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Short:A collection of AMOS/AMOSPRO Procedures
Author:Joseph Bolin
Uploader:\"Joseph Bolin\" <CatholicPhilosopher gmail com>
Requires:AMOS or AMOSPRO
Download:dev/amos/SupraProcedure.lha - View contents

      *                                                              *
      *             Supra Procedures 1.0   January, 1996             *
      *                                                              *
      *                         Joseph Bolin                         *
      *                     Catholic Philosopher                     *
      *                                                              *
      *                                                              *
      *                                                              *
      *                Copyright 1996 by Joseph Bolin.               *
      *                                                              *
      *                         DOCUMENTATION                        *
      *                                                              *


1. Copyright and Distribution
2. Overview
3. Procedures
   3a. ClipBob
   3b. ColorBob
   3c. CopyBob
   3d. Curves
   3e. InputText
   3f. LargeText
   3g. OutLineText
   3h. Polygon
   3i. ScreenSaver
   3j. ScreenWipes
   3k. Stencil
   3l. Wash
   3m. WashBob
   3n. Zoom

1. Copyright and Distribution

Supra Procedures is Copyright 1996 by Joseph Bolin

Permission is granted to freely use and distribute Supra Procedures.

This distribution is freeware. You may freely use and modify
these procedures for non-commercial purposes.  

You may contact me by e-mail at
to report bugs, comment on procedures you would like included,
or for anything else related to this collection of procedures.

DISCLAIMER:  Supra Procedures is provided "as is", without warranty of any
  kind.  In no event will the author be liable for any direct or indirect
  damage or loss resulting from the use or misuse of these procedures.

2. Overview

This is a collection of procedures for AMOS and AMOSPro. The following
procedures should be included.

Procedure   |                    Use                   | AMOS/AMOSPRO |
ClipBob     | Clip a section of a bob transparent      | AMOS/AMOSPRO |
ColorBob    | Color a whole bob to a new color         | AMOS/AMOSPRO |
CopyBob     | Copy one bob to another                  |   AMOSPRO    |
Curves      | Several curve routines                   | AMOS/AMOSPRO |
InputText   | A replacement for Input command          | AMOS/AMOSPRO |
LargeText   | A large text printing routine            |   AMOSPRO    |
OutLineText | Print outlined text                      | AMOS/AMOSPRO |
Polygon     | Regular polygon drawing routine          | AMOS/AMOSPRO |
ScreenSaver | Screen saver routine                     |   AMOSPRO    |
ScreenWipes | Screen wipe routines                     | AMOS/AMOSPRO |
Stencil     | Stencil a portion of the screen          |   AMOSPRO    |
Wash        | Wash a portion of the screen             | AMOS/AMOSPRO |
WashBob     | Wash one color of a bob to another color |   AMOSPRO    |
Zoom        | Zoom by 2, 4 or 8                        | AMOS/AMOSPRO |

3. Procedures

In any procedure that uses a bob, pass a negative number to use an icon.
e.g. to color icon 3 to color 14:  _COLORBOB[-3,14]

You only have to include the WASHML procedure once for each program.

3a. ClipBob    Make a section of a bob transparent or opaque   AMOS/AMOSPRO


Inputs:  _BOB         Bob to make/erase mask on
         _XPOS,_YPOS  Coordinates of upper-left of section to mask
         _XEND,_YEND  Coordinates of lower-right of section to mask
         _MASK        Flag:0=Make section transparent, 1=Make section opaque

Output:  Make a section of a bob either transparent or opaque
3b. ColorBob	Change a bob to one new color        AMOS/AMOSPRO


Inputs:  _BOB    Bob to change the color of
         _COLOR  Color to change bob to

Output:  Change a bob to one color _COLOR.
         You must have a mask to use this properly.
3c. CopyBob     Copy one bob to another              AMOS


Inputs:  _SRCBOB   Source image
         _DESTBOB  Destination image

Output:  Copys one bob to another, including mask.

Note:    You may copy from a bob to an icon or from an icon to a bob
3d. Curves      Three curve drawing routines       AMOS/AMOSPRO

Use:     _CURVE3[XB,YB,XC,YC,S]

Inputs:  XB,YB  Beginning coordinate of curve
         XE,YE  Ending coordinate of curve
         XC,YC  Control coordinate
         XT,YT  Second control coordinate
         S      Number of lines in curve

Output:  Draws a curve on the current screen in the current color

Use:     _CURVEMANY[N,S]

Inputs:  N          Number of points in the curve
         S          Number of lines in the curve
         XP(),YP()  Coordinates of points of the curve
            XP(1),YP(1) are the starting coordinates
            XP(N),YP(N) are the ending coordinates
            The points between 1 and N are the control points

Output:  Draws a multiple point curve on the current screen
3e. InputText   A replacement for Input command       AMOS/AMOSPRO


Inputs:  _XPOS,_YPOS  Coordinates of input; Not limited to multiples of 8
         _LENGTH      Maximum length of string
         _SHOW        Length of shown section
         _DEFAULT$    Default input
         _PEN         Color of text
         _PAPER       Background of text
         _CURSPEN     Color of cursor

Output:  Param$       Inputed string
3f. LargeText   A large text printing routine         AMOSPRO


Inputs:  _XPOS,_YPOS  Coordinates of text
         _TEXT$       Text to print
         _PEN         Color of text
         _PAPER       Background color of text
         _WIDTH       Integer multiple of normal text width
         _HEIGHT      Integer multiple of normal text height

