A tool for Blitz2 users to convert IFF-images to shapes using with Blitz2's LoadShapes command, V 1.0 --- Installation Just unpack the archive and put it where you want. --- History 990924: ShapeConverter V1.0 First Aminet release
PERMSSN UID GID PACKED SIZE RATIO CRC STAMP NAME ---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ------------- [generic] 26822 57672 46.5% -lh5- 0350 Sep 21 1999 ShapeConverter/ShapeConverter [generic] 996 1575 63.2% -lh5- 88a8 Sep 22 1999 ShapeConverter/ShapeConverter.info [generic] 199 302 65.9% -lh5- 1138 Sep 22 1999 ShapeConverter/ShapeConverter.Readme [generic] 837 1383 60.5% -lh5- 486c Sep 22 1999 ShapeConverter/ShapeConverter.Readme.info ---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ------------- Total 4 files 28854 60932 47.4% Sep 24 1999