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Short:AsciiArtPro - now uses a standard screen
Author:Andrew Crowe
Uploader:andrewcrowe enterprise net
Download:gfx/edit/AsciiArtP4I.lha - View contents

	AsciiArt Pro v4.0  by Andrew Crowe, Manta Soft            23/3/97

! ! ! !  AsciiArt Pro now uses a WORKBENCH screen  ! ! !

AsciiArt Pro, Unlike previous releases, is more than just a converter,
its an Art package!

It will let you draw with ascii! No more moving the curser about, putting
it on insert mode and typing, now you can just use the mouse and draw
like in a painting package.

to use it is very simple - you just use the keyboard, or the supplied
buttons to choose an ascii caracter, and then, take your mouse and
draw! NO curser, NO typing, NO problem!

This program has been patched by AMOS Multi-Tasking Patcher by NSA Designs

***** NEW FEATURES *****

* AsciiArt uses a standart workbench screen, so you can use DBLPal modes

* Now you can actualy pickup a section of you picture and use it as a
  brush like in a painting package! It now has IFF convetion built in too!

* Convert IFF now has a 2 colour shape mapping mode

* It now uses the standard ReqTools requester

Thanks to John.A Kinsella for the OS2.x> like gadget procedures,
	Andrew Church for the Intuition extension,
	Benjamin for inspiring me to write this program, and
	helping me to fix the bug, and every one else that
	has writen to me.

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               */                                                  \*           
               * !This picture was created using AsciiArt Pro V3.1! *           
               *\                                                  /*           

           * * Usage * *

1. Simple drawing  : To paint a picture with ascii, first select the
    charecter you want, using the buttons, or by typing it on the
    keyboard, and then 'paint' them on to the main screen using
    the mouse. The right mouse button erases bits of the picture.

2. Brushes         : To use a brush, first goto the brush menu,
    then select 'pickup'. then using the mouse, highlight a section
    of the picture, and then you can paste it anywhere.
    Again, the right mouse button uses the brush to erase parts
    of the picture.

3. Picture converts: To convert a picture into ascii, go into the
   IFF menu, and then click on 'load iff'. Then click on render.
   After that, you can try adjusting the size, contrast and
   brightness of the output, and using the buttons, you can
   turn off 'exotic' charecters so that eg. web browsers don't
   have trouble displaying them.

   If you want a smooth shape (circles etc.) then draw it on
   a 2 colour picture and then load it in to AsciiArt, It
   will take longer to render, but it will sure look good.

   I have included a quick tutorial to help you use the picture 
   converting option.

! EMail note - !
	During School terms I will not be able to answer EMails until
	the weekends because I go to a boarding school, so don't wory
	if you don't get a reply quickly!

Other Products:
	At the moment, I have two game (SpodLand and SpodRacer) and 3
	utilities (SerPaint, asciiart(beta) and this!) on Aminet,
	and am currently working on a Secret of Mana style RPG.


	If anyone can help (Graphics, Music etc.) than contact me!

Trouble Shooting:
	I haven't had any problems with it, but if there are, EMail
	them to me. Here is a brief explanation of the error requester

	| Error 31 : Bad Args.         +---------- Here it tells you     
	|                                  |        what the error was.  
	| ---------------------------------|                             
	|| Retry | Cancel | Ignore | Quit ||-----  Here are your options.

	Retry  - Retrys the error.
	Cancel - Ignores the error and continues.
	Ignore - Ignores all errors.
	Quit   - Quits AsciiArt Pro.

	Here are a few that people have had :

	The crash bug: On some Amigas AsciiArt Pro crashed alot,
		so if you copy crashes/lockes up, then EMail me
		your config. I've fixed it for most systems,
		but it might still be there.

	:)    See Ya  !   :)

Contents of gfx/edit/AsciiArtP4I.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  541     998  54.2% -lh5- 6a38 Mar 25  1997
[generic]                  250     392  63.8% -lh5- 7d11 Mar 25  1997 AsciiArtProV4/!ReadMe_1st!
[generic]                 1202    1734  69.3% -lh5- f2e6 Mar 25  1997 AsciiArtProV4/!ReadMe_1st!.info
[generic]                  791    2244  35.2% -lh5- 8207 Mar  1  1997 AsciiArtProV4/AsciiArt-2ColShape.IFF
[generic]                 1441    6560  22.0% -lh5- 686f Mar  1  1997 AsciiArtProV4/AsciiArt-Example.asc
[generic]                16749   67958  24.6% -lh5- a5e9 Feb  9  1997 AsciiArtProV4/AsciiArt-Tutor.IFF
[generic]                84295  179768  46.9% -lh5- 0e52 Mar 24  1997 AsciiArtProV4/AsciiArtPro4
[generic]                 3067    5098  60.2% -lh5- a100 Mar 25  1997 AsciiArtProV4/
[generic]                  589    1112  53.0% -lh5- 92a3 Mar 24  1997 AsciiArtProV4/History
[generic]                 1201    1734  69.3% -lh5- 9492 Mar 25  1997 AsciiArtProV4/
[generic]                 7179   22142  32.4% -lh5- 275f Mar 25  1997 AsciiArtProV4/Iff-tutorial
[generic]                 1198    1734  69.1% -lh5- 4683 Mar 25  1997 AsciiArtProV4/
[generic]                 3292    9250  35.6% -lh5- 8619 Mar 24  1997 AsciiArtProV4/ReadMe
[generic]                 1202    1734  69.3% -lh5- 8fee Mar 25  1997 AsciiArtProV4/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        14 files  122997  302458  40.7%            Mar 25  1997
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