Output:  Prints expanded text on the current screen
3g. OutLineText  Print outlined text                  AMOS/AMOSPRO


Inputs:  _XPOS,_YPOS  Coordinates of text
         _TEXT$       Text to print
         _COLOR       Color of text
         _OUTLINE     Color of outline of text

Output:  Prints outlined text on the current screen
3h. Polygon   Regular polygon drawing routine         AMOS/AMOSPRO


Inputs:  _XPOS,_YPOS  Center of polygon
         _POINTS      Number of points in polygon
         _WIDTH       Width of polygon
         _HEIGHT      Height of polygon
         _ROTATE      Rotation angle of polygon in degrees
         _FILLED      Flag for fill:0=No, 1=Yes

Output:  Draws a regular polygon on the current screen
         with the current ink colors and the current pattern
3i. ScreenSaver   Screen saver routine                AMOSPRO

Use:     _SCREENSAVER[_TIME,RESET]  Call this procedure in the main loop

Inputs:  _TIME  Number of jiffies before blanking
         RESET  If non-zero, counter before blanking will be reset

Outputs: When screen is blanked _SCREENBLANK procedure is called
         _SAVERLAST     =Last time since last mouse movement or key press
         _SAVERLENGTH   =Length since last mouse movement or key press
         _SAVERX,_SAVERY=Last mouse position
         Param          =-1 if screen blank, 0 otherwise

Note:    This procedure does not check keypresses, so you should set the
         parameter RESET when a key is pressed
3j. ScreenWipes   Screen Wipe procedures              AMOS/AMOSPRO

_WIPE1[_SOURCE,_DEST]  :  Wipes source screen into destination
_WIPE2[_COLOR]         :  Clears current screen to _COLOR
_WIPE3[_COLOR]         :  Clears current screen to _COLOR
3k. Stencil       Stencil a portion of the screen     AMOSPRO


Inputs:  _SOURCE     Screen to stencil
         _DESTBOB    Bob to make into stencil
         _STENCIL()  Colors to stencil: 0=No, 1=Yes

Output:  Makes a bob from the source screen with the
         unstenciled colors masked out
3l. Wash          Wash a portion of the screen        AMOS/AMOSPRO


Inputs:  _STARTX,_STARTY  Coordinates of up-left
         _ENDX,_ENDY      Coordinates of down-right
         _WASH()          Wash table:   _WASH(x)=Color to change x to

Output:  Washs an area of the screen
3m. WashBob       Wash one color of a bob to another color   AMOSPRO


Inputs:  _BOB     Bob to change to color of
         _COLOR   Color to change
         _CHANGE  Color to change it to

Output:  Washes one color of a bob to another color
3n. Zoom          Zoom by 2, 4, or 8


Inputs:  _POWER   Zoom factor: 2, 4, or 8
         _SOURCE  Screen to zoom from
         _XSTART  Zoom start x pos        (multiple of 16)
         _YSTART  Zoom start y pos
         _XEND    Zoom end x pos (+1)
         _YEND    Zoom end y pos (+1)
         _DEST    Screen to zoom to
         _XDEST   Zoom destination x pos (multiple of 16)
         _YDEST   Zoom destination y pos

Output:  Zooms the source area to the destination area and expands it

Note:    For Zoom factors of 2 or 4, the X size must be a multiple of 16
         For a Zoom factor of 8, the X size must be a multiple of 8

Contents of dev/amos/SupraProcedure.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  258     628  41.1% -lh5- d800 Feb 11  1996
[generic]                 1534    5890  26.0% -lh5- 2490 Jan 26  1996 ClipBob.AMOS
[generic]                  697    1906  36.6% -lh5- 903a Jan 26  1996 ColorBob.AMOS
[generic]                 1228    3498  35.1% -lh5- ff2d Jan 26  1996 CopyBob.AMOS
[generic]                 1389    4878  28.5% -lh5- 5bad Jan 26  1996 Curves.AMOS
[generic]                 1369    4328  31.6% -lh5- bd66 Jan 26  1996 InputText.AMOS
[generic]                  918    2514  36.5% -lh5- 6ee4 Jan 26  1996 LargeText.AMOS
[generic]                  484    1498  32.3% -lh5- a21d Jan 26  1996 OutLineText.AMOS
[generic]                 1023    2994  34.2% -lh5- 6211 Jan 26  1996 Polygon.AMOS
[generic]                 1725    5040  34.2% -lh5- aad0 Jan 26  1996 ScreenSaver.AMOS
[generic]                  802    2492  32.2% -lh5- 1283 Jan 26  1996 ScreenWipes.AMOS
[generic]                 1114    2716  41.0% -lh5- 4f28 Jan 26  1996 Stencil.AMOS
[MS-DOS]                  2978   11188  26.6% -lh5- cdd4 Jun 16 12:27 supraprocedures.doc
[generic]                 1051    2688  39.1% -lh5- c5c3 Jan 26  1996 Wash.AMOS
[generic]                 1171    3556  32.9% -lh5- 86bf Jan 26  1996 WashBob.AMOS
[generic]                 1878    5124  36.7% -lh5- c726 Jan 26  1996 Zoom.AMOS
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        16 files   19619   60938  32.2%            Jun 16 17:25
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