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The Experience Presents:
T.L.A. - Three Letter Acronym
Presented at Coven '97, Adelaide, Australia (July'97)
Requirements: AGA Amiga, 020 minimum, 4 Meg FAST RAM
Credits for this demo:
* Raven - Coding + Raytracing
* Epsilon - Music + Graphics
* Traksion - Graphics
Contact Details:
If you are after any of the graphics or mods used in this demo
please don't bother trying to rip them out. They are all freely
available on our web site (maintained by Dave):
Point your browsers to:
You can also contact the members of The Experience via email:
Raven: mathomps@cs.adelaide.edu.au (Until July '98)
Epsilon: sajeffer@cs.adelaide.edu.au (Until July '98)
Traksion: traksion@student.adelaide.edu.au (Until end of '97)
Dave: djwright@cs.adelaide.edu.au
Nic: nssmelt@cs.adelaide.edu.au (Until July '98)
The Experience Memberlist: Raven, Epsilon, Traksion, Dave, Nic.
The Experience greets: Essence, TBL, Virtual Dreams, Balance, and
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the Amiga Scene generally.
Note: If you wish to distribute this demo on a CD then please
send us all a copy of the CD!
© Copyright The Experience 1997
Contents of demo/aga/exp_tla.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 657 1431 45.9% -lh5- d7aa Aug 2 1997 tla.txt
[generic] 653401 677872 96.4% -lh5- b9a8 Jul 28 1997 tla_demo
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 654058 679303 96.3% Aug 8 1997
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