Ethanak PIC Programming System EMPIC V1.2
(full version of EMPIC V1.0 demo program)
(fixed bug in docs of EMPIC V1.2)
EMPIC is complete system (assembler, programmer, disassembler)
for Microchip PIC16C84 and 16F84 microcontrollers.
Assembler has predefined most of specific PIC values (no include
files needed) and allows the user to create own macros, define
EEPROM data etc. Can produce files in INHX8M format.
Programming unit is connected to floppy port only. Any other
external devices (modem, printer, floppies etc) may be used
without any conflicts. One exception is external floppy DF3
which must be disconnected (I know exactly 0 men having
four floppies connected to Amiga :-)
Writing to PIC is as fast as possible. Asynchronous writing
driven by interrupts allows user to work with other tasks
during PIC writing operations.
Disassembler/ReSourcer may produce source code for EMASM
or MPASM assembler. Labels, literals, variables may be added
to code and saved to disk file in special ReSourcer format.
If you have only hex file or the chip with program, and you
want to make the program a bit better - EMPIC is better
tool for doing it!
ATTENTION! Due to terrible bug in docs of EMPIC1.2 please
don't read the guide in previous release... It's shame
for me, but Murphy's lows are working...