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Short:Various emulator tools
Author:Marat Fayzullin, AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / Up Rough
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 by Marat Fayzullin, AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / Up Rough

 What is EMUTools?

 EMUTools is a set of simple utilities which I wrote to handle various ROM 
 images, play and convert soundtrack files, disassemble programs, and perform 
 other small but helpful tasks. EMUTools are available from

 All programs will automatically unpack GZIPped files when compiled with #define
 ZLIB. You can find out whether your copy of a program can do that by typing its 
 name without parameters: there should be an explicit mention of this feature in 
 the help text printed by a program.

Copyright Notice

Both EMUTools and EMULib source code and documentation are copyrighted by me, 
Marat Fayzullin. Following restrictions apply to these materials:
You can use this software for any non-profit purposes as long as you make a 
proper reference to me.
You cannot use this software to gain any kind of profit. This includes putting 
the software onto CDROMs, using it or its parts in your own commercial or 
shareware projects, and so on.
You cannot distribute this software yourself, even if it is not done for profit.
Do not put it to any WWW or FTP sites of your own, make a link to my site instead.

 How To Compile EMUTools

If you've obtained the source code version of EMUTools, check the Makefile for 
compilation options first. Your actual Makefile may differ from the original one
as "make" utilities behave differently on various platforms. You may need additional
modules from EMULib, available at the same WWW site as EMUTools.

How To Use EMUTools?
 BDIFF [-as] file1 file2

BDIFF will compare two binary files and print out the differences side by side, in 
hexadecimal and ASCII formats. Options:

  -a  - Use ANSI color sequences to highlight differing bytes.
  -s  - Show complete hexadecimal dumps, not only the differences.

 UNDOUBLE infile >outfile 

UNDOUBLE will check whether the given file contains doubled (quadrupled, etc.) copies
of the same data and if so, write out a single copy of this data into the output file. 
It will use the standard output if the output filename is not given.

 BEHEAD bytes infile >outfile

BEHEAD will cut a given number of bytes off the head of the input file and write the 
result into given output file. It will use standard input and output if corresponding 
filenames are omitted.

 DASM6502 [-o<origin>] [-h] <file>

This is a little 6502 disassembler. It will output disassembled code of a given 
binary file. Don't expect anything fancy though. If you are using DASM6502 to 
disassemble a NES/Famicom program, be aware that .NES ROM images contain a 16-byte 
header in the beginning, so you probably want to use -o-7FF0 option on them. Options:

  -o  - Count addresses from a given origin (in hexadecimal form,
        can be negative).
  -h  - Show original hexadecimal data beside disassembled code.

Example usage DASM6502 infile >outfile.src

 DASMZ80 [-o<origin>] [-h] <file>

This is a little Z80 disassembler. It will output disassembled code of a given 
binary file. Don't expect anything fancy though. Options:

  -o  - Count addresses from a given origin (in hexadecimal form,
        can be negative).
  -h  - Show original hexadecimal data beside disassembled code.

Example usage DASMZ80 infile >outfile.src

 GBDASM [-o<origin>] [-hi] <file>

This is a little GameBoy disassembler. It will output disassembled code of a 
given binary file. Don't expect anything fancy though. GBDASM is almost 
identical to DASMZ80, but recognizes special GameBoy opcodes and cartridge 
headers. Options:

  -o  - Count addresses from a given origin (in hexadecimal form,
        can be negative).
  -h  - Show original hexadecimal data beside disassembled code.
  -i  - Show information from the GameBoy cartridge header.

Example usage GBDASM infile >outfile.src

 GBLIST [-acfhp] file1.GB file2.GB ...

GBLIST is a tool to process GameBoy ROM images (.GB files). It extracts and 
verifies cartridge information from the images and may fix invalid images if 
requested. It will also list the images in an easy to read format, either as 
ASCII or as HTML text. GBLIST understands wildcards. Options:

  -a  - Use ANSI color sequences to highlight errors.
  -c  - Check CMP/CRC and file sizes.
  -f  - Fix CMP/CRC and file sizes. The fixed image will be written
        into a file with extension .FIX.
  -h  - Output results in HTML format.
  -p  - Show supposed producer.

 The cartridge attributes which GBLIST shows in its output deserve some 
 additional explanation:

   G  - Cartridge is compatible with the "normal" GameBoy.
   S  - Cartridge is compatible with the Super GameBoy.
   C  - Cartridge is compatible with the GameBoy Color.
   J  - Cartridge produced for Japan only.
   T  - Cartridge contains a timer (MBC3).
   U  - Cartirdge is a rumble pack (MBC5).
   R  - Cartridge contains ROM (i.e. [R]eadable).
   W  - Cartridge contains RAM (i.e. [W]ritable).
   B  - Cartridge contains battery-backed RAM.
 The last attribute is the memory bank controller (MBC) type:
   1  - Cartridge contains MBC1 chip.  
   2  - Cartridge contains MBC2 chip.  
   3  - Cartridge contains MBC3 chip.  
   5  - Cartridge contains MBC5 chip.  
   A  - Cartridge contains HuC1 chip.  
   B  - Cartridge contains HuC3 chip.  

 NESLIST [-ahcpd] file1.NES file2.NES ...

