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Short:CRUEL KARMA FORMS by Madwizards; 1st at Symphony 2001
Author:Madwizards 2001.
Uploader:sgeezus wp pl [azzaro]
Download:demo/aga/MWI-CruelKarma.lha - View contents


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                               | d   a   y   s |
                               | ha r d w o rk |
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                    watch me. be naughty. so cruel for fun.
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                it took so long to remember just what happened.
              i was so young and vestal then, you know it hurt me,
                  but I'm breathing so i guess i'm still alive
                    even if signs seem to tell me otherwise.
             i've got my hands bound, my head down, my eyes closed,
                            and my throat wide open.
                               |               |
                               |               |
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                               |               |                             |
                            __|| _____________ ||___________________________ ||_
                               ||             ||                            ||
                               ·               |        M A D W I Z A R D S  |
                                               ·           proudly presents  |
                              C  R  U  E  L   K  A  R  M  A   F  O  R  M  S  |
                                    symphony 2001 demoscene festival winner  |
                ·                                                       for  |
                |    selected computer addicted men worldwide one more time  |
              _|| __________________________________________________________|| _
                ||                                                           ||
         encore |                                                            |
          flopi |            nonstop programming demo engine and keyframing  ·
         whelpz |                                                        by
         potion |                    michal W  O  Z  N  I  A  K [kierownik]
  theblacklotus |
         veezya |        supervising visualism art direction and screenplay
         reason |                                                        by
      sunflower |       tomasz W  I  S  N  I  E  W  S  K  I, a.s.c [azzaro]
      ephidrena |
        suspend |               supermodels keyframing and nonstop sleeping
  bohemarecords |                                                        by
dualcrewshining |                              przemyslaw K  U  C  A [ubik]
        anadune |
        haujobb |  electronic generated hi-level audio psychedeic addiction
          moons |                                                        by
       appendix |                 jonaas V  Å  H  Å  M  Å  K  I [substance]
         decree |      ilmari H  U  T  T  U - H  I  L  T  U  N  E  N [loke]
         nature |              patryk G  E  G  N  I  E  W  I  C  Z [revisq]
         nuance |
      kangooroo |           widescreen visualism and several art components
       up'rough |                                                        by
ravenetworkoscn |                      gordian B  R  E  E  D  E [critikill]
       loveboat |    slawomir M  A  Z  U  R  K  I  E  W  I  C  Z [lil'fame]
           cncd |
   100%prophets |                               additional support theories
      prototype |                                                        by
       twilight |                     michal L  I  P  I  E  C  K  I [borys]
     threestate |                  kamil K  A  C  Z  M  A  R  E  K [budgie]  ·
           push |                                                            |
              _ ||__________________________________________________________ ||_
               ||                                                           ||
                |                                                            |
 made in poland    greetings handshakes respects kisses                      |
first presented    to                                                        |
    at symphony    these following people & institutions should be credited  |
      demoscene    4 various reasons: ANDRZEJ SROKA (photography art), TIMO  |
    festival in    HARJU (co-texture art), DIGITAL VISION INC (royalty free  |
  trzcianka, pl    photography art), HOFMAN PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY (travelling  |
   on september    in old australia  photography album art), STOCK ARCHIVES  |
      14th-16th    LONDON, england  (royalty free photography art),  MIKAEL  |
           2001 ·  KALMS (few codelines art) & OTHERS (megathanks ofcourse)  |
                |                                                            |
              _|| __________________________________________________________|| _
                ||                                                           ||
                |                                                            |
                |  cruel requirements goes like                              ·
                |  this
                |  poweramiga or compatible computer clone system, warp-up,
                |  warp-3d v4.2 or higher, ahi v4+, 64meg fastram, graphics
                |  card with acceleration (voodoo3 NOT prefered). it should
                |  run on  48meg machines but we do not guarantee it`ll run
                |  ok from  start to end.  we think  that avesome mpega.lib
                |  should be needed to play those mp3 soundtracks properly.  ·
                |                                                            |
              _ ||__________________________________________________________ ||_
               ||                                                           ||
                |                                                            |
                ·                                      we are sorry because  |
                                                                         of  |
                   all those loading time. we do what  we can  to make this  |
                   moments  shorter but from  the other side  there is much  |
                   more graphical data than usually  in this production and  |
                   it is still only amiga. we used  some several  optimised  |
                   procedures for faster decoding  stored data files. whole  |
                   graphics  material is stored in pure jpeg form. also all  |
                   soundtrack is  encoded with  using  mpeg  audio  layer-3  |
                   alghoritm. all scenes was modelled  with using lightwave  |
                   v5.6 and v6.5. 2d graphics processed with using newtek's  |
                ·  aura v1 and v2, adobe photoshop v5.5 and imagefx v4.      |
                |                                                            |
              _|| __________________________________________________________|| _
                ||                                                           ||
                |                                                            |
                |  for staying tuned                                         ·
                |  try
                |  on your own: (coder of this thing);
                |  (director of this thing);  ubik01@poczta.
