This is a WarpUP Port of the Atari XL Emulator. It emulates a Atari 800 XL
on a PPC-Amiga :) .
- fps counter finally fixed. In display every frame 12 fps for AGA, 27 fps
for GFX Boards. In display every second 20 fps for AGA, 40 fps for GFX
Boards. Tests done on 150 MHz PPC 604e + CV/3D.
Some notes:
- The -verbose option gives ridiculously low fps rates. These rates are
*wrong*. The Emulator is FAAAAAAAAST. (The -verbose displays frame
rates below 1 fps, anyways, but after searching for the bug in the
timing for - well, a LONG TIME, i released it anyways... Don't bother
about the fps counter...).
- Sound does not work (Seems to be usual for my emulators now :( )
- AGA users should choose CGX. Yeah, that's right. This is not really
CGX, in fact it is only CGX, if CGX is present. If it is not present,
AGA is used. The rtgmaster mode only works with GFX Boards in this
program (but as a Atari XL is quite slow, you usually don't notice
the difference between rtgmaster mode, CGX or AGA... they are all
FAST). Well, actually it is a bit slow on AGA. Note: The atari_warpup.c
is a bit hacked together, probably would need some work :)
I included a Atari XL Game written by the original Author of the Emulator
(he put it on his homepage for free download, and it is not a commercial
game, so i guess it is okay...) for speedtesting purposes.
You need of course Atari XL ROMs to use the emulator, and i can't provide
these, as they are definitely copyrighted.
Have fun :)