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[ r e l e a s e n o t e s n e w s u p d a t e ]
release named 'jr. francisco inna echochamber ep' (up-ep009.lha)
l a t e s t a c t i v e u p r o u g h h e r o e s
elusive stereofonik development p@fett.net
teis stereofonik development teis@moplayaz.com
wentakura stereofonik development compono@telia.com
qwan poetry, stereofonik dev. qwan@bboy.com
skope ink, stereofonik development skope@uprough.com
spot ink, stereofonik development spot@uprough.com
mortimer ink, stereofonik development mt@uprough.com
plus8 ink, networking engineer plus8@uprough.com
idol ink lucas414@hotmail.com
blade scientist, stereofonik dev. pero@dds.nl
booger scientist boog@hem.passagen.se
zaner phiber optikz operator zaner@gmx.net
case phiber optikz hustla powerjack@mail.ru
online www.uprough.com uprough@onelist.com
d i v i n e s t y l e r s / u p r o u g h
dino ascii n/a
mortimer ascii mt@uprough.com
orlingo ascii orlingo@publishnet.nl
skope ascii skope@uprough.com
spot ascii spot@uprough.com
zaner ascii zaner@lightforce.net
online www.uprough.com/soon.html
r e l e a s e d s o f a r
release o36 up-ep009.lha
title jr. francisco inna echochamber ep
category musicdisk
creator(s) up rough crew
release o35 up-ep008.lha
title twangin' ep
category musicdisk
creator(s) up rough crew
release 034 sige dame maz
title sige_dame_maz.mp3
category mp3
creator(s) wentakura
release o33 up-rockg.lha
title rockers galore
category compomusic from underscore (4ch)
creator(s) skope
release o32 up-preye.lha
title private eye
category compomusic from underscore (mp3)
creator(s) qwan
release o31 up-wildj.lha
title the wildjazz style!
category compomusic from underscore (multi)
creator(s) qwan
release o3o up-score.lha
title under the score
category compomusic from underscore (chip)
creator(s) qwan
release o29 up-analo.lha
title analogi'que
category compomusic from underscore (4ch)
creator(s) qwan
release o28 up-7-001.lha
title automatic gear single
category single
creator(s) up rough crew + substance
release o27 up-april.lha
title april in paris
category demo
creator(s) booger model spot plus8 skope
release o26 up-ep007.lha
title another day ep
category musicdisk
creator(s) up rough crew
release o25 up-rulez.lha
title ink
category intro
creator(s) booger model mortimer twang skope & spot
release o24 up-crstl.lha
title thx.crystal_cracktro
category module
creator(s) skope & spot
release o23 up-ep006.lha
title technical knockout ep
category musicdisk
creator(s) up rough crew
release o22 up-ep005.lha
title lowtech ep
category musicdisk
creator(s) up rough crew
release o21 up-ep004.lha
title mixagrip ep
category musicdisk
creator(s) up rough crew
release o20 up-ep003.lha
title aggression session ep
category musicdisk
creator(s) up rough crew
release o19 up-ep002.lha
title elektrocity ep
category musicdisk
creator(s) up rough crew
release o18 up-ep001.lha
title tropic fish ep
category musicdisk
creator(s) up rough crew
release o17 up-herth.lha
title the hermano theory
category drum+bass/ascii combo
creator(s) skope
release o16 up-spect.lha
title spectrum
category sound creator
creator(s) model
release o15 up-intro.lha
title introducin
category 64k intro @ icing 99
creator(s) skope, spot, blueberry/efreet
release o14 up-warp.lha
title in warp
category drum+bass @ icing 99
creator(s) qwan
release o13 up-rough.lha
title rough cutz
category instr. hiphop @ icing 99
creator(s) spot
release o12 up-april.lha
title april in paris
category instr. hiphop @ icing 99
creator(s) skope
release o11 up-dundr.lha
title dundersylt
category drum+bass @ icing 99
creator(s) elusive
release o1o up-tiny.txt
title tiny beats
category drum+bass/ascii combo
creator(s) skope
release oo9 up-myres.lha
title my respekt
category instr. hiphop/ascii combo
creator(s) spot, mortimer twang
release oo8 up-amluv.lha
title all my luv
category ascii
creator(s) spot
release oo7 up-lowin.lha
title lower intentions
category drum+bass/ascii combo
creator(s) skope, spot
release oo6 up-kevin.lha
title kevin
category raytrace @ compusphere x
creator(s) plus8
release oo5 up-proag.lha
title professor aggressor
category drum+bass @ compusphere x
creator(s) skope
release oo4 up-disko.lha
title disko divas
category house @ compusphere x
creator(s) spot
release oo3 up-anthm.lha
title uprough anthem
category drum+bass @ icing 98
creator(s) skope
release oo2 up-ndrnt.lha
title underneath our home
category experimental mod @ icing 98
creator(s) spot
release oo1 up-ad001.lha
