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Short:Mipric+Infocom interpr. v3.17 MUI opt.
Author:Ruediger Hanke
Uploader:schulze phil uni-sb de (Martin Schulze)
Download:game/role/Mipric_Basic.lha - View contents

System Requirements:
Minimal configuration:
Amiga OS 2.0 or higher, 1 MByte RAM
Harddisk, more (Fast) RAM, MUI v2.2, MagicWB, 68020+ cpu,
min. 640x256 display.
Optimal configuration (required to exploit this product
to its fullest):
Amiga OS 2.1 or higher, 2 MByte+ RAM, harddisk, MUI v2.2,
68020+ cpu, min. 640x256 display, ARexx, Directory Opus 5,

  You MUST completely re-install the game, either to floppy disk
  or to harddisk. Please delete all Mipric stuff installed on
  your harddisk and make sure that there's no MIPRIC: assign.
  If this assign is made in your user-startup, delete it.
  Enter also ASSIGN MIPRIC: REMOVE in your shell to make really
  sure that there's no MIPRIC: drawer. With valid MIPRIC: assign
  or older system/game files on your harddisk, it might be
  that the games do not work after the installation process.
  Check out the documentation for more info about installing.

P.S.: Thanks for the many, many, many registrations. I always
      thought, interactive novels were dead... :-)))


The Mipric Story System is a system for creating + running classic
interactive novels. From version 3.00 on, you can not only play
Mipric, but also Infocom V3+4 games. Several special Mipric games
are availible as well. MUI turns the MIPRIC Interpreter into the
ultimate interpreter for Infocom stories!!!
NOTE: This archive just contains the interpreter. You'll also need
      an interactive novel, either an Infocom type 3 or 4 game,
      or a Mipric game. Currently availible Mipric games are The
      Timeless Empire and The Ice Princess. For more information
      about these games, read the .readme's of those archives
      (Mipric_TEI.lha and (Mipric_IP.lha).

From this release on, the Mipric Story System is split up into several
archives to allow disk users to unpack it to disk and to update single
parts of the story system.
The archives are:
  Mipric_Basic.lha    - The basic package with interpreter and tools.
  Mipric_<key>_x.lha  - These are the Mipric games. <key> stands for
                        the short name of a game. E.g., "TEI" stands
                        for "The Timeless Empire I", while "IP" stands
                        for "The Ice Princess". 'x' is the current
                        release number, so that you can easily identify

  INTERPRETER: · Capable of running BOTH Mipric and Infocom V3 & 4 games!!!
               · Two versions: Standard and MUI
               · Documentation in HotHelp format
               · HotHelp included in the archive
               · Hintbooks and MUI requesters even for Infocom games!
               · Innovative MUI gamesave requester
     HINTCOMP: · Create your own hintbooks for Infocom games!
    INFOSHELL: · Database for Infocom and Mipric games
               · All games organized in genres
               · Beautiful MUI interface
               · Displays company, release date, author and short description
                 for each game
               · Start a game with a simple mouse click!!!
               · New games can be added via configuration file
               · Included configuration file contains all Infocom and
                 Mipric games availible!!!

