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Short:X-DVE 2.70 free update (UK/DE/USA ONLY)
Author: classx at
Uploader:classx pisoft it <Michele Puccini // ClassX Development Italy>
Download:gfx/edit/xdve270upd.lha - View contents


* ClassX Development Italy   Via Francesca, 463 I-56030 Montecalvoli (PI) *
* E-Mail:   Tel. +39 587 749206   Fax. +39 587 749206    *

Welcome to the latest free X-DVE update.
This update is suitable for X-DVE 2.50/2.60 UK/GERMANY/USA version !
The ITALIAN version must be updated with a different update package
available from ClassX.

We would like to thank all our registered users for their support and for
believing in this product. I hope they will appreciate our continuous efforts
and dedication to the best computer ever.

Michele Puccini.


- Overview

Our firm is continually updating X-DVE in order to make this leading software
the most productive, easy and powerful DTV animation/titling environment on
the market. With this new free release, X-DVE has been added of some some
important features and new functionalities.

- 68060 support

Thanks to its modular desing, X-DVE keeps its cpu intesive code into separate
libraries which has been optimized for several processors.
With X-DVE 2.70 we have introduced the 68060 version of these libraries to
allow power-users to get the best out of their expensive accelerator boards.
With the imminent arrival of new PPC-based boards we'll be able to supply
PPC-optimized libraries in no time.

- Multipalette Anim5/7L object

X-DVE is based on graphical objects which can be enhanced, animated and
rendered with thousands of effects and combinations.
Objects can be single frame  (text, brush) or an animated sequence of frames
(starfield, multibrush or animbrush).
With X-DVE 2.70 the animbrush object has been extended and now it supports
doublebuffered multipalette animation formats as ANIM5 and ANIM7 (long).
With this new feature, users no longer need to convert their animations into
IFF-ANBR format in order to use them as X-DVE objects.
When adding an ANIMBRUSH object, X-DVE detects its format automatically
without the need of any user input.
For multiple palette animations, the internal colour remapper will perform
the needed frame by frame adjustments automatically.

- 12 New slide effects

The library of effects has been extended again reaching 64 different Slides.
o The "Sweep" effects (4 variants) where the object is divided into small
  rotating slices.
o The "Twist" effects (4 variants) where the object is twisted onto its own
  axis and smoothly becomes plain.
o The "RotCarpet" effects (4 variants) where the object is mapped onto a page
  coming from outside the screen.
All these effects are computed with 3D texure mapping calculations and give
astonishing visual results if rendered with the X-DVE light sourcing feature.

- Fixes

The texture mapping routines have been tuned up to allow a better precision
and appearance of the effects (the 3D polygon clipper has been enhanced to
better handle very small polygons).

- Future

o We're working to make X-DVE support DraCo of MacroSystem (even if the guys
  at MacroSystem keep to ignore our requests of support, development tools
  and documentation). The features of the DraCo version are unpredictable:
  it all depends on MacroSystem.

o The PPC version of the libraries is one of our main aims.

- Thanks

We would like to thank all our registered users for their support and for
believing in this product. I hope they will appreciate our continuous efforts
and dedication to the best computer ever.


To install the update simply unpack the archive to RAM: or any other device
and start the "X-DVE2.70_Install" script.


Contents of gfx/edit/xdve270upd.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                26111   26668  97.9% -lh5- 7a4c Sep  6  1995 lhex
[generic]                 1637    3739  43.8% -lh5- 1ea5 Mar 12  1997 ReadMe
[generic]                  235     495  47.5% -lh5- 56c2 Nov 21  1996
[generic]               386406  386406 100.0% -lh0- d2f0 Mar 12  1997 x-dve.lha
[generic]                  196     307  63.8% -lh5- 7e24 Mar 12  1997 X-DVE2.70_Install
[generic]                 1038    1894  54.8% -lh5- 5405 Mar 26  1997
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total         6 files  415623  419509  99.1%            Mar 26  1997
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