Sixth Sense Investigations
Official demo version
Copyright CineTech 1997
BEWARE : The demo is split into 3 archieves (6thSense1-3.lha) to make life easier to people working with low density disks. PLEASE download ALL three archieves.
"Sixth sense investigations" is the newest graphic adventure for the Amiga.
It features cartoon graphic, interesting enigmas, many locations and a good
technical implementation (256 colors; 50 fps; full charactor speech; many animations; and more)
Works on all Amiga from plain A1200 (AGA, 2MB RAM).
The game will be published by Epic Marketing.
Contact : Epic UK : Epic House - 43 Akers Way, Swindon, Wilts, SN2 2NF, UK
Tel: 0 1793 514188 Fax: 0 1793 484097
Cinetech : (CineTech) (Tel : ++41/91/3222650)
Install : 1. Create a new directory on your hard-disk.
2. Extract all archieves in the above directory.
3. Read the readme! file.