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Short:New Point n click Graphic Adv.
Author:Jasper Byrne
Uploader:Steve Bye, steve f1lw demon co uk
Download:game/demo/keith.lha - View contents

Demo of Keith's Quest, a point and click graphic adventure game created 
with F1 Licenceware's stunning 'GRAC', Graphic Adventure Creator.

                ** Keith's Quest Demo Version.  **
                **      By Jasper Byrne.        **

This demo is freeware, and is freely distributable.
If you would like to find out more about the game, 'phone me on:
                 44   (01263) 824394

The full version of keith comes on 4 compressed disks and costs 6.99UKP
from F1 Licenceware. Postage is 1UKP UK, 1.50UKP Europe, 2UKP ROW.

You can contact F1 at
Phone (44) (0)1392-493580 (Office hours, Mon-Fri)
Snail: 31, Wellington Rd, Exeter, Devon. EX2-9DU. England.

See 'Aminet/docs/lists/f1info.lha' for full catalogue of exclusive Amiga 
games and utils from F1.

Keith's Quest:
Requirements: A WB2 or better Amiga and at least 1.5 meg of free memory. 

Running from hard drive
* Unarchive Keith.lha to anywhere on your hard drive.

* Make sure you have Medplayer.library in your Sys:Libs drawer,
  we are not allowed to include it with this archive, sorry.
  You should find it on a CD-Rom or other PD disk somewhere in your

* Make sure you have the 'Helvetica' font in Sys:Fonts.

* The game needs an assign:  Assign KeithDemo: Work:keithdemo
  Edit the  'Work:' part to wherever you are running the program from,
  i.e. 'Work:games/'   or whatever.

* Open the 'KeithDemo' drawer on your HD & double click on the 'Keith_Demo'
  icon to run the game. Ctrl and C  quits the game.

Creating a bootable floppy disk

* Unarchive keith.lha to a formatted floppy disk.
* Rename the disk to 'KeithDemo'.
* copy the following Workbench files to the relevant drawers:

  Libs drawer                        C drawer       Fonts drawer
  -----------                       ---------       ------------
Diskfont.library                    Assign       Helvetica (drawer with 
Icon.library                        Endcli                   9,11.18,24)
Mathtrans.library                   Loadwb       Helvetica.font
Mathieeedoubbas.library             More

(Medplayer is NOT on                     L drawer
 Workbench, but we are                   ----------
 not allowed to distribute             Fastfilesystem
 it, so search around for it!)         port-handler

Now boot up the disk.

============================= Archive contents ============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
     880     337 61.7% 26-Jul-96 21:52:14 +31.d.iff
   26836   19245 28.2% 26-Jul-96 21:52:16 +31.iff
     896     224 75.0% 26-Jul-96 21:52:16 +32.d.iff
   28116   19841 29.4% 26-Jul-96 21:52:18 +32.iff
    1350     492 63.5% 26-Jul-96 21:52:18 +36.d.iff
   28720   18138 36.8% 26-Jul-96 21:52:20 +36.iff
     754     192 74.5% 26-Jul-96 21:52:20 +37.d.iff
   18710    8500 54.5% 26-Jul-96 21:52:22 +37.iff
    1116     463 58.5% 26-Jul-96 21:52:22 +38.d.iff
   50392   26699 47.0% 26-Jul-96 21:52:26 +38.iff
    1122     452 59.7% 26-Jul-96 21:52:26 +39.d.iff
   29250   19961 31.7% 26-Jul-96 21:52:28 +39.iff
     928     325 64.9% 26-Jul-96 21:52:30 +40.d.iff
   27518   15797 42.5% 26-Jul-96 21:52:32 +40.iff
       0       0  0.0% 26-Jul-96 21:53:34 +
    4080    1537 62.3% 26-Jul-96 21:52:32 +d.zd
    6020     851 85.8% 26-Jul-96 21:52:32 +d.zd.b
    4620     328 92.9% 26-Jul-96 21:52:32 +d.zd.c
    6719    2622 60.9% 26-Jul-96 21:52:34 +d.zd.m
    3883    1046 73.0% 26-Jul-96 21:52:34 +d.zd.o
   32020    1912 94.0% 26-Jul-96 21:52:36 +d.zd.s
   19619    8897 54.6% 26-Jul-96 21:52:38 +d.zd.w
    1210     376 68.9% 26-Jul-96 21:52:38 +disk.abk
    4048    1180 70.8% 26-Jul-96 21:52:40
    4230    1309 69.0% 26-Jul-96 21:52:40 +eyes.abk
       0       0  0.0% 26-Jul-96 21:53:48 +
  124380   65456 47.3% 26-Jul-96 21:52:48 +KeithDemo
    2022     509 74.8% 26-Jul-96 21:52:48
       0       0  0.0% 26-Jul-96 21:53:58 +
       0       0  0.0% 26-Jul-96 21:54:06 +
   28826   23138 19.7% 26-Jul-96 21:52:50 +mend.iff
    8590    2307 73.1% 26-Jul-96 21:52:50 +Mobji.abk
    8120    3012 62.9% 26-Jul-96 21:52:52 +mpani.abk
     218     111 49.0% 26-Jul-96 21:52:52 +msp.abk
   29540   24402 17.3% 26-Jul-96 21:52:54 +mtit.iff
   15820    3671 76.7% 26-Jul-96 21:52:54 +or31.abk
   12180    4645 61.8% 26-Jul-96 21:52:56 +or32.abk
   11700    3647 68.8% 26-Jul-96 21:52:56 +or36.abk
     590     206 65.0% 26-Jul-96 21:52:56 +or37.abk
   21170    7664 63.7% 26-Jul-96 21:52:58 +or38.abk
   11090    2324 79.0% 26-Jul-96 21:52:58 +or39.abk
   21280    8484 60.1% 26-Jul-96 21:53:00 +or40.abk
   12606    8527 32.3% 26-Jul-96 21:53:00 +Panel2.iff
    2933    1472 49.8% 26-Jul-96 22:15:08 +Readme!
     390     194 50.2% 26-Jul-96 21:53:00 +Readme!.info
   40680   11174 72.5% 26-Jul-96 21:53:04 +Rik.abk
      16      16  0.0% 26-Jul-96 21:53:10 +startup-sequence
     124      81 34.6% 26-Jul-96 21:53:04 +Text.abk
   49724   27072 45.5% 26-Jul-96 21:53:10
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  705036  348836 50.5% 26-Jul-96 22:23:38   49 files

