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Short:Advanced snake/Tron game
Author: amigansoftware at (James Jacobs)
Uploader:amigansoftware gmail com (James Jacobs)
Download:game/actio/ - View contents

This is the AROS version of Worm Wars, a freeware arcade game by
James Jacobs of Amigan Software. Music and joysticks are not currently
supported by the AROS port.
  Features include: 37 object types, 37 creature types, 13 types of bonus
level, integrated level editor, up to 4 worms, human or computer control
of all worms, customizable music and sound effects, saved high score
tables, quadruple-joystick and quadruple-CD32 gamepad and double-keyboard
support, level shuffling option, screenmode sensitivity, locale support,
source code, run on custom or public screen, etc.
  The currently supported languages are English, German, Greek, Italian,
Polish and Spanish.
  Note that the previous upload of V9.34 for AROS was built with an
experimental C library. This version is built with the stable library, and
should work on all AROS systems.

Changes since V9.33:
  * Ported to Game Boy Advance.
  * Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
  ported to gba.
  ibm: fixed: squares bitmap was incorrect.
  amiga: fixed incorrect points awarding at end of level.
  fixed: head flashing was incorrect.
  switcher now changes cherries and flowers to your own colour.
  android: added label for on-screen jump/firebutton.
  trimmed, normalized, etc. sound effects.
  modified default levelset slightly.
  ibm: fixed: ctrl key was getting stuck down in some situations.

Contents of game/actio/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//game/actio/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2021-04-16 03:36 00000000  WormWars/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2020-01-21 15:00 00000000  WormWars/Catalogs/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2021-04-11 09:03 00000000  WormWars/Catalogs/deutsch/
    1144  Defl:N      594  48% 2021-04-11 09:03 2a5f19a6  WormWars/Catalogs/deutsch/generic.catalog
    7236  Defl:N     3620  50% 2021-04-11 09:03 ce54f9ed  WormWars/Catalogs/deutsch/WormWars.catalog
       0  Stored        0   0% 2021-04-08 07:14 00000000  WormWars/Catalogs/greek/
    1126  Defl:N      621  45% 2021-04-08 07:14 b5642acf  WormWars/Catalogs/greek/generic.catalog
    8156  Defl:N     4145  49% 2020-01-08 17:28 d267c225  WormWars/Catalogs/greek/WormWars.catalog
       0  Stored        0   0% 2021-04-11 09:03 00000000  WormWars/Catalogs/italiano/
    1098  Defl:N      559  49% 2021-04-11 09:03 ddd4a5f5  WormWars/Catalogs/italiano/generic.catalog
    7462  Defl:N     3670  51% 2021-04-11 09:03 7a68e8ed  WormWars/Catalogs/italiano/WormWars.catalog
       0  Stored        0   0% 2021-04-11 09:03 00000000  WormWars/Catalogs/polski/
     972  Defl:N      540  44% 2021-04-11 09:03 23dea8db  WormWars/Catalogs/polski/generic.catalog
    7372  Defl:N     3830  48% 2021-04-11 09:03 ccae0429  WormWars/Catalogs/polski/WormWars.catalog
       0  Stored        0   0% 2020-11-08 00:40 00000000  WormWars/fx/
   19560  Defl:N    10601  46% 2020-11-08 00:40 dac66e20  WormWars/fx/amigan.8svx
    3580  Defl:N     2044  43% 2009-06-14 05:38 83878f80  WormWars/fx/ammo.8svx
   37214  Defl:N    31760  15% 2009-06-14 05:38 7727fe97  WormWars/fx/applause.8svx
    3788  Defl:N     3008  21% 2000-06-23 08:05 9f268625  WormWars/fx/armour.8svx
    8104  Defl:N     5026  38% 2012-08-13 16:55 0732650c  WormWars/fx/bird.8svx
     808  Defl:N      740   8% 2009-06-16 03:11 77bf5016  WormWars/fx/blue.8svx
