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This is an Amiga port(based on Linux port by Steven Wills) of the old
school DOS proggy 'AcidWarp' by Noah Spurrier. Basically this is superb
90's eye candy i saw long time ago on my friend's PC. I was amazed how
nice this thing is and i felt like i want it really bad! Unfortunately
it didnt work very well under the 'PC-Task' emulator. Happily few weeks
ago i found the src. code on the net, overlooked it and decided to port
this little thingie to Miggy. This weekend i finally found some spare
time and so 'AcidWarp' can now Warp yer Amigish brain too!
[06-Jun-2010] 1.0-1 Thanks to Sotiris who reported that there
is no palette rotation on RGB screens!
Indeed 'LoadRGBx()' cant make any changes
to RGB(15+ bit screens) palette... I have
added a workaround that tries to guess
nearest 6/8 bit screen mode upon RGB one.
Made some major changes to rendition: ECS
looks better now plus added mode switch,
removed per line drawing scheme, shielded
drawing with locks.
Improved sub-task synchronisation a bit.
Requires 68000+(no FPU)(68030+ strongly recommended), OS 2.04+, 256+ k
of free memory, ECS(EHB)/AGA/CGX/P96/...(CMAP - 6/8bit screens only!)
Proggy works very smooth even on a plain A1200, but image generation is
slow. To fully enjoy the visuals you should have some fast mem. and set
the resolution to something like 320x200(NTSC == '-r 0x11000'), this is
the native 'AcidWarp' resoultion anyway.
Initial image generation is being done in the main task, so you will
have to wait for a few seconds or longer depending on the CPU you have.
Image generation time depends also on the resolution!
Although there is ECS support, that requires EHB screen mode i did not
test it on a real ECS machine! You can use '-e' option on non-ECS Amiga
as well - certain effects look very different in 64 colors, which does
not necessarily mean ugly, but mostly yes :-) - .
To control the 'AcidWarp' use these keys(feedback provided by a simple
8 = Causes the pallette to rotate faster.
2 = Causes the pallette to rotate slower.
l = Lock on the current picture.
k = Switch to the next pallette.
p = Totally stops pallette rotation.
q = Causes Acidwarp to exit.
n = Next picture.
m = ECS mode switch(there are 3 modes).
Palette rotation speed('-s') below 5000us has no effect on wait routine
which means full speed! If you want to go at full speed on a slow CPU
then use '-l' option.
All the 15+ bit wide screen modes will be seek for 8 bit equivalents!
There may be errors if none of the 8 bit screens is present on the mon.
I did observe strange behavior of Mortens C2P routine under 68020 with
fast memory under V39 of the OS which is not remapped and with no gfx
patches and an interlaced, bandwidth hungry screen resolution(640x480).
There is an effect of stroboscope between each frame when the pallete
is being rotated.
Warning, 'WriteChunkyPixels()' as mapped by 'gfxpatch' under V39 of the
OS may cause troubles! Also, 'WritePixelArray8()' in V39 is broken, so
use 'systempatch'.
Do major code cleanup, because now it looks like a puzzle and is very
The default randomisation routine is very bad, so this really needs to
be improved.
Map 'mathieeedoubbas' routines. Would that speedup image generation?
And what about the internal compatiblity?
More control over the palette rotation and more palette definitions.
Find a person who will do that.
-d <n> - Delay between pictures in seconds, the default value is 20.
-r <n> - Amiga ModeID(hexadecimal or decimal), by default Workbench
ModeID will be used or if it is not opened then 0.
-e - ECS setup(this is a switch).
-l - Lower the priority of the effect generation sub-task(main-1)
(this is also a switch).
-f <n> - Which effect(0-40) should be displayed as the first one?
-p <n> - Which palette(0-8) should be new default one, by default it
will be randomised per picture.
-m - Use Morten Eriksen C2P(images rendition will be much faster
on ECS/AGA, this switch will do nothing under gfx card)
-n - Dont display title picture.
-s <n> - Palette rotation speed in us, the default value is 30000.
-w - Prints "The Warper" text file(also a switch).
; start with some brain washing
; (may not warp too fast on 68020)
acidwarp -n -f 34 -e -l -s 0
; let the laser beam do scary things
acidwarp -n -f 23 -p 6
; pick some other modeid
; (thru: util/moni/GetModeID.lha)
set acidwarpmid `getmodeid 0x`
acidwarp -n -r $acidwarpmid -l -p 0
; speedy slideshow
; (requires rather fast cpu, on a slow
; one there will be just darkness)
acidwarp -n -l -p 1 -d 5 -s 5000
; let the tiny purple creatures decide
Contents of demo/misc/acidwarp.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 29870 64400 46.4% -lh5- f8e7 Jun 11 17:52 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/acidwarp
[generic] 30272 66068 45.8% -lh5- 74b3 Jun 11 17:55 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/acidwarp-68000
[generic] 1664 3249 51.2% -lh5- 7d25 Nov 15 1996 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/README
[generic] 2506 5423 46.2% -lh5- 5689 Jun 11 18:03 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/README.amiga
[generic] 991 1853 53.5% -lh5- 5fe8 Jan 4 1980 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/acidwarp.6
[generic] 5863 24688 23.7% -lh5- 461c Jun 9 22:17 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/acidwarp.c
[generic] 544 1218 44.7% -lh5- e826 May 15 02:55 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/acidwarp.h
[generic] 5140 20180 25.5% -lh5- 0e8f Jun 11 17:47 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/amiga.c
[generic] 950 2622 36.2% -lh5- 26f8 Jun 7 03:00 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/amiga.h
[generic] 2000 12023 16.6% -lh5- 0f78 Jul 20 1996 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/bit_map.c
[generic] 157 251 62.5% -lh5- 5941 Jul 14 1996 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/bit_map.h
[generic] 679 1463 46.4% -lh5- 2826 May 15 01:55 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/handy.h
[generic] 7619 28929 26.3% -lh5- 2862 Jul 20 1996 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/lut.c
[generic] 366 839 43.6% -lh5- 8363 Jul 18 1996 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/lut.h
[generic] 336 572 58.7% -lh5- a410 Jun 11 17:53 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/Makefile
[generic] 178 299 59.5% -lh5- 12a8 May 14 16:22 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/Makefile-linux
[generic] 772 4992 15.5% -lh5- a24c Aug 8 1996 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/palinit.c
[generic] 115 292 39.4% -lh5- 8825 Jul 14 1996 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/palinit.h
[generic] 1620 5553 29.2% -lh5- bbf5 Aug 12 1996 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/rolnfade.c
[generic] 200 602 33.2% -lh5- c3f5 Jul 17 1996 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/rolnfade.h
[generic] 40 40 100.0% -lh0- 71d1 May 15 00:49 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/vga.h
[generic] 20 20 100.0% -lh0- f2da May 15 00:48 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/vgagl.h
[generic] 20 20 100.0% -lh0- f2da May 15 00:49 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/vgakeyboard.h
[generic] 6009 16803 35.8% -lh5- 9274 Jun 6 17:23 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/src/warp_text.c
[generic] 89 101 88.1% -lh5- 18ea Aug 9 1996 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/Thanks
[generic] 100 129 77.5% -lh5- 0880 Nov 15 1996 acidwarp-1.0-1-bin-m68k/TODO
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 26 files 98120 262629 37.4% Jun 11 19:12
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