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Documentary of the MegaMon Version 2.2
New key-commands:
TAB = Show the 2nd CommandList
CTRL = Break a function runs not by all Commands
New functions:
setsound = set a module address if hunt fails
but you know a module is on this
digi [s][l][per] = play a sample defined by the
parameters [s]=startaddress
press left mousebutton to quit
inst (n) = play a instrument with the number n
insti = give an information about all
* [f] = starts a programm from disk
this command works not even
if the MegaMon is started from
the workbench coz the wb has not
any I/O handlers when you close
the CLI cindow with the endcli
sm = only a formal command
it kills the mousepointer if
this nerves you the 2nd time it
will be displayed again and so on
<b [s][b](n) = this command will load blocks from
disk, parameters are
[s] the destination address
[b] the startblock possible numbers
are from 0-1759
(n) the number of block possible are
all numbers between 1 and 1760
>b [s][b](n) = as same as the last command but write
swap [s][e][d] = swap the memory between s and e
with the memory in d
diski = shows you informations about the disk
specifed by the cd command
sleep = this command will leave the MegaMon
and insert a small window by activate
this and pressing the right mb
the MegaMon will be restarted
by pressing the closesymbol it will
be deleted from memory
(in both modes all allocated mem and
others will be deallocated)
and the processor will get more time
and memory for other progs
all other commands will be described in the MegaMon V1.82 docs
the V1.82 version was fully written by Ghost of MASQUERADE (ex Endless Piracy)
the V2.2 version was ONLY AN UPDATE by C-Reator of Possessed from this
MEGAGREAT Monitor only the commands described in this docs were installed
into the version V1.82 from Ghost, also the mostly of THIS MegaMon
version was coded by HIM remember it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the mostly new thing by this version is the installed EDITOR it is
possible to move the cursor in all 4 directions coz of the installed
screenbuffer its now possible to correct/change a wrong written command by
going into the last line!, showing the text on the address ($40000)
going up changing the text and changing the a command with the e command
and pressing return until all lines of the displayed memory will be left
this also works by the asm command in connection with the dissasm command
also by displaying the directory go into the correct line with the correct
file and insert the l L or other command!!!!
and all other you will change!
the CTRL key will break now some commands (not all coz its inpossible)
some bugs are removed
write to Ghost if you are possible to tell him new ideas for new Versions
also you can contact me I will tell him this ideas
no Copyright the MegaMon is fully Public Domain Software and shall be
spread around the globe!!
excuse me for this bad written documentary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ghost of MASQUERADE and
C-Reator of Possessed
Contents of dev/moni/MegaMon_22.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown] 20093 40780 49.3% -lh5- d9c2 Sep 3 13:12 MegaMon
[unknown] 1486 3361 44.2% -lh5- e2a4 Apr 14 1991 MegaMon.doc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 2 files 21579 44141 48.9% Sep 3 13:55
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