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-- Prod 1.0 - a simple, small hack for gfx board owners --
Have you ever been tired of listening to a sound at the wrong playback
rate because the program you used tried to play it with DMA >28 kHz?
Well, this might be the solution because I figured out the following:
- When the Amiga chipset is currently displaying a productivity screen,
even high sampling rates are possible. That's a hardware reason I don't
want to explain here.
- So when I open a productivity screen on my Picasso-II equipped A3000,
the playback works as expected.
- BUT: When I close the productivity screen and the Workbench comes to
front again, it STILL WORKS!
- Obvious reason: The Picasso driver keeps the Amiga display in productivity
mode after closing the screen as long as no other non-productivity using
the Amiga chipset opens up.
- So why not write a program that just opens a productivity screen and
closes it again?!?
Well, here it is!
It opens a full sized (640x400), one plane deep productivity screen, and
closes it again immediately, so the mouse pointer should be on its old
position after the program exits.
If the screen cannot be opened, nothing happens at all :-)
Legal stuff
Prod is public domain. The source is included. Use it at your own risk!
There shouldn't be any bugs in such a small program but if it crashes,
I take no responsibility.
It works on my configuration of the Picasso-II board. It may work as well
on other revisions of the Picasso drivers or even on other gfx boards but
it may, however, have no effect at all. Try it out and please mail what
you've found out.
Have a look at Play16, available on AMINET, too!
wenzel@unixserv.rz.fh-hannover.de (Thomas Wenzel)
Contents of driver/audio/Prod.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1340 1892 70.8% -lh5- 776f Apr 20 1995 Prod
[generic] 376 608 61.8% -lh5- f59c Apr 20 1995 Prod.c
[generic] 990 1902 52.1% -lh5- b3ef Apr 20 1995 Prod.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 2706 4402 61.5% Apr 21 1995
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