette
[generic] 126046 130932 96.3% -lh5- 4165 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/wood_640x480.chunky
[generic] 1441 1660 86.8% -lh5- bcb7 Sep 2 1998 absolon!/Data/wood_640x480.palette
[generic] 307 776 39.6% -lh5- f942 Sep 2 1998 file_id.diz
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Total 30 files 931539 1660980 56.1% Sep 3 1998
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Müller and the Aminet team.
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