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Short:Apple II emulator.
Author:Steve Nickolas, Dapple Project
Uploader:drHirudo Amigascne org (Ventzislav Tzvetkov)
Download:misc/emu/SDDApple.lha - View contents

SDDapple - rewrite of Dapple for SDL
Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Steve Nickolas, Dapple Project

The SDL libraries linked to this program are licensed under the LGPL
You can download them from


  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

The author may be contacted at <lyricalnanoha()>

Current status:

  * Emulates Apple ][+ with 64K RAM, or //e with 128K RAM.
    * It was I who implemented RAM Works in Dapple 2 and I may do it again.
  * All ][+ graphics modes are emulated (minimal testing on Screen 2 though)
    but hi-res graphics emulation is imperfect.
  * END key exits.  Ctrl-F12 resets.  F1 and F2 change disks. F11 switch
    between windowed and full screen modes.
  * Disks are expected to be disk6a.dsk and disk6b.dsk at startup.
  * Larger PO-type disk images can be provided in Slot 5 as hdv1.hdv and
    hdv2.hdv; these are the same format as in ApplePC and most other
    emulators.  The source code defaults these images to 800K when formatted
    under ProDOS.
  * A single PG2 file can be named quikload.pg2, and loaded by pressing
    Alt-F11.  The A value is what to CALL. (if it says A02045, you need to
    type CALL 2045)  Also, you can load PG2 files with Alt-F6 (as in very
    old versions of Dapple).
    * The header information can be displayed (in hex only) by typing the
      command: sddapple -h
  * Full BWOR mode has been added to SDDapple 0.1; hybrid BWOR mode is
    available and you still get regular mode as default.
    * To use hybrid BWOR mode (REE on top of existing monitor):  sddapple -H
    * To use full BWOR mode (don't load monitor.rom at all):     sddapple -F
    * To use Apple //e mode (see below for caveats):             sddapple -E
    You need to use uppercase E, F and H.
    * No disks work correctly in full BWOR mode.  You'll need to use a
      compatibility mode or PG2 loader to load programs.
    * The cursor doesn't show up in hybrid mode.
    * Be prepared for unusual behavior when using BWOR REE modes.  BWOR's
      emulation of the ROM code is incomplete but runs at the native speed
      of the host computer.
    * The BWOR REE replaces the 6502 disassembler from the native ROM with
      a 65C02 disassembler.  You will notice a difference in the format of
  * The monitor and BASIC ROMs have been split.  A regular 12K (FPBASIC from
    the August 1980 System Master will do just fine) Apple ][+ is usable in
    normal mode, but in Hybrid mode, you need to run BWROMMAK to separate
    the BASIC and the monitor into two separate files.  In full REE mode you
    only need the BASIC ROM; if you don't have a 10K BASIC you will need to
    run BWROMMAK.
  * Preliminary Apple //e support is available; you need a 16128-byte ROM
    from a //e.  This corresponds to bytes $C100 and up.  Slot 3 isn't
    implemented, nor any of the new video modes, and the MMU and IOU are
    incompletely emulated.
  * F3 and F4 alter the CPU multiplier, which affects the CPU speed.  A
    multiplier of 1 should run at about 1 MHz.  This works by changing how
    many cycles, in increments of 65, are let rest between the redraw of
    two scanlines.
  * Alt keys ONLY function in //e mode.  In that mode they do the expected.
  * The original //e ROM is detected by checksum (16-bit adder, same used to
    detect BASIC versions when the REE is enabled).  If found, MouseText is
    disabled.  If not found, MouseText will be available.
  * CPU multiplier is set for a Frameskip of 5 by default
    This is inaccurate, but for some reason runs closer to the original
    speed (note the slowdown caused by the new video code), and the sound is
    fairly accurate.  The code is taken from KEGS via an Alpha version of
    EMU][.  KEGS is copyright 2002 Kent Dickey and licensed under the GNU
    General Public License (as SDDapple is also).

