Dpaint 4.6 Patcher
(C) 1993 Pyxis Software
What it fixes:
Dpaint 4.6 has a bug in it which causes a "please insert volume dpxyzzy:"
requestor to pop up when you try and change the font directory. If you're
like me, and have trillions of fonts in different directories, it really
makes life difficult.
What the bug is:
Well, when EA released the 4.6 patch, the line of code was supposed to
assign defer dpxyzzy: [other directory]
the one they released says:
assign deferdpxyzzy: [other directory]
As you can no-doubt see, they forgot a space :-), a rather vital space
What the patch does:
It simply removes the "defer" from the line above, causing the string sent
which DPaint sends to be the following:
assign dpxyzzy: [other directory]
Not a wonderful solution, but it works!
How to use it:
Easy, just tell it where the "Dpaint" file is, and away it goes:
Will both patch the program properly. The patcher checks the filesize of
the program as a sort of error control so the wrong version of the progam
or any other program doesn't get patched.
As a little footnote here, if you are fond of Executable file compressors
like Imploder and Powerpacker, you CANNOT patch Dpaint with this program
after it has been compressed, or even after it has been compressed, then
re-extracted. The reason? Well, these programs remove symbol hunks, etc.
from the file, and will change the filesize when saved... (see error
checking above). You must patch the original unmodified file for this to
work. The filesize should be 412512 bytes.
Misc Other stuff:
We take no responsibility for this program, it works for US, but if I were
you, I'd try it on a backup first...
Pyxis Software is:
Neall Verheyde verheyde@sfu.ca
- Computer Science
Simon Fraser University
British Columbia, Canada
David Griffiths dgriff@unixg.ubc.ca
- Television Broadcasting
British Columbia Institute of Technology
British Columbia, Canada
Other Pyxis Utilities:
ClockTweek - Helps correct periodic errors in the system clock.
Purge2.0 - Deletes files in a way that they are "unrecoverable".
MemWatch - Helps find program memory loss.
NetUtils - ParNet/SerNet chat, and remote reboot.
ReqInter - Reqtools.library interface for HiSoft BASIC.
BlockMem - Removes faulty memory from memory list