NESLIST is a tool to process NES ROM images (.NES files). It extracts and 
verifies header information from the images, and may fix invalid images by 
truncating the unnecessary data and modifying the headers. Additionally, NESLIST
will generate separate header files (.HDR) and try to write out 
Pasofami-compatible files, although the latter feature does not work very well.
NESLIST understands wildcards. Options:

  -a  - Use ANSI color sequences to highlight errors.
  -h  - Write headers into separate .HDR files.
  -c  - Check file sizes.
  -p  - Generate PASOFAMI files: .PRM,.PRG,.CHR.
  -d  - Check ROMs for doubling and truncate.

 The cartridge attributes which NESLIST shows in its output deserve some 
 additional explanation:

   V  - Uses two screen buffers with vertical mirroring.
   H  - Uses two screen buffers with horizontal mirroring.
   4  - Cartridge has all four screen buffers.
   B  - Cartridge contains battery-backed RAM.
   T  - There is a 512-byte trainer.
   S  - This is a VS-System game.

 GBALIST [-acfhp] file1.GBA file2.GBA ...

GBALIST is a tool to process GameBoy Advance ROM images (.GBA files). 
It extracts and verifies header information from the images. GBALIST understands
wildcards. Options:

  -a  - Use ANSI color sequences to highlight errors.
  -c  - Check CMP.
  -f  - Fix CMP. The fixed image will be written into a file
        with extension .FIX.
  -h  - Output results in HTML format.
  -p  - Show supposed producer.


FDSLIST is a tool to list contents of the Famicom DiskSystem disk images 
(.FDS files). It prints a directory of files contained in one or more disk images 
stored in the given .FDS file. Each disk image is 65000 bytes long and 
corresponds to a single side of an FDS disk. There may be multiple images in a 
single .FDS file.

 FAM2FDS file.FAM >file.FDS

FAM2FDS will convert Famicom DiskSystem disk images from .FAM format to the .FDS 
format supported by iNES. Simply supply the program with names of the source .FAM 
file and the destination .FDS file.

©2001 Copyright by Marat Fayzullin

Contents of dev/cross/EmuTools_AOS4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 3819    9164  41.7% -lh5- 8d47 Oct  5 10:24 EmuTools/bdiff
[generic]                 2772    6068  45.7% -lh5- ae17 Oct  5 10:24 EmuTools/behead
[generic]                 5077   12016  42.3% -lh5- 2570 Oct  5 10:25 EmuTools/dasm6502
[generic]                15278   39028  39.1% -lh5- 42dc Oct  5 10:25 EmuTools/dasmz80
[generic]                 2761    7478  36.9% -lh5- 01eb Oct  5 10:46 EmuTools/EmuTools.txt
[generic]                 3060    6544  46.8% -lh5- e5ac Oct  5 10:25 EmuTools/fam2fds
[generic]                 3631    8040  45.2% -lh5- 2fca Oct  5 10:25 EmuTools/fdslist
[generic]                 6670   15084  44.2% -lh5- f725 Oct  5 10:25 EmuTools/gbalist
[generic]                12596   30760  40.9% -lh5- 52d8 Oct  5 10:25 EmuTools/gbdasm
[generic]                 8783   21452  40.9% -lh5- d910 Oct  5 10:25 EmuTools/gblist
[generic]                 6678   16892  39.5% -lh5- 293a Oct  5 10:25 EmuTools/neslist
[generic]                 2609    8897  29.3% -lh5- 54e8 Nov 30  2001 EmuTools/Source/GBCarts.c
[generic]                 1068    4761  22.4% -lh5- cd60 Nov 30  2001 EmuTools/Source/GBCarts.h
[generic]                 3327   10530  31.6% -lh5- cc32 Nov 30  2001 EmuTools/Source/gbdasm.c
[generic]                 3144   10103  31.1% -lh5- 39d2 Oct  5 10:10 EmuTools/Source/gblist.c
[generic]                  403    1123  35.9% -lh5- 11b8 Oct  5 10:07 EmuTools/Source/NESCarts.c
[generic]                  522    1611  32.4% -lh5- 94c9 Oct  5 10:07 EmuTools/Source/NESCarts.h
[generic]                 3638   12386  29.4% -lh5- 96bb Nov 30  2001 EmuTools/Source/neslist.c
[generic]                 1041    2937  35.4% -lh5- 8f1d Nov 30  2001 EmuTools/Source/undouble.c
[generic]                 3193    7240  44.1% -lh5- 9f55 Oct  5 10:25 EmuTools/undouble
[generic]                 1258    3695  34.0% -lh5- c508 Nov 30  2001 EmuTools/Source/bdiff.c
[generic]                  786    2183  36.0% -lh5- 164d Nov 30  2001 EmuTools/Source/behead.c
[generic]                 2256    6796  33.2% -lh5- f526 Nov 30  2001 EmuTools/Source/dasm6502.c
[generic]                 5289   18452  28.7% -lh5- f612 Nov 30  2001 EmuTools/Source/dasmz80.c
[generic]                  928    2283  40.6% -lh5- fc1c Nov 30  2001 EmuTools/Source/fam2fds.c
[generic]                 1387    3641  38.1% -lh5- 13e4 Nov 30  2001 EmuTools/Source/fdslist.c
[generic]                 1796    5483  32.8% -lh5- 30de Nov 30  2001 EmuTools/Source/GBACarts.c
[generic]                  818    3061  26.7% -lh5- c3c8 Nov 30  2001 EmuTools/Source/GBACarts.h
[generic]                 2250    6926  32.5% -lh5- 652a Oct  5 10:09 EmuTools/Source/gbalist.c
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        29 files  106838  284634  37.5%            Sep 20 18:21
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