title analogue drum kits vol 1
category samplepack
creator(s) skope
c a t c h ` e m a l l a t w w w . u p r o u g h . c o m
Contents of demo/sound/up-ep009.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 7776 27747 28.0% -lh5- e005 Jul 13 2001 ep-install/EP.guide
[generic] 861 1024 84.1% -lh5- 855b Jul 13 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/intropic2pal
[generic] 1007 1025 98.2% -lh5- 761d Jul 13 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/intropic2pal.up
[generic] 20 20 100.0% -lh0- 0756 Jul 13 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/intropicsinfo.up
[generic] 192 692 27.7% -lh5- f243 Jan 11 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/jrfrancisco.info
[generic] 65 65 100.0% -lh0- f34a May 20 2000 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/mouse.up
[generic] 257 257 100.0% -lh0- 0c41 Jul 13 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/palette.up
[generic] 123282 230401 53.5% -lh5- 4f04 Jul 13 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/panel.up
[generic] 5 5 100.0% -lh0- 323e Mar 17 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/version.up
[generic] 8484 8889 95.4% -lh5- dd9b Jun 19 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/effect.up
[generic] 5421 5593 96.9% -lh5- a72d Jun 6 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/effectwireobj.up
[generic] 11378 11901 95.6% -lh5- 23b0 Jan 19 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/Intro.up
[generic] 3240 3441 94.2% -lh5- 12b3 Jan 17 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/intropic1.up
[generic] 9 9 100.0% -lh0- ed37 Jan 16 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/intropic1pal.up
[generic] 37 37 100.0% -lh0- 199a Jan 22 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt03.up
[generic] 39 39 100.0% -lh0- 6a32 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt20.up
[generic] 38 38 100.0% -lh0- bafa Jul 13 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt21.up
[generic] 35 35 100.0% -lh0- cbfc Jul 13 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt22.up
[generic] 5560 6796 81.8% -lh5- 1726 Jul 13 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/modtxt03.up
[generic] 384 408 94.1% -lh5- d9da Jan 22 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/modtxt04.up
[generic] 49 49 100.0% -lh0- 4651 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt01.up
[generic] 51 51 100.0% -lh0- 739f Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt04.up
[generic] 41 41 100.0% -lh0- b965 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt09.up
[generic] 35 35 100.0% -lh0- 91f6 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt10.up
[generic] 38 38 100.0% -lh0- 8a04 Jan 22 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt17.up
[generic] 39 39 100.0% -lh0- 59d4 Jan 22 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt18.up
[generic] 41 41 100.0% -lh0- ec3f Jan 23 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt19.up
[generic] 5052 6136 82.3% -lh5- eea0 Jul 13 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/modtxt00.up
[generic] 5575 6778 82.3% -lh5- 7ecc Jul 13 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/modtxt02.up
[generic] 45 45 100.0% -lh0- 11d0 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt08.up
[generic] 51 51 100.0% -lh0- d29c Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt11.up
[generic] 40 40 100.0% -lh0- 3081 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt12.up
[generic] 40 40 100.0% -lh0- 05f6 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt13.up
[generic] 49 49 100.0% -lh0- 144f Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt14.up
[generic] 41 41 100.0% -lh0- d1ac Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt15.up
[generic] 46 46 100.0% -lh0- 1f6c Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt16.up
[generic] 3482 4993 69.7% -lh5- 3e5f Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb09.up
[generic] 990 1921 51.5% -lh5- 98b8 Jan 22 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb19.up
[generic] 2749 6721 40.9% -lh5- 08e9 Jul 13 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb21.up
[generic] 3740 4993 74.9% -lh5- ef4e Jul 13 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb22.up
[generic] 5533 6739 82.1% -lh5- fed2 Jul 13 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/modtxt01.up
[generic] 43 43 100.0% -lh0- 9ff5 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt02.up
