A cat stands at crossroad and somebody have to help it by choosing
the way, to find the other kitten, which is hidden somewhere at the
end of the road. In such situation will occur the fan of the logical
adventures, in home enviroment.
The game is played on a board divided by 5 rows and 5 columns.
Each player puts one of the three possible plates and the lines on
them make a road. The goal is to reach the kitten located at the
bottom right corner, or to force the opponent to touch the board
limits. At the top of the screen symbolicaly is showed the result
of the last 10 games. The one, whom cat first catch the mouse (and
this happens after the 10th victory), wins the whole serie of games.
If you play well you can always win. But the computer is a good
opponent - try and you will see.
Any comments, ideas, bug-reports etc. will be appreciated.
The original game was originaly developed for Pravetz 8D (Bulgarian
Oric Atmos Clone). It was written in BASIC. It's now rewritten in C.
The original game is included as well ( KoteNaKrystopyt.DAT ). You
will need AmOric to play it (with 8d.rom or pravetzt.rom for correct
charset). The source code for the Amiga version is included too.