Unleash the arcade machine in your AMIGA !
"Insert coin" ... and enjoy MEGA-TYPHOON, the fastest
hard core arcade/console-style shoot-em-up on the AMIGA.
(runs on all AMIGAs (AGA or non-AGA))
MEGA-TYPHOON comes with a pioneering new high end games engine
that squeezes blitter performance up to the ultimate limit !
(If you don't belive me, have a look at the review in the
AMIGA-Joker Magazine 10/96 !)
Please note that this is just a playable demo version, the full
game of MEGA-TYPHOON is avaiable from:
Alter Fischerspfad 10
D-26506 Norden
Tel/Fax 04931 167222
(+49 4931 167222)
You can install the MEGA-TYPHOON demo either on floppy disk
or on hard disk.
Install on floppy disk:
- format a disk and name it "MEGATYPHOON"
- unpack the archive on it:
> lha e megatyphoon.lha df0:
- install the disk:
> install df0:
- boot from disk
Install on hard disk:
- Choose a target directory, e.g.
> makedir dh0:mega-typhoon
- Unpack the archive to the target directory:
> lha e megatyphoon.lha dh0:mega-typhoon/
- To play, type
> cd dh0:mega-typhoon
> mega-typhoon
* more than 100 objects moving on screen
at the same time
* 50 (!) frames per second (fps)
(all conventional games with comparable number,
size and complexity of moving objects run at 17
or at most 25 fps only )
* Full performance on ALL AMIGAS (including A1000,A500)
* pioneering new graphics engine featuring
64 BOB's, 48 Sprites, 16 Colors
* copper driven blitter
* virtual sprite engine
* virtual playfield scrolling
* asynchronuous multi-process animation algorithm
* animation/control process separation
In other words:
The fastest arcade action game ever made for the AMIGA !