                |  (supermodeller of  this thing);,
                |  (musicians  of  this  thing);
                | (widescreen visualisers of this thing).
                |  n  o     r   e   p   l   y     g  u  a  r  a  n  t  e  e  ·
                |                                                            |
              _ ||__________________________________________________________ ||_
               ||                                                           ||
                |                                                            |
 we are looking ·                           try madwizards' nonstop fanclub  |
  for tallented                                                          at  |
    graphicians                                            wojtek MCR nowak  |
  texturemakers          ul. czerwonych klonow 5/2, pl-33101 tarnow, poland  |
 img.processers                                        radek LAHVE hrdlicka  |
  and modellers            kralupska 1713, cz-25001 brandys n. labem, czech  |
 send offers to                                        marcin EVAN szmidtke  | ·        23, pl-37400 stalowa wola, poland  |
  +48-943410841 |                                                            |
              _|| __________________________________________________________|| _
                ||                                                           ||
                |                                                            |
                |  public statement
                |  for
                |  everybody: soundtrack should be available on bohema recs
                |  in few weeks - try at for quality tunes
                |  prepared by demoscene electronic addicted freaks all the
                |  time. ideology: whole production storyboard was splitted
                |  into two parts - PROPHECY and ORACLE -  which differs in
                |  much more details. basically this should be splitted for
                |  two  productions but due the final development we decide
                |  to put everything  together as long as  we got bunch  of
                |  support for other incoming  productions. we hope you are
                |  sattisfied after watching the results of this work. law:
                |  actual results could  really differ visually  from those
                |  currently  anticipated  due  to  a  number  of  factors,
                |  including  risks relating to the early state of products
                |  under  development;  uncertainties  relating  to c-party
                |  trials;  dependence  on  third  parties;  future capital
                |  needs;  and  risks relating to the commercialization, if
                |  any,  of  the madwizards group's proposed products such
                |  as   production   relation  marketing,  safety  working,
                |  regulatory, effects patent, product liability, non crash
                |  supply, competition and other risks. care about yourself
                |  finally - money making is a wonderfull thing,  isn`t it?  ·
                |                                                            |
              _ ||__________________________________________________________ ||_
               ||                                                           ||
                |                                                            |
                ·                                   [c] madwizards 1995-2001 |
                                                            layout by azzaro |

Contents of demo/aga/MWI-CruelKarma.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]               137639  390124  35.3% -lh5- 6a6c Sep 13  2001 detached/cruel01.dat
[generic]              2371315 2371315 100.0% -lh0- 28a6 Sep 12  2001 detached/cruel02.dat
[generic]               492368  555119  88.7% -lh5- 65e5 Sep 18  2001 detached/cruel03.dat
[generic]               448080  469452  95.4% -lh5- 7ab4 Sep 11  2001 detached/cruel04.dat
[generic]              3715072 3715072 100.0% -lh0- 8d2b Sep 18  2001 detached/cruel05.dat
[generic]              2611200 2611200 100.0% -lh0- 879c Sep 18  2001 detached/cruel06.dat
[generic]              2496512 2496512 100.0% -lh0- 593f Sep 18  2001 detached/cruel07.dat
[generic]                 6884   15676  43.9% -lh5- 9b6e Mar  4  2001 detached/libs/asyncio.library
[generic]                52071  119160  43.7% -lh5- 341e Sep 13  2001 detached/libs/jpeg.library
[generic]                54481  130976  41.6% -lh5- c461 Dec  5  1999 detached/libs/mpega.library
[generic]                14863   55492  26.8% -lh5- 5540 Sep  5  2001 detached/scenes/box_complex.lobj
[generic]                12098   37120  32.6% -lh5- 23b6 Sep  5  2001 detached/scenes/box_complex.lwol
