84794 packages online
game/race/InternalCombus.lha |
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============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
14628 4418 69.7% 08-Dec-93 00:01:08 +COURSE.1
17054 6641 61.0% 08-Dec-93 00:02:38 +COURSE.10
25560 21077 17.5% 08-Dec-93 00:02:50 +COURSE.11
24884 22156 10.9% 08-Dec-93 00:02:58 +COURSE.12
27920 19872 28.8% 08-Dec-93 00:01:18 +COURSE.2
21810 11331 48.0% 08-Dec-93 00:01:28 +COURSE.3
26628 16478 38.1% 08-Dec-93 00:01:40 +COURSE.4
22474 13501 39.9% 08-Dec-93 00:01:52 +COURSE.5
28222 11354 59.7% 08-Dec-93 00:02:00 +COURSE.6
24152 16688 30.9% 08-Dec-93 00:02:10 +COURSE.7
26118 19461 25.4% 08-Dec-93 00:02:22 +COURSE.8
21048 6799 67.6% 08-Dec-93 00:02:28 +COURSE.9
20008 10350 48.2% 08-Dec-93 00:03:08 +CREDITS.IFF
20044 5481 72.6% 08-Dec-93 00:03:18 +LEAGUE.IFF
15334 8307 45.8% 08-Dec-93 00:03:26 +LOSE.IFF
26676 9962 62.6% 08-Dec-93 00:03:36 +MAP.IFF
26182 10826 58.6% 08-Dec-93 00:03:46 +OPTIONS.IFF
54864 22089 59.7% 08-Dec-93 00:04:38 +SHAPES
7808 4082 47.7% 08-Dec-93 00:04:46 +SPRITES
2152 100 95.3% 08-Dec-93 00:03:52 +SPRITES.IFF
20672 12050 41.7% 08-Dec-93 00:04:00 +STATUS.IFF
22228 12635 43.1% 27-Nov-92 19:46:50 +TITLE.IFF
23866 12603 47.1% 08-Dec-93 00:04:20 +WIN.IFF
3830 1736 54.6% 07-Jul-94 15:26:00 +INSTRUCTIONS
99016 40027 59.5% 02-Sep-92 12:35:04 +INTERNAL
1722 1056 38.6% 01-Jan-80 00:01:26 +INTERNAL.info
4322 3634 15.9% 07-Jul-94 15:25:10 +DRIVE.SND
4660 4055 12.9% 07-Jul-94 15:24:42 +MARKS.SND
47508 29190 38.5% 08-Dec-93 00:06:06 +MED.JAMES1
30158 21772 27.8% 08-Dec-93 00:07:20 +MOD.DRUMS
52324 29584 43.4% 08-Dec-93 00:06:46 +MOD.JAMES2
3224 2889 10.3% 07-Jul-94 15:25:42 +SET.SND
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
767096 412204 46.2% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00 32 files
Contents of game/race/InternalCombus.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 4418 14628 30.2% -lh5- 07d0 Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/COURSE.1
[generic] 6641 17054 38.9% -lh5- d125 Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/COURSE.10
[generic] 21077 25560 82.5% -lh5- 84df Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/COURSE.11
[generic] 22156 24884 89.0% -lh5- 0dcc Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/COURSE.12
[generic] 19872 27920 71.2% -lh5- 8f46 Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/COURSE.2
[generic] 11331 21810 52.0% -lh5- 6baa Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/COURSE.3
[generic] 16478 26628 61.9% -lh5- 4916 Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/COURSE.4
[generic] 13501 22474 60.1% -lh5- 413f Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/COURSE.5
[generic] 11354 28222 40.2% -lh5- bc14 Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/COURSE.6
[generic] 16688 24152 69.1% -lh5- 02ee Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/COURSE.7
[generic] 19461 26118 74.5% -lh5- 1b23 Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/COURSE.8
[generic] 6799 21048 32.3% -lh5- a234 Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/COURSE.9
[generic] 10350 20008 51.7% -lh5- 7cd8 Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/CREDITS.IFF
[generic] 5481 20044 27.3% -lh5- a020 Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/LEAGUE.IFF
[generic] 8307 15334 54.2% -lh5- d8f5 Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/LOSE.IFF
[generic] 9962 26676 37.3% -lh5- 35cb Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/MAP.IFF
[generic] 10826 26182 41.3% -lh5- 8eae Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/OPTIONS.IFF
[generic] 22089 54864 40.3% -lh5- 6956 Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/SHAPES
[generic] 4082 7808 52.3% -lh5- c4c3 Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/SPRITES
[generic] 100 2152 4.6% -lh5- 8fd5 Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/SPRITES.IFF
[generic] 12050 20672 58.3% -lh5- 79bc Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/STATUS.IFF
[generic] 12635 22228 56.8% -lh5- aa30 Nov 27 1992 InternalCombus/GFX/TITLE.IFF
[generic] 12603 23866 52.8% -lh5- 1dcd Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/GFX/WIN.IFF
[generic] 1736 3830 45.3% -lh5- c12b Jul 7 1994 InternalCombus/INSTRUCTIONS
[generic] 40027 99016 40.4% -lh5- aa96 Sep 2 1992 InternalCombus/INTERNAL
[generic] 1056 1722 61.3% -lh5- 6784 Jan 1 1980 InternalCombus/INTERNAL.info
[generic] 3634 4322 84.1% -lh5- 1a40 Jul 7 1994 InternalCombus/SOUNDS/DRIVE.SND
[generic] 4055 4660 87.0% -lh5- 2313 Jul 7 1994 InternalCombus/SOUNDS/MARKS.SND
[generic] 29190 47508 61.4% -lh5- 09f8 Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/SOUNDS/MED.JAMES1
[generic] 21772 30158 72.2% -lh5- 6599 Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/SOUNDS/MOD.DRUMS
[generic] 29584 52324 56.5% -lh5- a0ae Dec 8 1993 InternalCombus/SOUNDS/MOD.JAMES2
[generic] 2889 3224 89.6% -lh5- 8cbe Jul 7 1994 InternalCombus/SOUNDS/SET.SND
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 32 files 412204 767096 53.7% Sep 2 1995
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