This is a program which will search through any binary file for a given
text string. It is specially designed for video game ROMs, which sometimes
have their text encoded or stored in a format other than standard ASCII.
After ROMSearcher finds all the occurrences of the text string that it can,
it can shift all the bytes in the file, letting you edit the shifted file
with a HEX editor, or view the found text with a text viewer. After you
have viewed enough of the found/hidden text, and have edited it at will,
ROMSearcher can then shift back the bytes, so that you can again play the
game ROM, with your modifications intact.
* This program should be started from CLI only. *
I should note that you can use this program on any binary file, and not
just videogame ROMs. You really should legally own the ROMs which you
would be editing or hacking with this program.
HTML documentation is included with this archive, showing you exactly how
to use this program.
C++ Source code is also included, and is freely distributable.
Other things of mine which you should check out are:
pix/anim/AmiBanner.lha ;An animating GIF banner that supports Amiga.
pix/boot/Win95BURN.lha ;My Windows'95 trasher. Burn, baby burn!!!
pix/boot/Win95BURN.jpg ;A JPEG version of that pic.
pix/boot/WinBURN24.lha ;A 24-bit IFF version of that pic.
pix/wb/BeBoxWBs.lha ;Some pics of my WB using the BeIcons.
pix/wb/JapanWB.lha ;A Japanese Workbench. ;-)
pix/wb/HAMBrowse.lha ;A Pic showing how to browse the WWW in HAM!
pix/icon/BeIcons_2.lha ;A set of NewIcons in the BeOS style! (and more!)
pix/trace/SidMan*.lha ;Concept Render of a SID-Playing Walkman.
pix/trace/SidManLCD.lha ;LCD texture from the SID walkman.
gfx/aga/HUGEBench.lha ;Some monitor settings for a HUGE Workbench!
text/font/C-64Font.lha ;A Commodore-64 font with European accents.
misc/emu/Snd2Mid.lha ;Converts NES PSG songs to MIDI!!
You'll find much more on my webpage at
It has lots of stuff that you might enjoy exploring.
See ya!