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============================== README.list18 ==============================
This is disk 18 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
AmigaDisplay Yet another variation of a terminal emulator program.
This is a modified AmigaTerm that can emulate a dumb
terminal (interesting paradox here somewhere...), translate
line termination sequences, optionally capture or discard
control characters in the captured file, use audible bell,
use another font, etc.
Author: Don Woods (Original code by Michael Mounier)
Ash Prerelease version of a C-shell like shell program.
Has history, command substitution, loops, etc.
Author: Thorn Smith
Browser A program that lets you wander around a file tree and
peek into files, all with the mouse.
Author: Mike (I'll be mellow when I'm dead) Meyer
MC68010 Complete information package for upgrading an Amiga
to use an MC68010 in place of the MC68000. Includes
a software fix that makes this transparent to user
programs that use instructions that are priviledged
on the 68010.
Author: Thad Floryan
Multidim Lets you rotate a 2 to 6 dimensional "cube" on the
screen using the joystick.
Author: Robert French
PigLatin Tired of the "say" command? This one will translate
and speak your input in pig latin!
Author: Thomas Clement
Scrimper Short for "SCReen IMage PrintER". A screen dump utility
which can be run from the workbench or the CLI.
Author: Perry Kivolowitz
Xlisp1.6 A very nice little lisp for those that want to study the
internals of a real, working lisp interpreter.
Author: Dave Betz
Contents of misc/fish/fish-0018.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 15073 32812 45.9% -lh5- fa94 Apr 8 1986 AmigaDisplay/AmigaDisplay
[generic] 1095 2716 40.3% -lh5- 1602 Apr 8 1986 AmigaDisplay/beep.c
[generic] 2484 7754 32.0% -lh5- 096b Apr 8 1986 AmigaDisplay/dpy.c
[generic] 4398 13939 31.6% -lh5- 3519 Apr 8 1986 AmigaDisplay/intuit.c
[generic] 4491 11868 37.8% -lh5- 7eb9 Apr 8 1986 AmigaDisplay/main.c
[generic] 139 294 47.3% -lh5- 2a56 Apr 8 1986 AmigaDisplay/Makefile
[generic] 2412 4826 50.0% -lh5- 6a2c Apr 8 1986 AmigaDisplay/POSTER
[generic] 2007 5080 39.5% -lh5- c8e9 Apr 8 1986 AmigaDisplay/sail-8.asm
[generic] 695 1183 58.7% -lh5- 1372 Apr 8 1986 AmigaDisplay/sail-8.poster
[generic] 35 35 100.0% -lh0- ff7c Apr 8 1986 Ash/.ashexit
[generic] 226 390 57.9% -lh5- 69c0 Apr 8 1986 Ash/.ashexit.info
[generic] 326 624 52.2% -lh5- 2e38 Apr 8 1986 Ash/.ashinit
[generic] 225 390 57.7% -lh5- 4ced Apr 8 1986 Ash/.ashinit.info
[generic] 16520 35936 46.0% -lh5- 8690 Apr 8 1986 Ash/ash
[generic] 177 450 39.3% -lh5- 3477 Apr 8 1986 Ash/ash.info
[generic] 3753 8633 43.5% -lh5- 7000 Apr 8 1986 Ash/readme
[generic] 3756 8640 43.5% -lh5- 69da Apr 8 1986 Ash/readme.bak
[generic] 182 378 48.1% -lh5- 0d2e Apr 8 1986 Ash/readme.info
[generic] 55 74 74.3% -lh5- 0610 Apr 8 1986 Ash/sourcetest
[generic] 3968 10875 36.5% -lh5- 2e50 Apr 8 1986 Browser/browser.c
[generic] 7322 16748 43.7% -lh5- f0a6 Apr 8 1986 Browser/browser.lattice
[generic] 2393 6579 36.4% -lh5- 2138 Apr 8 1986 Browser/menustack.c
[generic] 800 1366 58.6% -lh5- 659a Apr 8 1986 Browser/POSTER
[generic] 347 524 66.2% -lh5- 4715 Apr 8 1986 Browser/POSTER2
[generic] 690 1210 57.0% -lh5- 78c0 Apr 8 1986 Browser/README
[generic] 353 739 47.8% -lh5- 6ae2 Apr 8 1986 MC68010/CHOP.bas
[generic] 544 1536 35.4% -lh5- 6a92 Apr 8 1986 MC68010/CHOP.c
[generic] 144 168 85.7% -lh5- 08c3 Apr 8 1986 MC68010/DeciGEL
[generic] 1141 3298 34.6% -lh5- 1e44 Apr 8 1986 MC68010/DeciGEL.asm
[generic] 63 87 72.4% -lh5- b51e Apr 8 1986 MC68010/DeciGEL.make
[generic] 7093 17968 39.5% -lh5- e919 Apr 8 1986 MC68010/MC68010.ins
[generic] 10577 24088 43.9% -lh5- 2b28 Apr 8 1986 Multidim/multidim
[generic] 4056 12762 31.8% -lh5- 6b0f Apr 8 1986 Multidim/multidim.c
[generic] 517 825 62.7% -lh5- 323d Apr 8 1986 Multidim/POSTER
[generic] 4804 15593 30.8% -lh5- c9ae Apr 8 1986 PigLatin/pig.c
[generic] 9525 20976 45.4% -lh5- 3a6b Apr 8 1986 PigLatin/pig.lattice
[generic] 651 1343 48.5% -lh5- 79b9 Apr 8 1986 README.dist
[generic] 882 1672 52.8% -lh5- b165 Apr 8 1986 README.list18
[generic] 830 1472 56.4% -lh5- 8226 Apr 8 1986 Scrimper/POSTER
[generic] 1535 3907 39.3% -lh5- 5887 Apr 8 1986 Scrimper/printer.c
[generic] 4640 13411 34.6% -lh5- cd15 Apr 8 1986 Scrimper/scrimper.c
[generic] 10418 23152 45.0% -lh5- cde9 Apr 8 1986 Scrimper/scrimper.lattice
[generic] 3836 6796 56.4% -lh5- b952 Apr 8 1986 Scrimper/scrimper.manx
[generic] 918 2341 39.2% -lh5- 0887 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/art.lsp