[generic] 53 53 100.0% -lh0- f1a7 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt05.up
[generic] 50 50 100.0% -lh0- 183e Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt06.up
[generic] 47 47 100.0% -lh0- 1a63 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/texts/parttxt07.up
[generic] 9551 17281 55.3% -lh5- 77bc Jan 22 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part03.up
[generic] 12242 19201 63.8% -lh5- 4d65 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part09.up
[generic] 11478 19201 59.8% -lh5- e558 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part16.up
[generic] 11269 19201 58.7% -lh5- ae34 Jan 22 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part17.up
[generic] 3779 6721 56.2% -lh5- 3efe Jan 22 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part18.up
[generic] 1693 6385 26.5% -lh5- 83ce Jan 22 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part19.up
[generic] 14212 26401 53.8% -lh5- 1835 Jul 13 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part21.up
[generic] 13507 19201 70.3% -lh5- 5657 Jul 13 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part22.up
[generic] 2217 4609 48.1% -lh5- e11f Jan 22 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb03.up
[generic] 2205 6721 32.8% -lh5- 5388 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part20.up
[generic] 898 1441 62.3% -lh5- 1c77 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb10.up
[generic] 1028 1921 53.5% -lh5- 3d89 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb12.up
[generic] 1989 4321 46.0% -lh5- 34c5 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb14.up
[generic] 3012 4993 60.3% -lh5- 6120 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb15.up
[generic] 3396 4993 68.0% -lh5- 7a61 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb16.up
[generic] 3146 4993 63.0% -lh5- 9f1c Jan 22 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb17.up
[generic] 1213 1921 63.1% -lh5- c5c4 Jan 22 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb18.up
[generic] 869 1921 45.2% -lh5- 578d Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb20.up
[generic] 7283 17281 42.1% -lh5- 8442 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part01.up
[generic] 14747 32257 45.7% -lh5- f7fc Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part04.up
[generic] 12122 29953 40.5% -lh5- 2515 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part05.up
[generic] 2093 7729 27.1% -lh5- 4963 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part07.up
[generic] 3275 8065 40.6% -lh5- beb6 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb04.up
[generic] 2566 7489 34.3% -lh5- 8ef8 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb05.up
[generic] 2362 4801 49.2% -lh5- 39a8 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb06.up
[generic] 892 2305 38.7% -lh5- 6076 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb07.up
[generic] 2944 7201 40.9% -lh5- c607 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb08.up
[generic] 12532 19969 62.8% -lh5- 3830 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part02.up
[generic] 14693 27841 52.8% -lh5- 14cb Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part08.up
[generic] 1918 7057 27.2% -lh5- bf0d Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part10.up
[generic] 8753 18241 48.0% -lh5- ccf9 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part11.up
[generic] 1773 6721 26.4% -lh5- 968e Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part12.up
[generic] 8011 16417 48.8% -lh5- 6179 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part14.up
[generic] 12513 19969 62.7% -lh5- 042c Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part15.up
[generic] 2002 4321 46.3% -lh5- 0797 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb01.up
[generic] 894 1921 46.5% -lh5- 66a7 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb13.up
[generic] 398 769 51.8% -lh5- 8cdd May 8 2000 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/buttons/arrowrightd.up
[generic] 19787 21425 92.4% -lh5- 1587 May 18 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/modules/module00.up
[generic] 249359 282303 88.3% -lh5- db16 May 3 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/modules/module01.up
[generic] 465233 519935 89.5% -lh5- f475 May 3 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/modules/module02.up
[generic] 365861 401781 91.1% -lh5- 73ef May 3 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/modules/module03.up
