Written by Alastair Murray in about 2 or 3 years ago
Graphics were mainly done by me with a little help from Philip Nichols.
Based on the Julian Gollup Spectrum game also called CHAOS.
Updates from V1
Simple instructions manual included
Bug Fixed that meant the computer wizards would try to move Shadow Forest
rather than just attack with it.
Newer Version (V2.0)
I'm considering a total rewrite. (The code is soooo old and terrible).
I could definately make it better presentable while keeping the
excellent game play intact.
For this I could do with some-one to help with Graphics etc.
I can send the original graphics to anyone who wants to play
with them. (I might even make them customisable.)
What do you think?
E-mail me.
If you haven't played it, then it will seem confusing at first but
you'll soon get the hang of it.
PLEASE mail me if you download it.
I can make the source code and/or graphics files available to anyone
who may want to fiddle with it.
E-mail me at:
or :
Lots more stuff at my Web Page:
Alastair Murray
2 Warcop Close,
Copy this to anyone as long as you don't change of delete any of it.
Written entirely in AMOS Professional on an A1200 with 6 Meg RAM.
Ctrl-C to Quit.
To play just execute the CHAOS file!
Have Fun!