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Short:The ultimate ascii painting/animation studio
Author:Andrew Crowe
Uploader:andrewcrowe enterprise net
Download:gfx/edit/AsciiArtProS.lha - View contents

	AsciiArt Pro Studio V0.9         Andrew Crowe       24/5/97

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		AsciiArt Pro Studio - The best ascii painting package, and one
					of the only ascii animation packages.


	1. Basic usage

	2. Brushes

	3. Using IFF pics

	4. Animation

	5. Registering

	6. Other notes


**** 1: Basic Usage **************

	Using AsciiArt Pro is simpler then ever because of its new 'DPaint'
style interface. All the tools are in buttons on the right of the screen.

	To draw an ascii picture, all you have to do is select an ascii
charecter, either by using the table in the button bank, or just press
the one you want on the keyboard.

**** 2: Brushes ******************

	To pickup a brush, you click on 'pickup' in the brush menu, and
mark out the area you want as a brush.

	You can then paint with it like single charecters. If you want to
stop using the brush (to do some detail with single chrs) click on the
use button (clicking again will turn it on again)

**** 3: Using IFF pics ***********

	To convert a picture to ascii, just press on the 'convertpic' button
and select a picture. To get the most out of this option you must play
with the contrast settings in the iff 'options' button. It takes practise
to get good results.

	If the picture is only 2 colours then asciiart pro traces around the
shapes to make smooth ascii lines.

If you change the text colours then converting it from iff will use the
next text/bg colour. (see 'AsciiArt-2ColShape.AAF')

**** 4: Animation ****************

	To start the animation you first set the no. of fraims. If you have
started an anim then you can add fraims to it.

	When you save you can use 2 formats -

	.AAF - AsciiAnimationFormat is my own format. At the moment AAPS only
           supports uncompressed type 0 format.

	AsciiStream - This produces a big ascii file, and with abit of modifing,
           could be used in BBS's/MUCK's etc.
          * You can't load ascii streams back into AAPS.

**** 5: Registering **************

	To register AsciiArtPro Studio, just send your name, 
cash/cheque or postal order for £5 (or equivalent in your own currency),
and your EMail/mail/phone No. to :

	Andrew Crowe
	17 lansdowne Rd.
	BN3 1FE

And I will send you your keyfile password. If you have any questions
then EMail me ( )

Make Cheques payable to A.Crowe

**** 6: Other notes **************

If you can think of anything missing from this release, then EMail
me, because the only way I can make this better is with YOUR help.

! EMail note - !
	During School terms I will not be able to answer EMails until
	the weekends because I go to a boarding school, so don't wory
	if you don't get a reply quickly!

Trouble Shooting:
	Known Bugs:

		there are a few bugs in the brush display and pickup, and I
		will fix them for V1.0 release.
		(you can only pickup brushes from topleft->bottomright)

	Apart from that, I haven't had any other problems with it,
	so if there are, EMail them to me.

	Here is a brief explanation of the error requester

	| Error 31 : Bad Args.         +---------- Here it tells you     
	|                                  |        what the error was.  
	| ---------------------------------|                             
	|| Retry | Cancel | Ignore | Quit ||-----  Here are your options.

	Retry  - Retrys the error.
	Cancel - Ignores the error and continues.
	Ignore - Ignores all errors.
	Quit   - Quits AsciiArt Pro.

****    Have Fun    **************

Contents of gfx/edit/AsciiArtProS.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  546     998  54.7% -lh5- c16f Apr 13  1997
[generic]                  253     420  60.2% -lh5- 8832 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/!StillToDo!
[generic]                 1219    1748  69.7% -lh5- 8811 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/!StillToDo!.info
[generic]                  578    5848   9.9% -lh5- 4240 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/AsciiArt-2ColShape.AAF
[generic]                  295    2915  10.1% -lh5- 148c Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/AsciiArt-2ColShape.asc
[generic]                  791    2244  35.2% -lh5- 8207 Mar  1  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/AsciiArt-2ColShape.IFF
[generic]                 6707   39916  16.8% -lh5- 78c4 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/AsciiArt-Anim.AAF
[generic]                 1441    6560  22.0% -lh5- 686f Mar  1  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/AsciiArt-Example.asc
[generic]                 1202    6449  18.6% -lh5- a880 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/AsciiArt-Example2.asc
[generic]                 2303    5040  45.7% -lh5- d3d5 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/AsciiArt-Tutor.asc
[generic]                16749   67958  24.6% -lh5- a5e9 Feb  9  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/AsciiArt-Tutor.IFF
[generic]                67432  132856  50.8% -lh5- d03b Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/AsciiArtProStudio
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[generic]                   47     189  24.9% -lh5- e314 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font1/Z
[generic]                  125     549  22.8% -lh5- 7b3a Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/_ABOUT_
[generic]                  110     566  19.4% -lh5- 4b26 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/A
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[generic]                  125     566  22.1% -lh5- 9065 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/D
[generic]                  114     650  17.5% -lh5- 6477 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/E
[generic]                   99     539  18.4% -lh5- 3543 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/F
[generic]                  132     566  23.3% -lh5- 4826 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/G
[generic]                  121     608  19.9% -lh5- 31c0 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/H
[generic]                  124     650  19.1% -lh5- 5b41 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/I
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[generic]                  122     566  21.6% -lh5- 9e25 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/M
[generic]                  122     637  19.2% -lh5- bbfe Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/N
[generic]                  128     629  20.3% -lh5- 4f79 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/O
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[generic]                  135     637  21.2% -lh5- e5c1 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/Q
[generic]                  140     758  18.5% -lh5- 3b60 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/R
[generic]                  125     666  18.8% -lh5- b0da Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/S
[generic]                   99     550  18.0% -lh5- b5c9 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/T
[generic]                  134     615  21.8% -lh5- 175b Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/U
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[generic]                  130     587  22.1% -lh5- 2a68 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/W
[generic]                   74     650  11.4% -lh5- 7d9b Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/X
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[generic]                  121     743  16.3% -lh5- 4313 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/Font2/Z
[generic]                  692    1309  52.9% -lh5- ccdd Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/History
[generic]                 1218    1748  69.7% -lh5- bf86 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/
[generic]                39381   65872  59.8% -lh5- d388 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/MakeKey
[generic]                  912    1748  52.2% -lh5- 2c56 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/
[generic]                 2655    8451  31.4% -lh5- 5d33 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/ReadMe
[generic]                 1216    1748  69.6% -lh5- 6f41 Apr 13  1997 AsciiArtProStudio/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        73 files  154114  382153  40.3%            May 30  1997
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