Author: Ruediger Hanke
        An der Marienlinde 10
        D-48291 Telgte

Contents of game/role/Mipric_Basic.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  263     698  37.7% -lh5- 9f33 Jun 20  1995 mipric_basic/data/Book.ico
[generic]                 5642    9068  62.2% -lh5- 430e Jun 19  1995 mipric_basic/data/HintComp
[generic]                  134     178  75.3% -lh5- 2af6 Jun 18  1995 mipric_basic/data/Infocom V3-4 Story
[generic]                  123     170  72.4% -lh5- 6caf Jun 18  1995 mipric_basic/data/Infocom V5 Story
[generic]                  124     174  71.3% -lh5- b5e1 Jun  2  1995 mipric_basic/data/Infocom V6 Story
[generic]                  133     182  73.1% -lh5- 1da7 Jun  2  1995 mipric_basic/data/Infocom, Arthur
[generic]                 7657   13392  57.2% -lh5- f6e2 Jun 23  1995 mipric_basic/data/InfoShell
[generic]                 5394   12396  43.5% -lh5- 780a Jun 18  1995 mipric_basic/data/InfoShell.Prefs
[generic]                  129     184  70.1% -lh5- ba21 Jun 18  1995 mipric_basic/data/MIPRIC Story
[generic]                59830  132616  45.1% -lh5- 6f74 Jun 29  1995 mipric_basic/data/MUIInt
[generic]                  127     202  62.9% -lh5- e8f6 Jun 18  1995 mipric_basic/Documentation
[generic]                49654   75814  65.5% -lh5- aa14 Jun 21  1995 mipric_basic/InfoShell
[generic]                  431     834  51.7% -lh5- 6b78 Jun 21  1995 mipric_basic/
[generic]                  915    2043  44.8% -lh5- 4ed5 Jun 20  1995 mipric_basic/data/Book.mwb
[generic]                 3840    6816  56.3% -lh5- aa1b Jun 18  1995 mipric_basic/data/MipricShell
[generic]                57033  122856  46.4% -lh5- d701 Jun 21  1995 mipric_basic/data/StandardInt
[generic]                  223     460  48.5% -lh5- 0e19 Jun 21  1995 mipric_basic/
[generic]                  118     190  62.1% -lh5- abfe Jun 18  1995 mipric_basic/Hothelp-Doc
[generic]                  223     460  48.5% -lh5- f23d Jun 21  1995 mipric_basic/
[generic]                  324     982  33.0% -lh5- fd3d Feb 14  1994 mipric_basic/hothelp/icons/
[generic]                  353     982  35.9% -lh5- 86a2 Feb 14  1994 mipric_basic/hothelp/icons/
[generic]                  288     835  34.5% -lh5- d157 Feb 14  1994 mipric_basic/hothelp/icons/
[generic]                 1676    2640  63.5% -lh5- 08c6 Jun 18  1995 mipric_basic/HotView
[generic]                  372     715  52.0% -lh5- 8073 Jun 21  1995 mipric_basic/Install
[generic]                  226     463  48.8% -lh5- 980f Jun 21  1995 mipric_basic/
[generic]                 2571    5927  43.4% -lh5- fa27 Feb 14  1994 mipric_basic/hothelp/HotHelpLib.deutsch
[generic]                 2303    5077  45.4% -lh5- 976b Feb 14  1994 mipric_basic/hothelp/HotHelpLib.english
[generic]                  251     628  40.0% -lh5- 3fbf Feb 14  1994 mipric_basic/hothelp/icons/
[generic]                  287     835  34.4% -lh5- d0d6 Feb 14  1994 mipric_basic/hothelp/icons/
[generic]                58351  105704  55.2% -lh5- cc96 Feb 14  1994 mipric_basic/hothelp/libs/HotHelp.Library
[generic]                 1740    4441  39.2% -lh5- 6dda Jun 18  1995 mipric_basic/hothelp/projekte/HotHelp.hdr
[generic]               119567  119567 100.0% -lh0- fd3c Feb 14  1994 mipric_basic/hothelp/projekte/HotHelp.txt
[generic]                  665    2101  31.7% -lh5- 7b6d Jun 18  1995 mipric_basic/hothelp/projekte/MIPRIC Story System.hdr
[generic]                31236   31351  99.6% -lh5- 451e Jun 18  1995 mipric_basic/hothelp/projekte/MIPRIC Story System.txt
[generic]                  583    2612  22.3% -lh5- ab2d Jun 21  1995
[generic]                  170     208  81.7% -lh5- 1d53 Feb 14  1994 mipric_basic/hothelp/l/HotHelpHandler
[generic]                43246   89576  48.3% -lh5- a52e Dec 13  1994 mipric_basic/hothelp/libs/rct.library
[generic]                 3328    7554  44.1% -lh5- 377e Feb 14  1994 mipric_basic/hothelp/locale/catalogs/deutsch/HotHelpLib.catalog
[generic]                 3669   11483  32.0% -lh5- b4ec Jun 22  1995 mipric_basic/InstallScript
[generic]                12787   22590  56.6% -lh5- dabb Jun 16  1995 mipric_basic/Look at Me!
[generic]                  427     834  51.2% -lh5- c925 Jun 21  1995 mipric_basic/Look At Me!.info
[generic]                 9436   20428  46.2% -lh5- 9417 Jun 16  1995 mipric_basic/Look at Me, Too!
[generic]                  429     834  51.4% -lh5- 45b3 Jun 21  1995 mipric_basic/Look At Me, Too!.info
[generic]                 2082    4097  50.8% -lh5- 94c1 Jun 29  1995 mipric_basic/ReadMe.First
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        44 files  488360  821197  59.5%            Jul  8  1995
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