[generic] 9110 19201 47.4% -lh5- b8f6 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part06.up
[generic] 1905 6721 28.3% -lh5- e943 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/part13.up
[generic] 2931 4993 58.7% -lh5- e099 Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb02.up
[generic] 2351 4801 49.0% -lh5- 520b Jan 10 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/parts/symb11.up
[generic] 428 769 55.7% -lh5- 275d May 8 2000 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/buttons/arrowleftd.up
[generic] 450 769 58.5% -lh5- 1328 May 8 2000 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/buttons/arrowleftu.up
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[generic] 413 769 53.7% -lh5- ef95 Jan 20 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/buttons/button01u.up
[generic] 508 769 66.1% -lh5- 348b Jan 20 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/buttons/button02d.up
[generic] 563 769 73.2% -lh5- 9656 Jan 20 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/buttons/button02u.up
[generic] 542 769 70.5% -lh5- 5a6b Jan 20 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/buttons/button03d.up
[generic] 532 769 69.2% -lh5- c4a8 Jan 20 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/buttons/button03u.up
[generic] 6097 14037 43.4% -lh5- f963 Jan 31 2001 ep-install/docs/blazewcp.guide
[generic] 1134 2148 52.8% -lh5- 63b0 Jun 19 2000 ep-install/docs/blazewcp.guide.info
[generic] 667 1320 50.5% -lh5- 1b45 Sep 27 2000 ep-install/docs/dbplayer.readme
[generic] 418 769 54.4% -lh5- 6dee May 8 2000 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/buttons/arrowrightu.up
[generic] 1411 2888 48.9% -lh5- 6a8d Jun 19 1980 ep-install/fonts/upepfont/8
[generic] 1514 2888 52.4% -lh5- d3dc Jan 19 1980 ep-install/fonts/upepfont/8f
[generic] 9270 16960 54.7% -lh5- 78de Sep 27 2000 ep-install/libs/dbplayer.library
[generic] 4610 8048 57.3% -lh5- 535b Sep 27 2000 ep-install/libs/ptreplay.library
[generic] 98 98 100.0% -lh0- 4dd4 Jan 11 1980 ep-install/Prefs
[generic] 237 630 37.6% -lh5- 39c3 Jul 13 2001 ep-install/Prefs.info
[generic] 105 105 100.0% -lh0- 9c1f Jan 11 1980 ep-install/PrefsMUI
[generic] 236 630 37.5% -lh5- 7f03 Jul 13 2001 ep-install/PrefsMUI.info
[generic] 1006 2453 41.0% -lh5- 2b2f Jan 11 1980 ep-install/Start
[generic] 226 662 34.1% -lh5- a9af Jul 13 2001 ep-install/Start.info
[generic] 2442 6460 37.8% -lh5- f04a Jan 31 2001 ep-install/c/blazewcp
[generic] 1390 12289 11.3% -lh5- 0c1d Sep 27 2000 ep-install/data/Logo.up
[generic] 257 257 100.0% -lh0- dde1 Sep 27 2000 ep-install/data/LogoPal.up
[generic] 2728 12068 22.6% -lh5- ef49 Feb 1 2001 ep-install/EP-Installer
[generic] 254 692 36.7% -lh5- 79fc Jul 13 2001 ep-install/EPs.info
[generic] 33 264 12.5% -lh5- 9214 Jan 19 1980 ep-install/fonts/upepfont.font
[generic] 239 630 37.9% -lh5- 62ab Sep 27 2000 ep-install/icons/3.5/Prefs.info
[generic] 240 630 38.1% -lh5- 7177 Sep 27 2000 ep-install/icons/3.5/PrefsMUI.info
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[generic] 254 612 41.5% -lh5- d04c Sep 27 2000 ep-install/icons/old/EP.guide.info
[generic] 257 692 37.1% -lh5- 2f17 Sep 27 2000 ep-install/icons/old/EPs.info
[generic] 239 630 37.9% -lh5- 62ab Sep 27 2000 ep-install/icons/old/Prefs.info
[generic] 240 630 38.1% -lh5- 7177 Sep 27 2000 ep-install/icons/old/PrefsMUI.info
[generic] 228 662 34.4% -lh5- 5ebc Sep 27 2000 ep-install/icons/old/Start.info
[generic] 527 881 59.8% -lh5- b279 Mar 18 2001 ep-aga-hints.readme
[generic] 259 612 42.3% -lh5- 0230 Jul 13 2001 EP-AGA-HINTS.README.info
[generic] 255 660 38.6% -lh5- b6fb Jul 13 2001 ep-install.info
[generic] 46025 88960 51.7% -lh5- b149 Mar 17 2001 ep-install/EP
[generic] 1882 3101 60.7% -lh5- df42 Jul 13 2001 ep-install/EP-Installer.info
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[generic] 201 440 45.7% -lh5- a1a3 May 20 2001 file_id.diz
[generic] 414 684 60.5% -lh5- 28a2 Mar 18 2001 NewWPA8.readme
[generic] 255 612 41.7% -lh5- 7ee1 Jul 13 2001 NewWPA8.readme.info
[generic] 1921 7789 24.7% -lh5- 6a85 Jul 13 2001 up-ep009.readme
[generic] 256 612 41.8% -lh5- 07e6 Jul 13 2001 UP-EP009.README.info
[generic] 190 692 27.5% -lh5- d68c Jan 11 1980 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco.info
[generic] 95635 118337 80.8% -lh5- e032 Jul 13 2001 ep-install/eps/jrfrancisco/intropic2.up
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 141 files 1710570 2332657 73.3% Aug 10 01:53
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