   15186  Defl:N    13027  14% 2009-06-16 03:16 6f56b55f  WormWars/fx/bomb.8svx
    8808  Defl:N     2589  71% 2009-06-14 05:41 b52095f9  WormWars/fx/bull.8svx
    3274  Defl:N     2392  27% 2010-12-24 14:45 ea3c17d9  WormWars/fx/buttrfly.8svx
    1566  Defl:N     1127  28% 2000-06-23 08:05 c69908f3  WormWars/fx/click.8svx
   10680  Defl:N     8717  18% 2009-06-14 05:42 39233df0  WormWars/fx/cyclone.8svx
    7438  Defl:N     4396  41% 2000-06-23 08:05 e3e106fe  WormWars/fx/death.8svx
    2122  Defl:N     1937   9% 2004-08-21 20:37 969d1dc1  WormWars/fx/ding.8svx
    7880  Defl:N     4425  44% 2012-08-13 16:30 6bae54b5  WormWars/fx/dog.8svx
   23274  Defl:N    19617  16% 2012-08-13 16:56 4ac56bf9  WormWars/fx/elephant.8svx
   14788  Defl:N     7793  47% 2009-06-14 05:43 6b8b1f9e  WormWars/fx/enclose.8svx
    1998  Defl:N     1747  13% 2009-06-14 05:44 3f6bb304  WormWars/fx/fragment.8svx
    5568  Defl:N     4110  26% 2000-06-23 08:05 75579edd  WormWars/fx/fx.8svx
   13038  Defl:N    10744  18% 2009-06-14 05:44 b22a6eef  WormWars/fx/gameover.8svx
    8776  Defl:N     7179  18% 2000-06-23 08:05 6c022bbc  WormWars/fx/grave.8svx
    1038  Defl:N      969   7% 2009-06-16 03:10 3a07e5c8  WormWars/fx/green.8svx
   17848  Defl:N     9760  45% 2009-06-16 03:25 1ea26f75  WormWars/fx/grower.8svx
   18432  Defl:N    12341  33% 2012-08-13 16:30 2f5ad6ba  WormWars/fx/horse.8svx
   28432  Defl:N    21934  23% 2003-07-16 00:21 17ef1254  WormWars/fx/lightning.8svx
    8240  Defl:N     6982  15% 2003-07-15 23:27 637d3ed6  WormWars/fx/missile.8svx
   15004  Defl:N     6584  56% 2012-08-13 16:57 18bf5628  WormWars/fx/monkey.8svx
    5554  Defl:N     5018  10% 2000-06-23 08:05 790a06a0  WormWars/fx/object.8svx
   10260  Defl:N     7544  27% 2000-06-23 08:05 8319d3b4  WormWars/fx/powerup.8svx
   21906  Defl:N    16115  26% 2000-06-23 08:05 bcd0f4e7  WormWars/fx/protect.8svx
   13440  Defl:N     5329  60% 2017-05-03 13:15 75ff2b9a  WormWars/fx/rain.8svx
     854  Defl:N      809   5% 2009-06-16 03:14 ee4ac9da  WormWars/fx/red.8svx
    9342  Defl:N     5876  37% 2012-08-13 16:30 0c4447a8  WormWars/fx/rhino.8svx
   30654  Defl:N    21942  28% 2000-06-23 08:05 14a032cc  WormWars/fx/shoot.8svx
    1828  Defl:N     1448  21% 2009-06-14 05:46 942b7b92  WormWars/fx/siren.8svx
   16430  Defl:N     9741  41% 2009-01-12 00:35 b3512389  WormWars/fx/snake.8svx
   54858  Defl:N    19778  64% 2017-05-03 13:15 10b87ccb  WormWars/fx/teleport.8svx
     808  Defl:N      734   9% 2009-06-16 03:11 d8688b05  WormWars/fx/yellow.8svx
    5575  Defl:N     1630  71% 2021-04-11 09:02 7f28e343  WormWars/Install
    2991  Defl:N     2039  32% 2020-08-02 10:26 54107d48  WormWars/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2020-01-21 15:00 00000000  WormWars/installer-files/
     200  Defl:N      162  19% 2018-10-09 13:38 3f5d4efe  WormWars/installer-files/findmos
   10004  Defl:N     2210  78% 2018-10-09 13:38 1c30df20  WormWars/installer-files/logo
   11012  Defl:N      617  94% 2021-04-07 16:35 9d548252  WormWars/Nibbles.lset
    2264  Defl:N     1964  13% 2020-08-02 10:26 c96dc8a9  WormWars/
   29268  Defl:N     1698  94% 2021-04-07 16:35 dbe4eb06  WormWars/RattlerRace.lset
    2272  Defl:N     1977  13% 2020-08-02 10:26 2602b72f  WormWars/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2021-04-11 09:05 00000000  WormWars/source/
  199427  Defl:N    38326  81% 2021-04-11 09:02 79971766  WormWars/source/amiga.c
    5856  Defl:N     1651  72% 2021-04-11 09:02 494a986f  WormWars/source/amiga.h
