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Short:Geometrical calculations v1.6 (update)
Author:"Francesco Agnoli" Francesco.Agnoli at
Uploader:Francesco Agnoli <Francesco Agnoli gmx net>
Requires:OS 2.0+
Download:misc/math/Geometry_16.lha - View contents

Program for geometrical calculations, written 100% in assembler. It
calculates a lot of parameters of squares, rectangles, parallelograms,
triangles, trapeziums, regular polygons, circles, ellipses, prisms,
cylinders, tetraeders, pyramids, cones, octaeders, dodecaeders,
ikosaeders and vectors. You must enter only some values until the
program can start the calculation of all remaining parameters. These are
shown in a window and may be saved in a file. A 2D-plot of the
calculated figures can be displayed and saved as a IFF-ILBM file.
Geometry uses IEEE double precision math libraries, 'reqtools.library'
and 'iff.library'. It requires Amiga OS 2.04 or higher and can be used
with any 680x0 processor.

                              *** *** ***

Geometry has now a new HOMEPAGE, where you can download the last (beta)
versions: <>

                              *** *** ***

Geometry is SHAREWARE. If you are using this program regularly you have
to send DEM 8.-, USD 5.-, ATS 60.-, ITL 8000.- or a corresponding amount
in your currency to the following address: Francesco Agnoli, Schabs Nr.
143, I-39040 NATZ-SCHABS, Italy, E-Mail: You
will get then your personal password and the info-requesters that appear
from time to time are suppressed.

==================== Program history =========================

- Version 1.107: First public release

- Version 1.200: Graphics window now borderless. It is saved in its full size
                 using iff.library. Some bugs are fixed. Geometry now uses
                 locale.library with standard catalogs. Two gadgets are
                 added in the main window: ellipse and prism with
                 rectangular basis.

- Version 1.210: Minor update. Some bugs fixed.

- Version 1.300  Vector calculations (3D) and vector statistics (3D) added.
                 Graphics window has now a white background (color 2).
                 Small graphics output option added in main menu.

- Version 1.310  Bug in v1.30 fixed.

- Version 1.320  Small bug fixed.
                 Swedish catalog and guide added (Author: Henrik Nilsson).
                 French catalog added.

- Version 1.401  Some improvements in calculations of triangle
                 trapezium and ellipse. Bug in drawing routine for
                 triangles removed.
                 New installer script. New amigaguide documentation

- Version 1.500  Calculation of triangles with corner coordinates.
                 Many improvements in different calculations.
                 Geometry now uses reqtools.library to display messages.
                 New tooltype: CYCLE. This tooltype replaces buttons in
                 the main window by a cycle-gadget. Main window can be

- Version 1.600  Output of double precision numbers completely reworked.
                 Number of decimal places can be selected in a menu
                 (0-6, default 5). Entered values are printed bold in
                 all result windows.
                 German and English catalog descriptors (
                 added for translation into other languages.
                 New catalogs added: Russian (Author: Andrew Boyarintsev),
                 Norvegian (Author: Kimme Utsi) and Slovenian (Author:
                 Damir Arh).

==================== Archive contents ========================

Listing of archive 'Geometry_16.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    7343    2756 62.4% 29-Oct-98 15:21:14  docs/deutsch/
    1992    1273 36.0% 14-Apr-98 14:46:12  docs/deutsch/
    7045    2541 63.9% 29-Oct-98 15:23:28  docs/english/
    1992    1270 36.2% 14-Apr-98 14:46:12  docs/english/
    6849    2395 65.0% 06-Nov-98 18:07:54  docs/français/
    1992    1270 36.2% 14-Apr-98 14:46:14  docs/français/
    7074    2541 64.0% 29-Oct-98 15:27:02  docs/italiano/
    1992    1276 35.9% 14-Apr-98 14:46:16  docs/italiano/
    6537    2414 63.0% 28-Oct-98 11:39:40  docs/slovensko/
    1992    1270 36.2% 14-Apr-98 14:46:12  docs/slovensko/
    9975    4021 59.6% 01-Oct-98 19:49:02  docs/svenska/
    1992    1275 35.9% 14-Apr-98 14:46:10  docs/svenska/
     934     515 44.8% 06-Sep-98 16:03:32  examples/Vector_statistics.example
  117544   44847 61.8% 06-Nov-98 18:16:30  Geometry
    1392     942 32.3% 01-Nov-98 07:52:14
    8764    2695 69.2% 01-Nov-98 16:55:50  Install_Geometry
    1319     685 48.0% 01-Nov-98 07:57:54
   46148   30624 33.6% 07-Sep-98 12:31:08  libs/reqtools.library
    5082    2396 52.8% 31-Oct-98 13:57:32  locale/deutsch/Geometry.catalog
    8446    3301 60.9% 31-Oct-98 14:00:38  locale/deutsch/
    4894    2257 53.8% 31-Oct-98 11:47:10  locale/english/Geometry.catalog
    8057    3057 62.0% 31-Oct-98 14:00:54  locale/english/
    5184    2425 53.2% 31-Oct-98 11:47:30  locale/français/Geometry.catalog
    5190    2600 49.9% 31-Oct-98 11:47:52  locale/greek/Geometry.catalog
    5200    2365 54.5% 31-Oct-98 11:48:14  locale/italiano/Geometry.catalog
    4746    2207 53.4% 31-Oct-98 11:48:40  locale/norsk/Geometry.catalog
    4968    2442 50.8% 31-Oct-98 11:49:06  locale/russian/Geometry.catalog
    4984    2332 53.2% 31-Oct-98 11:49:28  locale/slovensko/Geometry.catalog
    4856    2259 53.4% 31-Oct-98 11:49:50  locale/svenska/Geometry.catalog
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  294483  132251 55.0% 06-Nov-98 18:16:56   29 files

