84782 packages online
misc/emu/WHDLOpener.lha |
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Short: | E-UAE/WHDLoad integration with Ambient |
Author: | Korni, Manfred 'asrael22' Bergmann |
Uploader: | Marcin \'Korni\' Kornas <kornihorni gmail com> |
Type: | misc/emu |
Version: | 1.3 |
Architecture: | ppc-morphos |
Date: | 2019-08-27 |
Requires: | AmigaOS 3.1 Workbench3.1 Disk, Kickstart 3.1, 1.3 ROM images, E-UAE, WHDLoad, rmh, wget, sed, paste. |
Download: | misc/emu/WHDLOpener.lha - View contents | Readme: | misc/emu/WHDLOpener.readme |
Downloads: | 1576 |
WHDLOpener package integrates E-UAE/WHDLoad with MorphOS/Ambient.
WHDLoad games can be started by running the slave file or just the game icon.
ADF images can be run in E-UAE, mounted in MorphOS and emulated AmigaOS.
WHDLOpener is configured to run E-UAE on a lores 24Bit 320x256 screen. Make
sure your screenmodes are set up.
If your monitor does not support 320x256, edit A1200_WHDLoad.conf, replace
320x256 with 640x512, set "gfx_linemode=double" and "gfx_lores=no".
Context menu for slave file has additional entry to run E-UAE in the windowed
mode. It can be changed in the MIME settings for x-amigaos-whdload.
Only first E-UAE instance has UAE ARexx port.
Starting multiple games at the same time will not work.
Paths/Volumes need to be the same both on MorphOS and emulated AmigaOS.
If you add or rename a volume in your system and want to run WHDLoad games
from it - don't forget to add this volume in the E-UAE config.
E-UAE can be quit by CTRL ALT Q. For more information regarding E-UAE or other
WHDLOpener external component refer to original documentation.
Custom tooltypes are not supported.
Installation can be made offline if these packages are in the main directory:
Orginated from:
- Initial release.
- AmigaOS shows now a blank screen instead of a shell window when loading a game.
- Added support for encrypted kickstart ROM images.
- Fixed installation when rom.key was not selected and not present already in a
destination kickstart directory.
Contents of misc/emu/WHDLOpener.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[Amiga] 641 1297 49.4% -lh5- 1a5e Dec 24 2018 WHDLOpener/Config/E-UAE/Conf/A500.conf
[Amiga] 640 1297 49.3% -lh5- d4c2 Dec 24 2018 WHDLOpener/Config/E-UAE/Conf/A1200.conf
[Amiga] 703 1452 48.4% -lh5- 00a3 Dec 24 2018 WHDLOpener/Config/E-UAE/Conf/A1200_WHDLoad.conf
[Amiga] 710 1450 49.0% -lh5- d187 Dec 24 2018 WHDLOpener/Config/E-UAE/Conf/A1200_WHDLoad_window.conf
[Amiga] 157 225 69.8% -lh5- 75ce Aug 27 20:00 WHDLOpener/DISCLAIMER
[Amiga] 3842 19320 19.9% -lh5- b092 Jul 20 17:21 WHDLOpener/Install
[Amiga] 2850 2873 99.2% -lh5- beeb Aug 4 2018 WHDLOpener/Install.info
[Amiga] 15564 37116 41.9% -lh5- e68b Aug 4 2018 WHDLOpener/SYS/C/WHDLoad
[Amiga] 349 946 36.9% -lh5- 0f9d Aug 4 2018 WHDLOpener/SYS/Prefs/Ambient/filetypes/application/x-adf
[Amiga] 188 311 60.5% -lh5- 9a23 Aug 4 2018 WHDLOpener/SYS/Prefs/Ambient/filetypes/application/x-amigaos-whdload
[Amiga] 330 565 58.4% -lh5- 845a Nov 1 2018 WHDLOpener/SYS/S/CallWHD.dos
[Amiga] 807 1772 45.5% -lh5- cbb5 Aug 4 2018 WHDLOpener/SYS/S/uaewhd.rexx
[Amiga] 1100 2038 54.0% -lh5- a753 Jul 20 20:00 WHDLOpener/WHDLOpener.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 13 files 27881 70662 39.5% Aug 27 15:50
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