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Short:Multimedia history of Tutankhamun, with powerful GUI
Author: sdagnall at (Paul Thompson)
Uploader:sdagnall btclick com (Paul Thompson)
Download:misc/edu/Tutankhamun.lha - View contents

This program traces the birth, life and death of the Tutakhamun. It includes
music, pictures, diagrams and a powerful easy-to-use GUI. Previously
Tutankhamun was released commercially as Licenceware, but is now FREEWARE!

Note: Tutankhamun was voted best amiga PD educational package in 1995 by
Amiga Shopper. In March 1999 is was also on the Amiga Format CD, number 37,
along with Titanic II. Winning the reader contribution for that month.


- 30 High quality scanned pictures
- 5 pieces of quality music
- Time line with 44 pictures
- High quality drawn diagrams
- Interactive Burial Chamber
- 50 question multiple choice quiz
- Demo Mode, sit back and watch the Slide Show
- Screen Saver
- Palette Editor
- And much more!

*                                                                          *
*                               Tutankhamun                                *
*                                                                          *
*                       Programmed by Paul Thompson                        *
*               62a Brows Lane, Formby, Merseyside, L37 4ED.               *
*                                                                          *
*                           Tel: (01704)-830355                            *
*                       E-mail:                       *
*                                                                          *
*                       This Program is now FREEWARE!                      *
*           (But if you really like it, please send me a donation)         *
*                                                                          *


Tutankhamun was once sold commercially by the Central Licenceware Registry,
but after this company had ceased trading, Tutankhamun became unavailable
through any outlet. Around this time i was pursueing a degree in Computers
and was forced to sell my Amiga to raise money for a PC, an action i later
regretted. Deprived of my Amiga i lost track of the Amiga scene for nearly
three years.

The degree is now finished, and as a reward to myself i bought a new Amiga.
After catching up on the Amiga scene, i was shocked by the amount of
software and hardware companys that had abandoned the Amiga, a computer that
had been so good to them in the past!

I now wish to help the Amiga in any way i can, for this reason Tutankhamun
is now released as FREEWARE. Please ignore any copyright messages in the
program itself.


Tutankhamun is an educational program designed with ease of use in mind.
By using a combination of text, diagrams and pictures you can explore the
fascinating bygone age of ancient Egypt, after which you can delve into the
incredible discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922.


Tutankhamun will work on any Amiga which has at least 1MB of chip memory
and OS 2.0 or later installed, the floppy disk version will also make use 
of an external floppy drive if available. Titanic II can be installed to 
Hard Disk, see below.

You will need two blank floppy disks, format both disks and name them 
`Tutankhamun1' and `Tutankhamun2' respectively. Tutankhamun1 should be made
bootable by using `install df0:' from a shell or CLI.

Un-archive the contents of the file Tutankhamun.lha, copy all the files to
the Tutankhamun1 disk, execluding pics directory. Copy the pics directory to 
the disk named Tutankhamun2. You should then have a full working copy of 
Tutankhamun on floppy.


Simply drag the Tutankhamun directory anywhere on your Hard Disk. If you
have the original floppy version you can run the HDInstall program on disk 1
or you may do it manually. If the manual method is used the following should 
be noted: 

Tutankhamun finds all its files by reading in the Tutankhamun.prefs from the
current System disk (be it floppy or Hard Disk), if this file is not found
Tutankhamun uses its defaults, consequently it will not know where to
find its files and the program will abort. Getting around this problem you
can do the following.

First load the Tutankhamun.prefs into a text editor such as Ed. Looking at 
the file you will see that the first three lines contain the paths of
Tutankhamun's three directorys:


So if you had installed Tutankhamun to a partition called Work and into a 
directory called Test, you should edit the file to read:

Also if you wish to throw all Tutankamun's files into one directory say for 
instance Test2, you should edit the file to read:


Once you have finished editing the file you should save it to your Sys/S 
directory, and when you next run Tutankamun it will hopefully find it's
files from the paths you have given it.
You should also copy the Egypt fonts, found on Tutankamun disk 1, to your 
fonts directorys.

TITANIC II (also now released as Freeware!)

Titanic II is very much in the same format as Tutankhamun, it too uses text,
diagrams and pictures to convey its information. To get a better idea of 
what Titanic II is about the following text is from Titanic's introduction. 

As Titanic sailed out of Southampton on the first leg of her maiden voyage
on 10 April 1912, she was heralded as practically unsinkable. Four nights 
later she brushed an iceberg and took Captain Smith and 1500 of his
passengers and crew to their deaths in the freezing water.

Featured on television, in books, the cinema, the press, and even in song,
history's most famous ship has stirred the imagination for three generations.
Now, for the first time the entire Titanic story is told through the media of 
computer. From inception to construction, from launch to maiden voyage from 
tragic loss to recent discovery, here is all the detail.

