Dwarf Connect 4 OS4.
Connect 4 is one of the classic games that every one has played many a time.
This game is a stepping stone to get some Artificial Intelligence (AI)
programming into all of my future games.
Features of the game include a tally of games won, lost and drawn for the
current session, highlight of where the computer moved. Flashing counters to
show the winning lines. Undo moves right back to the beginning of the game
except when a player has won. Change the computer difficulty during a game.
Take it in turns to insert your pieces into the board. The aim of the game is
to become the first player to get four of your pieces in a row. Either
vertically, horizontally or diagonally. If there are no slots free, then the
game becomes a draw and a re-match is in order.
(ported on request to os4 , not sure who it was but anyway enjoy it) ;)