[generic]                18772   55492  33.8% -lh5- 8f78 Sep  6  2001 detached/scenes/box_complex2.lobj
[generic]                 9171   16712  54.9% -lh5- 7aca Sep  7  2001 detached/scenes/cien/R_2.lobj
[generic]                49580   94832  52.3% -lh5- 66bb Sep  7  2001 detached/scenes/cien/R_22.lobj
[generic]                  101     252  40.1% -lh5- b5a5 Aug 18  2001 detached/scenes/credits/objects/1.lob
[generic]                  845    4631  18.2% -lh5- 2572 Aug 18  2001 detached/scenes/credits/_SCENKA.LWS
[generic]                  113     412  27.4% -lh5- a5a6 Aug 18  2001 detached/scenes/cubes/cube.lobj
[generic]                 3554    6716  52.9% -lh5- 5ba1 Sep  5  2001 detached/scenes/event/objects/1.lob
[generic]                 1803    5252  34.3% -lh5- 8c53 Sep  5  2001 detached/scenes/event/objects/2.lob
[generic]                 1808    5252  34.4% -lh5- bb00 Sep  5  2001 detached/scenes/event/objects/3.lob
[generic]                 7329   17424  42.1% -lh5- 5331 Sep  5  2001 detached/scenes/event/objects/4.lob
[generic]                  777    2165  35.9% -lh5- 0df5 Sep  5  2001 detached/scenes/event/SCENKA.LWS
[generic]                  761    2043  37.2% -lh5- 61a6 Sep  5  2001 detached/scenes/event/_SCENKA1.LWS
[generic]                21645   49548  43.7% -lh5- dc41 Sep 10  2001 detached/scenes/kowadla/objects/1.lob
[generic]                 3016    8164  36.9% -lh5- eea4 Aug 21  2001 detached/scenes/kowadla/objects/r_3.lob
[generic]                  153     496  30.8% -lh5- 48dd Aug 21  2001 detached/scenes/kowadla/objects/r_3_flary.lob
[generic]                 1156    6948  16.6% -lh5- b314 Aug 21  2001 detached/scenes/kowadla/_scenka1.lws
[generic]                 1156    7011  16.5% -lh5- ffca Aug 21  2001 detached/scenes/kowadla/_scenka2.lws
[generic]                 1158    7010  16.5% -lh5- 9005 Aug 21  2001 detached/scenes/kowadla/_scenka3.lws
[generic]                 1158    7009  16.5% -lh5- bd0d Aug 21  2001 detached/scenes/kowadla/_scenka4.lws
[generic]                 1182    7075  16.7% -lh5- bb68 Aug 21  2001 detached/scenes/kowadla/_scenka5.lws
[generic]                55405  105964  52.3% -lh5- 09a6 Aug 26  2001 detached/scenes/kula/kula.lobj
[generic]                55405  105964  52.3% -lh5- 09a6 Aug 26  2001 detached/scenes/kula/objects/kula.lobj
[generic]                29636   47016  63.0% -lh5- 14e2 Sep  6  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatek/objects/kwiecie.lob
[generic]                  531    1056  50.3% -lh5- b7ed Aug 22  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/FLARKI.lob
[generic]                11986   16384  73.2% -lh5- addb Aug 26  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/KWIAT_1.lob
[generic]                22697   31040  73.1% -lh5- 65e1 Aug 20  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/KWIAT_2.lob
[generic]                11993   16384  73.2% -lh5- 5ca3 Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/kwiat_3.lob
[generic]                16987   33100  51.3% -lh5- 66eb Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/lapa.lob
[generic]                 8369   16352  51.2% -lh5- b3e3 Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/lapa2.lob
[generic]                 2925    6124  47.8% -lh5- d9ad Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/lapa3a.lob
[generic]                 5693   12224  46.6% -lh5- f124 Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/lapa3b.lob
[generic]                 5734   12224  46.9% -lh5- ee37 Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/lapa3bb.lob
[generic]                  627     876  71.6% -lh5- 347b Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/lisc_1.lob
[generic]                  592     820  72.2% -lh5- 2045 Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/lisc_2.lob
[generic]                  865    1164  74.3% -lh5- 418a Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/lisc_3.lob
[generic]                 1786    2644  67.5% -lh5- b5c3 Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/lodyga.lob
[generic]                 6137    8352  73.5% -lh5- 3e0a Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/pak.lob
[generic]                  838    1120  74.8% -lh5- 3443 Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/platek_1.lob
[generic]                  876    1184  74.0% -lh5- 63e4 Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/platek_2.lob
[generic]                  857    1132  75.7% -lh5- d24d Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/platek_3.lob
[generic]                  775    1016  76.3% -lh5- 6e07 Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/platek_4.lob
[generic]                  807    1060  76.1% -lh5- 8660 Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/platek_5.lob
[generic]                   86     252  34.1% -lh5- 2a1c Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/podloga.lob