Contents of misc/math/Geometry_16.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 2756    7343  37.5% -lh5- f6d0 Oct 29  1998 docs/deutsch/
[generic]                 1273    1992  63.9% -lh5- e923 Apr 14  1998 docs/deutsch/
[generic]                 2541    7045  36.1% -lh5- 361f Oct 29  1998 docs/english/
[generic]                 1270    1992  63.8% -lh5- f8ad Apr 14  1998 docs/english/
[generic]                 2395    6849  35.0% -lh5- 6d5e Nov  6  1998 docs/français/
[generic]                 1270    1992  63.8% -lh5- a890 Apr 14  1998 docs/français/
[generic]                 2541    7074  35.9% -lh5- 0aa7 Oct 29  1998 docs/italiano/
[generic]                 1276    1992  64.1% -lh5- cabb Apr 14  1998 docs/italiano/
[generic]                 2414    6537  36.9% -lh5- ce97 Oct 28  1998 docs/slovensko/
[generic]                 1270    1992  63.8% -lh5- f8ad Apr 14  1998 docs/slovensko/
[generic]                 4021    9975  40.3% -lh5- f435 Oct  1  1998 docs/svenska/
[generic]                 1275    1992  64.0% -lh5- 192d Apr 14  1998 docs/svenska/
[generic]                  515     934  55.1% -lh5- 6d0c Sep  6  1998 examples/Vector_statistics.example
[generic]                44847  117544  38.2% -lh5- e8e7 Nov  6  1998 Geometry
[generic]                  942    1392  67.7% -lh5- 92a4 Nov  1  1998
[generic]                 2695    8764  30.8% -lh5- a06a Nov  1  1998 Install_Geometry
[generic]                  685    1319  51.9% -lh5- 8379 Nov  1  1998
[generic]                30624   46148  66.4% -lh5- 52f3 Sep  7  1998 libs/reqtools.library
[generic]                 2396    5082  47.1% -lh5- 71a2 Oct 31  1998 locale/deutsch/Geometry.catalog
[generic]                 3301    8446  39.1% -lh5- d6bf Oct 31  1998 locale/deutsch/
[generic]                 2257    4894  46.1% -lh5- 4631 Oct 31  1998 locale/english/Geometry.catalog
[generic]                 3057    8057  37.9% -lh5- ff21 Oct 31  1998 locale/english/
[generic]                 2425    5184  46.8% -lh5- ed95 Oct 31  1998 locale/français/Geometry.catalog
[generic]                 2600    5190  50.1% -lh5- 0a0e Oct 31  1998 locale/greek/Geometry.catalog
[generic]                 2365    5200  45.5% -lh5- 92a4 Oct 31  1998 locale/italiano/Geometry.catalog
[generic]                 2207    4746  46.5% -lh5- a4c0 Oct 31  1998 locale/norsk/Geometry.catalog
[generic]                 2442    4968  49.2% -lh5- ebba Oct 31  1998 locale/russian/Geometry.catalog
[generic]                 2332    4984  46.8% -lh5- 5b54 Oct 31  1998 locale/slovensko/Geometry.catalog
[generic]                 2259    4856  46.5% -lh5- b378 Oct 31  1998 locale/svenska/Geometry.catalog
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        29 files  132251  294483  44.9%            Nov  6  1998
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