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-=> DeGeNeRaTiOn <=-
.--- - - - - .
| "...In Death Of Disco"
: :
. THE MeTaL MuSiC DiSk |
_ _ _ _ ___'
Released on 27/2/'96
Disk 2 of 2
Tested On :
- Amiga 500 KS1.3 1Mb Ram External Drive
- Amiga 1200 KS3.0 2Mb Ram HD30Mb
- Amiga 1200 KS3.1 2Mb Ram HD1.6Gb :-)
HD Installable!
60 minutes and 17 songs of pure metal music + 3 ambient songs!!!
Exit to OS!
"Made in Italy" ;-)
Contents of demo/sound/IdodDisk2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 41914 53137 78.9% -lh5- 8e4d Dec 20 1992 african_mistery
[generic] 49287 58391 84.4% -lh5- 1f4f Dec 20 1992 clockwork_kid
[generic] 28300 36256 78.1% -lh5- ff99 Dec 20 1992 flood
[generic] 35755 50746 70.5% -lh5- 263e Dec 20 1992 happy_terrorist
[generic] 62542 74591 83.8% -lh5- e7cd Dec 20 1992 hunter_s_song
[generic] 21 21 100.0% -lh0- 12eb Dec 20 1992 idod2.id
[generic] 35416 43317 81.8% -lh5- 44cf Dec 20 1992 kadath
[generic] 47873 59193 80.9% -lh5- 4fdb Dec 20 1992 march
[generic] 62069 83628 74.2% -lh5- 7601 Dec 20 1992 no_more
[generic] 380 1002 37.9% -lh5- 9cd0 Aug 31 1995 ReadMe.txt
[generic] 50805 62796 80.9% -lh5- a171 Dec 20 1992 rough
[generic] 59709 74975 79.6% -lh5- ec3e Dec 20 1992 run_to_the_life
[generic] 51234 60203 85.1% -lh5- d711 Dec 20 1992 the_melody_of_death
[generic] 44453 56692 78.4% -lh5- 4f9d Dec 20 1992 tribute
[generic] 54970 63580 86.5% -lh5- 480a Dec 20 1992 trip_em_all
[generic] 31603 43525 72.6% -lh5- 1c6a Dec 20 1992 you_lose_it!
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 16 files 656331 822053 79.8% Mar 8 1996
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