Contents of game/demo/keith.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  337     880  38.3% -lh5- d87d Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/31.d.iff
[generic]                19245   26836  71.7% -lh5- 2477 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/31.iff
[generic]                  224     896  25.0% -lh5- ceb9 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/32.d.iff
[generic]                19841   28116  70.6% -lh5- 434a Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/32.iff
[generic]                  492    1350  36.4% -lh5- 94cf Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/36.d.iff
[generic]                18138   28720  63.2% -lh5- 7744 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/36.iff
[generic]                  192     754  25.5% -lh5- b22b Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/37.d.iff
[generic]                 8500   18710  45.4% -lh5- d078 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/37.iff
[generic]                  463    1116  41.5% -lh5- 205e Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/38.d.iff
[generic]                26699   50392  53.0% -lh5- ad6d Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/38.iff
[generic]                  452    1122  40.3% -lh5- 20fe Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/39.d.iff
[generic]                19961   29250  68.2% -lh5- a6aa Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/39.iff
[generic]                  325     928  35.0% -lh5- 6566 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/40.d.iff
[generic]                15797   27518  57.4% -lh5- 73a5 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/40.iff
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/c/
[generic]                 1537    4080  37.7% -lh5- 8438 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/d.zd
[generic]                  851    6020  14.1% -lh5- 3422 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/d.zd.b
[generic]                  328    4620   7.1% -lh5- 1e1c Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/d.zd.c
[generic]                 2622    6719  39.0% -lh5- fe9c Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/d.zd.m
[generic]                 1046    3883  26.9% -lh5- 4443 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/d.zd.o
[generic]                 1912   32020   6.0% -lh5- 1401 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/d.zd.s
[generic]                 8897   19619  45.3% -lh5- 8620 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/d.zd.w
[generic]                  376    1210  31.1% -lh5- faeb Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/disk.abk
[generic]                 1180    4048  29.2% -lh5- 5aa7 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/
[generic]                 1309    4230  30.9% -lh5- 9022 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/eyes.abk
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/fonts/
[generic]                65456  124380  52.6% -lh5- 84d3 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/KeithDemo
[generic]                  509    2022  25.2% -lh5- 80af Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/l/
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/libs/
[generic]                23138   28826  80.3% -lh5- 8d07 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/mend.iff
[generic]                 2307    8590  26.9% -lh5- 1f14 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/Mobji.abk
[generic]                 3012    8120  37.1% -lh5- 487b Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/mpani.abk
[generic]                  111     218  50.9% -lh5- cee1 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/msp.abk
[generic]                24402   29540  82.6% -lh5- e212 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/mtit.iff
[generic]                 3671   15820  23.2% -lh5- 9f1c Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/or31.abk
[generic]                 4645   12180  38.1% -lh5- 42df Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/or32.abk
[generic]                 3647   11700  31.2% -lh5- a5e0 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/or36.abk
[generic]                  206     590  34.9% -lh5- aa89 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/or37.abk
[generic]                 7664   21170  36.2% -lh5- 9e82 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/or38.abk
[generic]                 2324   11090  21.0% -lh5- 5e71 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/or39.abk
[generic]                 8484   21280  39.9% -lh5- 3304 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/or40.abk
[generic]                 8527   12606  67.6% -lh5- 9c9c Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/Panel2.iff
[generic]                 1472    2933  50.2% -lh5- 81d4 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/Readme!
[generic]                  194     390  49.7% -lh5- 1bf6 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/Readme!.info
[generic]                11174   40680  27.5% -lh5- 27b6 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/Rik.abk
[generic]                   16      16 100.0% -lh0- 1f3c Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/s/startup-sequence
[generic]                   81     124  65.3% -lh5- a920 Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/Text.abk
[generic]                27072   49724  54.4% -lh5- 430b Jul 26  1996 KeithDemo/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        49 files  348836  705036  49.5%            Jul 28  1996
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