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============================== README.list12 ==============================
This is disk 12 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Note that this disk contains a number of programs apparently available
only in executable form. I am not real happy with this trend, but
had no way of getting in contact with the authors who posted these
programs to various BBS's to request source. I have no reason to
believe that any of these executable only postings contain any
deliberate "misfeatures", but you should always use such programs
amiga3d Shows a rotating 3 dimensional solid "Amiga sign".
No source available, executable only (downloaded from
a Denver BBS)
Author: Barry (bart) Whitebook of C-A
ArgoTerm Yet another terminal emulator program. However, this
one is written in macro assembler, so should be of
interest to anyone doing serious assembly language
development. Version 0.20
Author: Jez San
arrow3d Shows a rotating 3 dimensional wire frame arrow.
No source available, executable only (downloaded from
a Denver BBS)
Author: Steve Beats of C-A
ld4 Another directory listing program using some graphics
style output. Executable only, no source available.
(Downloaded from a Denver BBS)
Author: unknown
IconExec These two tools allow execution of a program from an
& SetWindow icon without having to recompile the program.
Author: John Toebes VIII
images Miscellaneous DPaint and digitized pictures, in iff
format. Some are rated R.
SetAlternate Merge the images from two icons to produce one icon with
a primary image, and a possibly completely different image
to display when selected.
Author: John Toebes VIII
StarTerm Another terminal emulator program. ASCII and XMODEM
support, telephone dialer, function keys, load file
stripping, text file conversion, full/half duplex,
Author: Jim Nangano and Steve Plegge
Contents of misc/fish/fish-0012.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2166 4864 44.5% -lh5- 3c4a Feb 2 1986 amiga3d/3dobject
[generic] 15320 36824 41.6% -lh5- 58b7 Feb 2 1986 amiga3d/amiga3d
[generic] 4149 7452 55.7% -lh5- 8242 Feb 2 1986 ArgoTerm/ArgoTerm
[generic] 13599 49334 27.6% -lh5- e80b Feb 23 1986 ArgoTerm/ArgoTerm.s
[generic] 375 623 60.2% -lh5- 0163 Feb 23 1986 ArgoTerm/README
[generic] 2583 6192 41.7% -lh5- 612b Feb 2 1986 arrow3d/rotate
[generic] 4521 10184 44.4% -lh5- 8d01 Feb 21 1986 IconExec/IconExec
[generic] 1915 4625 41.4% -lh5- 59f4 Feb 21 1986 IconExec/IconExec.c
[generic] 1273 2345 54.3% -lh5- 815f Feb 21 1986 IconExec/POSTER
[generic] 7225 15920 45.4% -lh5- 2f79 Feb 21 1986 IconExec/SetWindow
[generic] 881 1972 44.7% -lh5- 93b6 Feb 21 1986 IconExec/SetWindow.c
[generic] 6855 14976 45.8% -lh5- b5ac Feb 2 1986 images/Bloom
[generic] 7671 16896 45.4% -lh5- c4c8 Feb 2 1986 images/Bully
[generic] 81071 128152 63.3% -lh5- 17ff Feb 2 1986 images/Dozer
[generic] 19123 31360 61.0% -lh5- 395f Feb 2 1986 images/Hm
[generic] 26899 33792 79.6% -lh5- 36ce Feb 2 1986 images/Marina
[generic] 19519 24832 78.6% -lh5- 5fdc Feb 2 1986 images/Mountain
[generic] 21021 26794 78.5% -lh5- 2a97 Feb 2 1986 images/Parrot
[generic] 6472 14464 44.7% -lh5- 488d Feb 2 1986 images/RedPorsche
[generic] 10124 16384 61.8% -lh5- e98b Feb 2 1986 images/Roberta
[generic] 15432 26368 58.5% -lh5- 6af2 Feb 2 1986 images/Robot
[generic] 16174 22272 72.6% -lh5- f232 Feb 2 1986 images/Scene
[generic] 23509 28800 81.6% -lh5- d3b3 Feb 2 1986 images/Scene1
[generic] 17901 23168 77.3% -lh5- eb7c Feb 2 1986 images/SeaShore
[generic] 10494 22628 46.4% -lh5- ce5e Feb 2 1986 images/showilbm
[generic] 10681 21272 50.2% -lh5- 978a Feb 2 1986 images/ShuttlePatch
[generic] 8746 17280 50.6% -lh5- ab3d Feb 2 1986 images/SuperMan
[generic] 17601 26496 66.4% -lh5- a224 Feb 2 1986 images/TVDrama
[generic] 20730 28544 72.6% -lh5- c81e Feb 2 1986 images/WetTShirt
[generic] 22826 31616 72.2% -lh5- 29d6 Feb 2 1986 images/WildCat
[generic] 10236 19584 52.3% -lh5- 44a6 Feb 2 1986 images/Zippy
[generic] 6369 14060 45.3% -lh5- 7bdb Feb 2 1986 ld4/ld4
[generic] 644 1318 48.9% -lh5- 74f7 Feb 2 1986 README.dist
[generic] 941 1982 47.5% -lh5- 6dae Feb 23 1986 README.list12
[generic] 1397 2741 51.0% -lh5- d517 Feb 21 1986 SetAlternate/POSTER
[generic] 7265 16060 45.2% -lh5- 3bfc Feb 21 1986 SetAlternate/SetAlternate
[generic] 1036 2579 40.2% -lh5- 2521 Feb 21 1986 SetAlternate/SetAlternate.c
[generic] 13712 32768 41.8% -lh5- a981 Feb 2 1986 StarTerm/StarTerm
[generic] 1024 2235 45.8% -lh5- 3897 Feb 2 1986 StarTerm/StarTerm.doc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 39 files 459480 789756 58.2% Feb 16 1996
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