   14552  Defl:N     6280  57% 2021-04-11 09:02 a0a30600  WormWars/source/deutsch.ct
    4801  Defl:N     1458  70% 2021-04-11 09:02 029924fc  WormWars/source/engine.h
  174735  Defl:N    30368  83% 2021-04-11 09:02 9671ec83  WormWars/source/engine1.c
  168007  Defl:N    27024  84% 2021-04-11 09:02 b3c5c3af  WormWars/source/engine2.c
       0  Stored        0   0% 2021-04-08 07:15 00000000  WormWars/source/generic/
    2324  Defl:N     1000  57% 2021-04-03 13:24 656d8ca9  WormWars/source/generic/deutsch.ct
    2554  Defl:N     1112  57% 2021-04-03 13:24 9ce99591  WormWars/source/generic/italiano.ct
    2221  Defl:N      966  57% 2021-04-03 13:25 ae47c7b3  WormWars/source/generic/polski.ct
    1675  Defl:N      625  63% 2021-04-11 09:02 4fbf02d8  WormWars/source/
    1699  Defl:N      618  64% 2021-04-11 09:03 f43f46e8  WormWars/source/generic.ct
    7727  Defl:N     1701  78% 2021-04-11 09:02 8489ff7b  WormWars/source/generic_strings.h
   85164  Defl:N     6528  92% 2021-04-11 09:02 f004951e  WormWars/source/gfx.c
   14767  Defl:N     6398  57% 2021-04-11 09:02 6bb1682f  WormWars/source/italiano.ct
     150  Defl:N       87  42% 2018-11-24 13:03 0110ebd8  WormWars/source/l1.s
     139  Defl:N       73  48% 2016-07-08 16:02 94cceb50  WormWars/source/l2.s
    2023  Defl:N      322  84% 2018-10-09 21:48 db19c577  WormWars/source/l3.s
    1148  Defl:N      259  77% 2020-08-02 10:16 eecaae9b  WormWars/source/l4.s
   19996  Defl:N     4060  80% 2021-04-11 09:02 4757315d  WormWars/source/le.c
    2068  Defl:N      570  72% 2021-04-11 09:02 7601c82c  WormWars/source/libproto.h
     778  Defl:N      373  52% 2017-07-28 21:42 75d0d9f7  WormWars/source/makefile.aros
     632  Defl:N      335  47% 2017-08-01 17:43 6b22c1b8  WormWars/source/makefile.mos
     629  Defl:N      342  46% 2017-07-28 19:42 c34f7df9  WormWars/source/Makefile.os4
    7310  Defl:N     1830  75% 2021-04-11 09:02 11c5c12d  WormWars/source/openurl.h
   14642  Defl:N     6662  55% 2021-04-11 09:02 a68f9bc7  WormWars/source/polski.ct
     252  Defl:N      177  30% 2016-06-27 21:21 9d0415a1  WormWars/source/scoptions
      64  Defl:N       43  33% 2015-07-11 03:16 1ae1cde1  WormWars/source/share.s
   30398  Defl:N     8023  74% 2021-04-11 09:02 75be2ba6  WormWars/source/shared.c
    5950  Defl:N     1771  70% 2021-04-11 09:02 dd19f049  WormWars/source/shared.h
     776  Defl:N      274  65% 2017-08-01 17:43 838350ff  WormWars/source/ship.mos
    1658  Defl:N      575  65% 2019-05-05 09:21 3930dcd5  WormWars/source/ship.os3
  318825  Defl:N    20393  94% 2021-04-11 09:02 ed1cb3e9  WormWars/source/squares.c
   10202  Defl:N     4053  60% 2021-04-11 09:02 0416cf21  WormWars/source/
    9920  Defl:N     3957  60% 2021-04-11 09:03 f414ca0e  WormWars/source/ww.ct
   40333  Defl:N     9136  77% 2021-04-11 09:02 5e1fc665  WormWars/source/ww.h
   34836  Defl:N     8498  76% 2021-04-11 09:02 de9ea490  WormWars/source/ww_strings.h
  349148  Defl:N   123220  65% 2021-04-16 03:35 c4990d73  WormWars/WormWars
   90154  Defl:N    28287  69% 2021-04-15 18:49 6d0dce4b  WormWars/
    2467  Defl:N     2060  17% 2020-08-02 10:26 90bed180  WormWars/
    3147  Defl:N     1963  38% 2020-08-02 10:26 04197597  WormWars/
   70942  Defl:N    10119  86% 2021-04-09 00:01 36616d2c  WormWars/WormWars.lset
    2256  Defl:N     1958  13% 2021-04-09 00:01 5c7b4b00  WormWars/
    2340  Defl:N     1923  18% 2021-02-14 13:43 98f7807b
--------          -------  ---                            -------
 2259222           691157  69%                            106 files
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