84782 packages online
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To install, copy the directories "MasterLevels" or "DemoLevels" to your
Marblelous-2-directory (you need the original Marblelous 2 on your hard drive)
and rename one of them to "Levels" to play it. Before you should rename the
original "Levels" directory to something else.
I also recommend to install these two new sound files: Sound/gun.iff and
Sound/shoot.iff to your sound directory.
The MasterLevels have two new items: The gun and the 'slimer' ghost. If you have
collected the gun, press the right Amiga key to shoot with the blue marble, right Alt
or Shift to shoot with the brown or yellow marble. The grey marble will shoot
immediately. Notice you can only shoot once. The shot will reflect on the walls so be
careful not to shoot yourself! If you've got a shield the shot won't hurt you.
To put the two new items in the editor when making new levels, select the object
editor and press "g" to set a gun and "s" to put one ghost.
And don't forget to upload your new levels to Aminet. Everybody who makes five or more
cool levels will get an original Amiga game from me!! Mail Me!!!
Please visit the Marblelous 2 page:
-->>>> http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/9597/
Contents of game/edit/M2Master.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 273 628 43.5% -lh5- 1c36 Jan 16 2000 Marblelous2Master.info
[generic] 844 1984 42.5% -lh5- 92eb Nov 8 1998 Marblelous2Master/DemoLevels/lev001
[generic] 929 1984 46.8% -lh5- ff8e Nov 26 1998 Marblelous2Master/DemoLevels/lev002
[generic] 889 1984 44.8% -lh5- ac01 Nov 19 1998 Marblelous2Master/DemoLevels/lev003
[generic] 896 1984 45.2% -lh5- 980f Jan 16 2000 Marblelous2Master/DemoLevels/lev004
[generic] 910 1984 45.9% -lh5- e155 Nov 26 1998 Marblelous2Master/DemoLevels/lev005
[generic] 9979 11210 89.0% -lh5- a84b Jan 13 2000 Marblelous2Master/DiskIcons/Marblelous2-1.info
[generic] 9933 12794 77.6% -lh5- c37c Jan 13 2000 Marblelous2Master/DiskIcons/Marblelous2-2.info
[generic] 41739 103552 40.3% -lh5- 6944 Jan 13 2000 Marblelous2Master/Editor2
[generic] 7003 9645 72.6% -lh5- 30e9 Jan 16 2000 Marblelous2Master/Editor2.info
[generic] 842 1984 42.4% -lh5- d1f5 Jan 14 2000 Marblelous2Master/MasterLevels/lev001
[generic] 810 1984 40.8% -lh5- 4777 Jan 14 2000 Marblelous2Master/MasterLevels/lev002
[generic] 841 1984 42.4% -lh5- e8d1 Jan 14 2000 Marblelous2Master/MasterLevels/lev003
[generic] 765 1984 38.6% -lh5- d285 Jan 14 2000 Marblelous2Master/MasterLevels/lev004
[generic] 806 1984 40.6% -lh5- 837e Jan 14 2000 Marblelous2Master/MasterLevels/lev005
[generic] 14810 26690 55.5% -lh5- 8842 Sep 18 1998 Marblelous2Master/objects.iff
[generic] 689 1325 52.0% -lh5- 78b3 Jan 14 2000 Marblelous2Master/Readme
[generic] 286 503 56.9% -lh5- 5547 Jan 16 2000 Marblelous2Master/Readme.info
[generic] 4437 5266 84.3% -lh5- 7ebb Jul 15 1998 Marblelous2Master/Sound/gun.iff
[generic] 8342 9752 85.5% -lh5- 52c8 Jul 15 1998 Marblelous2Master/Sound/shoot.iff
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 20 files 106023 201205 52.7% Aug 7 2005
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