Please send any comments, suggestions or criticisms to the address at the 
start of this document.

Contents of misc/edu/Tutankhamun.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                62290  102264  60.9% -lh5- 2a8c Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Data/
[generic]                   42     524   8.0% -lh5- a7ea Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Fonts/Egypt.font
[generic]                 1806    3856  46.8% -lh5- f2f8 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Fonts/Egypt/11
[generic]                 6931   11580  59.9% -lh5- 4218 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/MuchMore
[generic]                34860   47216  73.8% -lh5- 520a Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Music/Laidback
[generic]                30281   40754  74.3% -lh5- 7ce1 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Music/Mellow
[generic]                60719   76634  79.2% -lh5- 0ef7 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Music/Sahara
[generic]                27993   41200  67.9% -lh5- 23b7 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Music/Sleep
[generic]                33957   47936  70.8% -lh5- ee8c Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Music/TheVillage
[generic]                30172   34850  86.6% -lh5- 9407 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/AGlintOfGold1
[generic]                33237   40732  81.6% -lh5- 1cca Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/AGlintOfGold2
[generic]                46974   46974 100.0% -lh0- 33bc Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/AGlintOfGold3
[generic]                37780   44870  84.2% -lh5- 9c89 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/AGlintOfGold4
[generic]                25182   29052  86.7% -lh5- 16f3 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/AGlintOfGold5
[generic]                18891   33016  57.2% -lh5- b5f0 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/AGlintOfGold6
[generic]                21574   26860  80.3% -lh5- 0651 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/AtWork1
[generic]                20813   25932  80.3% -lh5- 3672 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/AtWork2
[generic]                23776   27788  85.6% -lh5- f3fb Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/AtWork3
[generic]                23576   27356  86.2% -lh5- 2e69 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/AtWork4
[generic]                23838   28184  84.6% -lh5- 066d Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/AtWork5
[generic]                22414   27458  81.6% -lh5- 179d Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/AtWork6
[generic]                14746   16988  86.8% -lh5- be25 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/Bits&Pieces1
[generic]                24454   28570  85.6% -lh5- aed7 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/Bits&Pieces2
[generic]                22061   25382  86.9% -lh5- e580 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/Bits&Pieces3
[generic]                23965   29222  82.0% -lh5- 9e11 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/Bits&Pieces4
[generic]                23784   27330  87.0% -lh5- 68c7 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/Bits&Pieces5
[generic]                17861   22546  79.2% -lh5- dcbe Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/EgyptianTour1
[generic]                17435   21634  80.6% -lh5- a1e0 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/EgyptianTour2
[generic]                16759   19714  85.0% -lh5- 7bca Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/EgyptianTour3
[generic]                23648   27816  85.0% -lh5- 7e1b Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/EgyptianTour4
[generic]                21561   24618  87.6% -lh5- 9c0e Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/EgyptianTour5
[generic]                25312   28022  90.3% -lh5- 61d2 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/EgyptianTour6
[generic]                23087   26640  86.7% -lh5- d1a6 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/FirstSight1
[generic]                22793   26740  85.2% -lh5- 65cd Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/FirstSight2
[generic]                26237   29666  88.4% -lh5- 89c0 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/FirstSight3
[generic]                19630   23650  83.0% -lh5- d736 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/FirstSight4
[generic]                24526   28626  85.7% -lh5- 2454 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/FirstSight5
[generic]                24097   28488  84.6% -lh5- 7fc9 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Pics/FirstSight6
[generic]                 1174    2762  42.5% -lh5- 00dc Aug 23  2000 Tutankhamun/
[generic]                   75      76  98.7% -lh5- b378 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/S/Startup-sequence
[generic]                   71     105  67.6% -lh5- b77f Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/S/Tutankhamun.Prefs
[generic]                   71     105  67.6% -lh5- b77f Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/S/TutankhamunBackup.Prefs
[generic]                 4202    6112  68.8% -lh5- e85a Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Show
[generic]                   96     207  46.4% -lh5- 64c1 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Tutankhamun
[generic]                 2674    3667  72.9% -lh5- 7745 Aug 23  2000 Tutankhamun/
[generic]               140805  350048  40.2% -lh5- ff27 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/TutankhamunE
[generic]                 1489    4302  34.6% -lh5- 6334 Aug 23  2000
[generic]                 2500    6347  39.4% -lh5- db32 Aug 23  2000 Tutankhamun/Readme
[generic]               119760  123822  96.7% -lh5- cee8 Jan  6  1999 Tutankhamun/Tuts.Iff
[generic]                 1931    3609  53.5% -lh5- ff79 Aug 23  2000 Tutankhamun/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        50 files 1233910 1701850  72.5%            Aug 23  2000
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