[generic] 2385 7828 30.5% -lh5- 0c46 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/asstuff.c
[generic] 977 2464 39.7% -lh5- 5c90 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/example.lsp
[generic] 58 76 76.3% -lh5- 40f1 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/fact.lsp
[generic] 60 93 64.5% -lh5- a03d Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/fib.lsp
[generic] 223 448 49.8% -lh5- 429c Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/hanoi.lsp
[generic] 2199 8603 25.6% -lh5- d19a Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/hdwr.lsp
[generic] 2005 6843 29.3% -lh5- f894 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/ifthen.lsp
[generic] 732 2017 36.3% -lh5- 77f6 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/init.lsp
[generic] 713 2351 30.3% -lh5- 6a3b Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/Makefile
[generic] 827 2519 32.8% -lh5- 08b9 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/Makefile.lattice
[generic] 1296 3442 37.7% -lh5- a137 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/msstuff.c
[generic] 466 953 48.9% -lh5- 9452 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/pcfun.doc
[generic] 1156 3483 33.2% -lh5- f0e6 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/pcturtle.lsp
[generic] 1835 5424 33.8% -lh5- 390f Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/pp.lsp
[generic] 1179 4304 27.4% -lh5- 5fca Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/prolog.lsp
[generic] 1926 6820 28.2% -lh5- aef7 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/psstuff.c
[generic] 1231 3733 33.0% -lh5- 17a4 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/pt.lsp
[generic] 627 1408 44.5% -lh5- 0a04 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/queens.lsp
[generic] 909 2326 39.1% -lh5- 872c Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/queens2.lsp
[generic] 435 826 52.7% -lh5- bf53 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/readme.1st
[generic] 219 656 33.4% -lh5- 9a67 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/trace.lsp
[generic] 2972 13472 22.1% -lh5- 60ff Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlbfun.c
[generic] 3472 17783 19.5% -lh5- 7b12 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlcont.c
[generic] 1570 4134 38.0% -lh5- 3ead Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xldbug.c
[generic] 3251 11179 29.1% -lh5- cee8 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xldmem.c
[generic] 2177 7973 27.3% -lh5- dcb2 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xleval.c
[generic] 1828 6861 26.6% -lh5- 6835 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlfio.c
[generic] 2351 7561 31.1% -lh5- 2b74 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlftab.c
[generic] 909 2401 37.9% -lh5- abce Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlglob.c
[generic] 1316 3706 35.5% -lh5- e9a6 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlinit.c
[generic] 1124 3203 35.1% -lh5- 9ff0 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlio.c
[generic] 977 2172 45.0% -lh5- 89d9 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlisp.c
[generic] 13119 57712 22.7% -lh5- b042 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlisp.doc
[generic] 2755 9248 29.8% -lh5- 8a9e Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlisp.h
[generic] 38357 95100 40.3% -lh5- 03ce Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlisp.lattice
[generic] 23990 57928 41.4% -lh5- 1732 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlisp.manx
[generic] 1007 3020 33.3% -lh5- 2ebe Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xljump.c
[generic] 3600 18394 19.6% -lh5- b37d Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xllist.c
[generic] 2338 10552 22.2% -lh5- fb72 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlmath.c
[generic] 3278 12426 26.4% -lh5- fdda Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlobj.c
[generic] 1153 3436 33.6% -lh5- dd89 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlprin.c
[generic] 4136 15428 26.8% -lh5- 1ce0 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlread.c
[generic] 1075 2903 37.0% -lh5- d125 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlstr.c
[generic] 1256 4396 28.6% -lh5- 9c03 Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlsubr.c
[generic] 1610 5057 31.8% -lh5- 5cdc Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlsym.c
[generic] 1165 3434 33.9% -lh5- 3dbc Apr 8 1986 Xlisp1.6/xlsys.c
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 90 files 278340 771554 36.1% Feb 16 1996
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