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\______ \_______ \_______ \__ | \_______ \__ _________ _____/
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`----' `----' `----' `----' `----' `----' `----'
.---.----(*( provides you with another high quality fix )*)---.---.
`-./ \.-'
MultiMegaMix/Kefrens - 1oo% fixed and improved
Hello and welcome to a new fix performed by your favourite coffee lover #1 :)
Now, 1o years after the original release, we give you the fixed version of
Kefrens' MultiMegaMix. As usual I've fixed all absolute address references
and some other stuff such as:
- trackloader replaced by a standard DOS-loader
- completely new startup code
- empty 'dbf-loops' in replayer fixed
- exit option added (press left mouse button in main part)
- should work on all 68k CPU's now
Ok, enough boasting ;). Enjoy!
Coming soon from the Darkage smoking errm fixing :) factory:
· Legalize It 2 / Anarchy
· MultiMegaMix 2&3 / Kefrens
· Coma / Rebels (requested by Spot/Up Rough)
If you want to have a fix for your favourite demo, simply drop me a mail at:
Have fun and remember the good ol' times!
P.S.: This is fix #2 of the 'When WHD-Load is not enough' series ;)
Regards from good ol' Stingah! Damn, I'm growing old :)
*** Keep the faith! ***
___ ___
_____/\________/\___) ! ¬| _____/\__________ _____/\ .____
_/ ____ /\ __ _ /____ ___: !/ ____ /\_______ ¬\_ / __._ ¬\___! ¬!
\_____\/ ¬\__/ |_/ ¬| ¬\ / \._\/ ¬/ ¬: __/_/ \____ \ ¬: :
\_______ // ! i____ ! \___\_________\____| /_____! \ ___·
--------- \//___: --- \: | --- [ceA!] \ --- \______/ - : \__! ---
·___! we live, we die, we multiply ·_______\
.---.----(-( GiRL POWER? NO WAY! ONE MAN - ONE ROUTINE )-)---.---.
`-./ \.-'
Contents of demo/sound/DKG-MMFX.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1051 2602 40.4% -lh5- 1080 Jul 25 2001 DKG-MMFX.txt
[generic] 167 367 45.5% -lh5- e141 Jul 25 2001 file_id.diz
[generic] 53526 99916 53.6% -lh5- 0974 Jul 25 2001 MultiMegaMix
[generic] 544335 684248 79.6% -lh5- 6119 Jul 25 2001 MultiMegaMix.dat
[generic] 901 1298 69.4% -lh5- bf54 Jul 25 2001 MultiMegaMix.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 599980 788431 76.1% Jul 28 2001
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