ReadWorkSheet.rexx is an ARexx script to read and execute MapleV worksheets from
non-Amiga platforms. Below is the man page for ReadWorkSheet.rexx.
ReadWorkSheet [Filename | ?] [TRACE] [TOKENTRACE] [PARSETRACE]
Allow Amiga MapleV R3 to read worksheets produced by other MapleV versions
and platforms
ReadWorkSheet.rexx is an ARexx script to read and execute MapleV worksheet
produced by any platform or MapleV version. Text regions and input regions
will be passed to the Amiga MapleV engine to be processed.
The filename can be replaced with ? to obtain this help output.
The TRACE keyword causes an ARexx 'Trace Results' to be issued and is meant
for debugging ReadWorkSheet itself.
TOKENTRACE will display each and every token from the worksheet as it is
read. Also used for debugging or checking out the syntax of a new worksheet
PARSETRACE traces the entry and exit of all parse subroutines, with
indentation. Various significant data from the worksheet will also be
LIST will list the contents of the entire worksheet to STDOUT, as it is
NOMAPLE will parse only, and can be used without starting up MapleV first.
ASYNC will allow the parse to continue asynchronously with MapleV's
execution. Otherwise, the parse will wait for MapleV to stop calculating
before sending it any input string that requires computation.
ReadWorkSheet.rexx uses recursive descent parsing to parse the MapleV
worksheet. The syntax of a MapleV Worksheet is described in psuedo-BNF
format in comments within the program. There are also several useful
subroutines for parsing (GetChar, UnGetChar, GetToken, UnGetToken,
ParseTrace, ParseTraceEntry, ParseTraceExit, and TokenTrace.
Unfortunately, ReadWorkSheet.rexx can run very slowly, as it must skip over
all of the worksheet text that represents graphics data, typeset math
expressions, or MapleV output.
The syntax of MapleV worksheets was derived by careful examination of
numerous MapleV worksheets, many of which were obtained from the Net.
This program was motivated by the fact that Amiga MapleV on my machine, in
my environment, gurus when fed a non-Amiga MapleV worksheet.
If you encounter a valid MapleV worksheet that causes ReadWorkSheet.rexx to
report a syntax error, please lha it, uuencode that, and email the result
to me at:
I also welcome any other comments, bug reports, or suggestions.
Joe Veazey:
Thore Boeckelmann:
1.0: - first release by Joe Veazey
2.0: - second release by Thore Boeckelmann
- added support for MapleV R4 worksheets
2.1: - fixed problems with R4 worksheets from Intel systems
- added support for missing region markers
- R4 Hyperlinks (not supported by R3) are now surrounded by "_" and
treated as comments
2.2: - fixed some problems with R5 worksheets