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MONED release version V3ac (c) Jan-94
Raul A. Sobon
If you just got your self a A1200 or A4000 and decided to go with
a cheap VGA monitor and find that the Double Pal or MultiScan modes are
not quite right then this program will let you edit the monitor drivers of
any monitor, that is any that you have in your DEVS:Monitors.
Simply drag the sliders back and forth until you are satisfied.
Then click on save to store this information in the TOOL TYPES of that
monitor which is stored in DEVS:Monitors/
[ less one TOTCLK
] more one TOTCLK
{ less one TOTROW
} more one TOTROW
s save information into the monitor .info file as TOOL TYPES
return or u use it but dont save it
c cancel, restore back to what I had before
j jump to another screen
HardWare: OCS or ECS or AGA or AAA or better.
A Multisync monitor to fully utilise this.
A 68000+ Amiga machine.
OS: OS2.1 (V38+) and above.
( This has been tested on OS3.1 , and it works)
I recomend you use the 3.1 monitor drivers.
If it crashes , its KickStarts fault, some values it just can't handle!
I do not take any responsibility if you blow up your monitor or surrounding
neighbourhood block. Just to make you feel secure, my monitor still works, its a
Sonica SVGA.
UPDATE: Now I have a NEC APCIV monitor, cheep but its great when it does
15-35Khz, the Sonica is back on the PC!
V3a ....... Additional bug fixes added, like detecting if kick is <39 so
the monitor names are DoublePAL instead of DBLPAL.
Slightly improved visual look.
You can now set all the monitor values via command line arguments
so you may change some of the values which are not stored in the
tooltypes from a batch file on startup if you wish.
V2c ....... Various small fixes ,like it works with out the special font and
saves "Multiscan" properly now and not "VGA"
Visuall fix ups too have been put in.
Other of my programs have been included in the archive.
V2 ........ New visual style layout.
Fixed the detection of the Display Mode, it works properly now.
V1 ........ First quick release.
If( you think that I deserve a few $$$$ then ...... ) send me a few
million dollars in American Funds. )
Enjoy ... and if you have time, learn to code.
Contents of driver/moni/MonEd3a.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 49 56 87.5% -lh5- 898b Sep 2 1992 DOMonitor
[generic] 106 175 60.6% -lh5- de5d Sep 2 1992 DOMonitor.asm
[generic] 110 124 88.7% -lh5- f243 Sep 2 1992 DOMonitor.o
[generic] 22 22 100.0% -lh0- ae95 May 25 1993 GenAm.opts
[generic] 9793 18060 54.2% -lh5- 28af Jan 30 1994 Moned
[generic] 6583 25704 25.6% -lh5- 59b2 Sep 2 1992 moned.c
[generic] 505 2518 20.1% -lh5- 497a Sep 2 1992 moned.info
[generic] 394 835 47.2% -lh5- 2306 Sep 27 1993 MonED.ld.info
[generic] 449 838 53.6% -lh5- bd81 Sep 27 1993 MonED.map.info
[generic] 5740 11904 48.2% -lh5- 5f5f Jan 30 1994 moned.o
[generic] 1349 2757 48.9% -lh5- a2d1 Sep 2 1992 MonED.README
[generic] 159 362 43.9% -lh5- 2812 Sep 2 1992 moned_globals.h
[generic] 106 178 59.6% -lh5- 6c2d Jan 30 1994 MonED_rev.h
[generic] 118 220 53.6% -lh5- fc69 Jan 30 1994 MonED_rev.i
[generic] 3 3 100.0% -lh0- 09d7 Jan 30 1994 moned_rev.rev
[generic] 111 182 61.0% -lh5- 103c Sep 2 1992 scoptions
[generic] 465 1300 35.8% -lh5- 5039 Oct 12 1993 smakefile
[generic] 43 524 8.2% -lh5- 1c7c Sep 2 1992 thinpaz.font
[generic] 1380 2232 61.8% -lh5- 739f Sep 28 1993 thinpaz/8
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 19 files 27485 67994 40.4% Jan 31 1994
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