Contents of misc/emu/SDDApple.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                23435   55196  42.5% -lh5- c3e6 Feb 25 21:11 SDDApple/bwrommak
[generic]                 7111   18328  38.8% -lh5- 6652 Sep 23  2002 SDDApple/COPYING.TXT
[generic]                  242     256  94.5% -lh5- e459 May  2  1988 SDDApple/disk.rom
[generic]                  194     256  75.8% -lh5- 8d94 Sep 29  1994 SDDApple/massstor.rom
[generic]                 8351   10240  81.6% -lh5- 8ac0 Sep 30  2005 SDDApple/msbasic.rom
[generic]                 2283    4597  49.7% -lh5- 2651 Feb 25 22:50 SDDApple/README.TXT
[generic]               218624  535728  40.8% -lh5- 6109 Feb 25 22:33 SDDApple/SDDApple
[generic]                  225     813  27.7% -lh5- 8f47 Sep 28  2005 SDDApple/src/bwormain.h
[generic]                  467    1138  41.0% -lh5- 6e92 Sep 30  2005 SDDApple/src/bwrommak.c
[generic]                 8692   96092   9.0% -lh5- 79c3 Oct 19 02:57 SDDApple/src/cpu.c
[generic]                 2458    9308  26.4% -lh5- fe09 Oct 16 18:16 SDDApple/src/dasm.c
[generic]                  666    1160  57.4% -lh5- e5c4 Oct 16 18:09 SDDApple/src/dasm.h
[generic]                 7147   28001  25.5% -lh5- 7e99 Oct 16 18:15 SDDApple/src/disk.c
[generic]                 1138    2336  48.7% -lh5- 83e5 Oct 16 18:09 SDDApple/src/disk.h
[generic]                 2436   13945  17.5% -lh5- 0b06 Oct 16 18:09 SDDApple/src/font.h
[generic]                 2075   27759   7.5% -lh5- 63d3 Oct 16 18:09 SDDApple/src/font16.h
[generic]                 1079    2311  46.7% -lh5- 290b Oct 16 18:09 SDDApple/src/getlin.h
[generic]                  741    1389  53.3% -lh5- 1892 Oct 16 18:09 SDDApple/src/knock.c
[generic]                 7645   30141  25.4% -lh5- 0ce9 Feb 25 22:27 SDDApple/src/main.c
[generic]                  783    1772  44.2% -lh5- 1f8f Oct 16 18:10 SDDApple/src/main.h
[generic]                 3061    9852  31.1% -lh5- 1dd4 Oct 16 18:15 SDDApple/src/massstor.c
[generic]                  744    1355  54.9% -lh5- 54f1 Oct 16 18:10 SDDApple/src/massstor.h
[generic]                10161   42666  23.8% -lh5- d057 Feb 25 22:05 SDDApple/src/mem.c
[generic]                  695    1217  57.1% -lh5- d7cd Oct 16 18:10 SDDApple/src/mem.h
[generic]                  108     137  78.8% -lh5- ab45 Oct 19 02:30 SDDApple/src/mk.bat
[generic]                  118     156  75.6% -lh5- 5240 Oct 19 02:45 SDDApple/src/
[generic]                   39      39 100.0% -lh0- 7cd8 Oct  4 18:43 SDDApple/src/noapi.h
[generic]                 1489    7241  20.6% -lh5- 97dc Oct 18 01:10 SDDApple/src/pixmap.c
[generic]                  134     529  25.3% -lh5- 6946 Oct 17 16:53 SDDApple/src/pixmap.h
[generic]                  311     562  55.3% -lh5- 0341 Oct 16 18:56 SDDApple/src/ptype.h
[generic]                  173     263  65.8% -lh5- ac87 Feb 25 21:20 SDDApple/src/sddapplemake.amiga
[generic]                 2491    8454  29.5% -lh5- c9f2 Oct 19 03:28 SDDApple/src/sound.c
[generic]                 1300    1655  78.5% -lh5- 1d6a Feb 25 22:45
[generic]                  147     351  41.9% -lh5- c1ac Oct 19 02:32 SDDApple/src/sound.h
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        34 files  316763  915243  34.6%            Mar  1 15:46
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