84781 packages online
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Short: | Hex editor v1.1, specially for editing savegames - NEW FEATURES |
Author: | misto box43.gnet.pl (Michal Stochmialek) |
Uploader: | misto box43 gnet pl (Michal Stochmialek) |
Type: | disk/moni |
Version: | 1.1 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-04-02 |
Download: | disk/moni/saved11.lha - View contents | Readme: | disk/moni/saved11.readme |
Downloads: | 4905 |
savED is HEX editor. You can use it to modify savegames. It replace
few programs, editor like in FileMaster and calculator (and maybe more).
- GUI is font-sensitive
- you can change screen (public or own)
- you can change font (only fixed-width)
- you can change screen palette , font and cursor colours
- searching:
- in ANSI
- in HEX
- for letters and numbers
- calc with HEX->DEC and DEC->HEX.
- undo and redo
- it uses reqtools.library to choose file, screen or font
(ReqTools is Copyright (c) Nico François and Magnus Holmgren)
(*)- cut, copy and paste
(*)- you change size of file, by removing start or end of file
- it's VERY EASY
- savED will be updated and supported in future
- ...
(*) NEW
============================ Archive contents ================================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
2370 1548 34.6% 06-Feb-99 15:34:58 savED11.info
2370 1536 35.1% 06-Feb-99 15:34:56 savED11/docs.info
7266 2858 60.6% 23-Dec-98 19:29:14 savED11/docs/AFD-COPYRIGHT
2512 1902 24.2% 15-Feb-99 19:32:34 savED11/docs/AFD-COPYRIGHT.info
7951 3518 55.7% 23-Dec-98 19:29:12 savED11/docs/AFD-COPYRIGHT.pl
2512 1902 24.2% 15-Feb-99 19:32:20 savED11/docs/AFD-COPYRIGHT.pl.info
743 320 56.9% 06-Feb-99 14:28:30 savED11/docs/registrationform.eng
673 278 58.6% 06-Feb-99 14:29:34 savED11/docs/registrationform.pl
11874 4541 61.7% 28-Mar-99 18:37:40 savED11/docs/savED.eng.guide
3388 2496 26.3% 15-Feb-99 19:31:40 savED11/docs/savED.eng.guide.info
24463 10018 59.0% 28-Mar-99 18:06:10 savED11/docs/savED.pl.guide
3388 2495 26.3% 15-Feb-99 19:31:18 savED11/docs/savED.pl.guide.info
2370 1550 34.5% 06-Feb-99 15:34:58 savED11/libs.info
46148 30624 33.6% 06-Feb-99 17:28:56 savED11/libs/reqtools.library
76052 37239 51.0% 29-Mar-99 18:14:24 savED11/savED
4 4 0.0% 29-Mar-99 18:14:26 savED11/savED.cs
2541 1673 34.1% 15-Feb-99 19:33:18 savED11/savED.info
1011 567 43.9% 28-Mar-99 18:42:04 savED11/savED11.readme
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
197636 105069 46.8% 29-Mar-99 18:19:54 18 files
Contents of disk/moni/saved11.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1548 2370 65.3% -lh5- 9bd5 Feb 6 1999 savED11.info
[generic] 1536 2370 64.8% -lh5- 1d7b Feb 6 1999 savED11/docs.info
[generic] 2858 7266 39.3% -lh5- 9aaa Dec 23 1998 savED11/docs/AFD-COPYRIGHT
[generic] 1902 2512 75.7% -lh5- 2acd Feb 15 1999 savED11/docs/AFD-COPYRIGHT.info
[generic] 3518 7951 44.2% -lh5- 6028 Dec 23 1998 savED11/docs/AFD-COPYRIGHT.pl
[generic] 1902 2512 75.7% -lh5- 73ff Feb 15 1999 savED11/docs/AFD-COPYRIGHT.pl.info
[generic] 320 743 43.1% -lh5- fb7a Feb 6 1999 savED11/docs/registrationform.eng
[generic] 278 673 41.3% -lh5- a7ef Feb 6 1999 savED11/docs/registrationform.pl
[generic] 4541 11874 38.2% -lh5- 5442 Mar 28 1999 savED11/docs/savED.eng.guide
[generic] 2496 3388 73.7% -lh5- b60c Feb 15 1999 savED11/docs/savED.eng.guide.info
[generic] 10018 24463 41.0% -lh5- eac5 Mar 28 1999 savED11/docs/savED.pl.guide
[generic] 2495 3388 73.6% -lh5- b238 Feb 15 1999 savED11/docs/savED.pl.guide.info
[generic] 1550 2370 65.4% -lh5- 7b9c Feb 6 1999 savED11/libs.info
[generic] 30624 46148 66.4% -lh5- 52f3 Feb 6 1999 savED11/libs/reqtools.library
[generic] 37239 76052 49.0% -lh5- 0007 Mar 29 1999 savED11/savED
[generic] 4 4 100.0% -lh0- b5f1 Mar 29 1999 savED11/savED.cs
[generic] 1673 2541 65.8% -lh5- c47f Feb 15 1999 savED11/savED.info
[generic] 567 1011 56.1% -lh5- 4795 Mar 28 1999 savED11/savED11.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 18 files 105069 197636 53.2% Apr 1 1999
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