With this Include can you expand your AMOS-Professional with many Gadgets.
All Buttons how PushButtons, CycleButtons, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, Toggle-
Buttons, TextGadgets or StringGadgets are no problem with this Tool.
Please read in addition to it also the Documentations. (Guide Files)
Mit diesem Include können sie ihr AMOS-Professional um die wichtigsten
Gadgets erweitern. Dabei sind Gadgets wie z.b. PushButtons, CycleButtons,
CheckBoxen, RadioButtons, ToggleButtons, TextGadgets oder StringGadgets
kein problem mehr. Bitte lesen sie dazu auch die umfangreichen
Dokumentationen. (Guide-Files)
Changes in Version 1.1
- _ScreenBar & _WinClone-Instruction included.
- AMask v1.0. A Mask-Editor was included.
- Any Routines optimized.
- English-Guide included.