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Short:Strong UCI chess engine
Author:Domenico Lattanzi
Uploader:domenico lattanzi mailfence com
Download:game/board/Stockfish5-MorphOS.lha - View contents

This is a port to MorphOS of Stockfish 5.

Stockfish is a free UCI chess engine derived from Glaurung 2.1. It is
not a complete chess program and requires some UCI-compatible GUI
in order to be used comfortably.

### Terms of use

Stockfish is free, and distributed under the **GNU General Public License**
(GPL). Essentially, this means that you are free to do almost exactly
what you want with the program, including distributing it among your
friends, making it available for download from your web site, selling
it (either by itself or as part of some bigger software package), or
using it as the starting point for a software project of your own.

The only real limitation is that whenever you distribute Stockfish in
some way, you must always include the full source code, or a pointer
to where the source code can be found. If you make any changes to the
source code, these changes must also be made available under the GPL.

Contents of game/board/Stockfish5-MorphOS.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                   20      20 100.0% -lh0- 30ac Aug 19 10:20
[generic]                  555     952  58.3% -lh6- c786 Aug 19 10:59 Stockfish-5/bin/ReadMe.txt
[generic]               625866 1689776  37.0% -lh6- 7c9d Aug 18 22:35 Stockfish-5/bin/Stockfish5_MorphOS
[generic]                12354   35821  34.5% -lh6- c56c Oct 18  2013 Stockfish-5/Copying.txt
[generic]                18286   25534  71.6% -lh6- 36bc May  1  2013 Stockfish-5/logo.bmp
[generic]                  375     764  49.1% -lh6- 9962 May 25  2014 Stockfish-5/polyglot.ini
[generic]                 1347    2774  48.6% -lh6- d4bb Apr  5  2014 Stockfish-5/
[generic]                 2694    6088  44.3% -lh6- 5c0b Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/benchmark.cpp
[generic]                 2337    5899  39.6% -lh6- 92ed Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/bitbase.cpp
[generic]                 3898   10600  36.8% -lh6- 091a Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/bitboard.cpp
[generic]                 3129    9990  31.3% -lh6- 47c8 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/bitboard.h
[generic]                 1233    3157  39.1% -lh6- fb33 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/bitcount.h
[generic]                12131   25195  48.1% -lh6- d1a0 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/book.cpp
[generic]                  747    1326  56.3% -lh6- 0b23 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/book.h
[generic]                 7931   32136  24.7% -lh6- d8d5 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/endgame.cpp
[generic]                 1433    3222  44.5% -lh6- b160 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/endgame.h
[generic]                10540   37137  28.4% -lh6- a9de Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/evaluate.cpp
[generic]                  627    1091  57.5% -lh6- fe43 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/evaluate.h
[generic]                  721    1330  54.2% -lh6- b957 Aug 18 22:19 Stockfish-5/src/main.cpp
[generic]                  731    2151  34.0% -lh6- 9530 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/Makefile
[generic]                 3386    9890  34.2% -lh6- 19a7 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/material.cpp
[generic]                 1358    2910  46.7% -lh6- b922 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/material.h
[generic]                 2598    5485  47.4% -lh6- a880 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/misc.cpp
[generic]                 1032    1954  52.8% -lh6- 7bcc Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/misc.h
[generic]                 3945   14186  27.8% -lh6- a388 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/movegen.cpp
[generic]                  953    1763  54.1% -lh6- 58c3 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/movegen.h
[generic]                 3968   11849  33.5% -lh6- d2b2 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/movepick.cpp
[generic]                 1717    3715  46.2% -lh6- 7a4a Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/movepick.h
[generic]                 2715    6693  40.6% -lh6- cc32 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/notation.cpp
[generic]                  722    1328  54.4% -lh6- 106e Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/notation.h
[generic]                 3988   11123  35.9% -lh6- 3e65 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/pawns.cpp
[generic]                 1197    2689  44.5% -lh6- d5b7 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/pawns.h
[generic]                 1675    4122  40.6% -lh6- d434 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/platform.h
[generic]                11969   39480  30.3% -lh6- deaa Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/position.cpp
[generic]                 3765   12430  30.3% -lh6- ce0a Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/position.h
[generic]                 1646    5901  27.9% -lh6- 7438 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/psqtab.h
[generic]                 1369    2728  50.2% -lh6- 6829 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/rkiss.h
[generic]                16297   58708  27.8% -lh6- 8f7a Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/search.cpp
[generic]                 1675    3495  47.9% -lh6- ae58 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/search.h
[generic]                 4381   11756  37.3% -lh6- ec42 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/thread.cpp
[generic]                 2086    4970  42.0% -lh6- 4376 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/thread.h
[generic]                 2081    5220  39.9% -lh6- f969 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/timeman.cpp
[generic]                  810    1497  54.1% -lh6- 9a06 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/timeman.h
[generic]                 1734    4003  43.3% -lh6- 76b6 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/tt.cpp
[generic]                 1398    3138  44.6% -lh6- 9f4c Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/tt.h
[generic]                 4472   12562  35.6% -lh6- 95a2 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/types.h
[generic]                 2743    7553  36.3% -lh6- c929 Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/uci.cpp
[generic]                 2250    5995  37.5% -lh6- d3ca Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/ucioption.cpp
[generic]                  973    2001  48.6% -lh6- a08b Aug  8 12:20 Stockfish-5/src/ucioption.h
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        49 files  795858 2154107  36.9%            Aug 20 04:21
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