[generic]                   95     252  37.7% -lh5- 15e0 Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/objects/sciana.lob
[generic]                  765    1632  46.9% -lh5- b895 Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/_scenka1.lws
[generic]                 1494    4098  36.5% -lh5- f783 Aug 26  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/_scenka3.lws
[generic]                 1518    7915  19.2% -lh5- a6b0 Aug 26  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/_scenka4.lws
[generic]                 1744    6666  26.2% -lh5- 721e Aug 26  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/_scenka5.lws
[generic]                 1335    6570  20.3% -lh5- 7133 Aug 26  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/_scenka6.lws
[generic]                 1475    5848  25.2% -lh5- 4778 Aug 26  2001 detached/scenes/kwiatki/_scenka8.lws
[generic]                 8873   17996  49.3% -lh5- 1d05 Sep  8  2001 detached/scenes/mawi/ZNAK_01.lobj
[generic]                10098   17996  56.1% -lh5- f6ec Sep  8  2001 detached/scenes/mawi/ZNAK_04.lobj
[generic]                17593   60156  29.2% -lh5- 0ccb Aug 20  2001 detached/scenes/pieciakat/objects/2.lob
[generic]                 6275   12156  51.6% -lh5- 7eee Aug 23  2001 detached/scenes/pieciakat/objects/FLARKI.lob
[generic]                  737    1615  45.6% -lh5- 6f8f Aug 20  2001 detached/scenes/pieciakat/_SCENKA1.LWS
[generic]                  732    1594  45.9% -lh5- 8104 Aug 20  2001 detached/scenes/pieciakat/_SCENKA2.LWS
[generic]                  680    1506  45.2% -lh5- c8df Aug 20  2001 detached/scenes/pieciakat/_SCENKA3.LWS
[generic]                  680    1507  45.1% -lh5- b290 Aug 20  2001 detached/scenes/pieciakat/_SCENKA4.LWS
[generic]                  690    1519  45.4% -lh5- 052b Aug 20  2001 detached/scenes/pieciakat/_SCENKA5.LWS
[generic]                   53     252  21.0% -lh5- 8d8e Aug 20  2001 detached/scenes/plane.lobj
[generic]                   63     252  25.0% -lh5- acfc Aug 24  2001 detached/scenes/planeXY.lobj
[generic]                11005   38320  28.7% -lh5- 9da6 Sep  5  2001 detached/scenes/plane_complexXY.lobj
[generic]                29602   43100  68.7% -lh5- 4404 Aug 21  2001 detached/scenes/smigla/objects/dziewczynka.lob
[generic]                 1425    2800  50.9% -lh5- 0628 Aug 21  2001 detached/scenes/smigla/objects/latawiec_1.lob
[generic]                 1520    2800  54.3% -lh5- 0236 Aug 21  2001 detached/scenes/smigla/objects/latawiec_2.lob
[generic]                 1495    2800  53.4% -lh5- 6f35 Aug 21  2001 detached/scenes/smigla/objects/latawiec_3.lob
[generic]                 1509    2800  53.9% -lh5- 977c Aug 21  2001 detached/scenes/smigla/objects/latawiec_4.lob
[generic]                 2555    6432  39.7% -lh5- 01ba Aug 26  2001 detached/scenes/smigla/objects/niebo.lob
[generic]                 5025    7108  70.7% -lh5- 8ec0 Aug 21  2001 detached/scenes/smigla/objects/smiglo.lob
[generic]                 1215    2232  54.4% -lh5- 6976 Aug 21  2001 detached/scenes/smigla/objects/wiatrak.lob
[generic]                 1992    2800  71.1% -lh5- b789 Aug 25  2001 detached/scenes/smigla/objects/ziemia.lob
[generic]                 1146    5991  19.1% -lh5- dbf7 Aug 27  2001 detached/scenes/smigla/_scenka10.lws
[generic]                 1036    5477  18.9% -lh5- c9c4 Aug 27  2001 detached/scenes/smigla/_scenka6.lws
[generic]                 1034    5529  18.7% -lh5- c8e8 Aug 27  2001 detached/scenes/smigla/_scenka7.lws
[generic]                 1252    6073  20.6% -lh5- 0044 Aug 27  2001 detached/scenes/smigla/_scenka8.lws
[generic]                 1321    6197  21.3% -lh5- 956e Aug 27  2001 detached/scenes/smigla/_scenka9.lws
[generic]                19386   55492  34.9% -lh5- 1a8f Aug 18  2001 detached/scenes/sphere_complex2.lobj
[generic]                 3554    6716  52.9% -lh5- 5ba1 Sep  5  2001 detached/scenes/sphere_tex.lobj
[generic]                45891   75292  61.0% -lh5- 167c Sep  6  2001 detached/scenes/szczeki/objects/MAIN.lobj
[generic]                19741   29268  67.4% -lh5- ed7e Sep  7  2001 detached/scenes/szczeki/objects/main_low.lobj
[generic]                57318  113300  50.6% -lh5- 73bd Sep 13  2001 detached/scenes/tv/objects/MAIN.lob
[generic]               165544  466720  35.5% -lh5- 2cd9 Sep 18  2001 mwi-ckf.exe
[generic]                 4064   15910  25.5% -lh5- 3863 Sep 18  2001 mwi-ckf.txt
[generic]                 2854    9075  31.4% -lh5- ab12 Sep 18  2001 remorse9/MWI-News0115.TXT
[generic]                  235     419  56.1% -lh5- 0207 Sep 18  2001 file_id.diz
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        97 files 13216047 14757295  89.6%            Oct 24  2001
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