PC-Task 4.4 Patch Copyright 1998 Chris Hames & Quasar Distribution
This distribution updates PC-Task 4.3 to PC-Task 4.4
In order to install this update please do the following:
o Double click on the Update_PC-Task4.3 icon
o Follow the on-screen instructions
If the update fails please try the following:
o Reinstall PC-Task 4.0 from your original disks.
o Reinstall the 4.1, 4.2 & 4.3 update.
If this still fails please contact Quasar Distribution, or your
local distributor for upgrade details.
This update may be freely copied as long as all files are included and the
following conditions are adhered to. No more than USD $5.00 may be charged
for a floppy disk containing it. This update distribution may be freely
placed on any CD-ROM as long as the above conditions are adhered to. You
may not decompile, dissasemble, reverse engineer, modify, or translate the
program or documentation.