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Short:Statistical Analysis using TurboCalc 5 (update 3)
Author:(Rudy Kohut and Nick Bergquist)
Uploader:kohutr connexus net au (Rudy Kohut)
Version:2c (Almost ready for Release)
Requires:OS2.04+, RexxMast; rexxmathlib.library (included); reqtools.library (included); TurboCalc 5+ (it may work on ver. 4); Latest version of Installer (included)
Download:misc/math/TCalcStats2c.lha - View contents

Date of this release: Sometime during August 1999

Changes in version 2c:
* Addition of one new script:
- Durbin.rexx (Durbin Test - Incomplete Block Design)

* Changes to the HELP files and Stats_Macros.TCD macrosheet to reflect the new
script. I have also cleaned up the html code.

Changes in version 2b:

* Addition of three new scripts:
- Chi-Sq_GO_Fit.rexx (Goodness of Fit test) - this complements the included
"Normality" test which is also based on the Chi-Sq Test
- Shapiro.rexx (Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normality)
- Deviates.rexx (Random Normal Deviates Generator)

* Changes to the HELP files and STATS_Macros.TCD macrosheet to reflect the new
scripts. I have also added material in the HELP files related to the "Normality"
test, linking it with the new "Goodness of Fit" test material. I would
appreciate feedback/assistance on this as my ability to interpret the Chi-Sq
tests is limited and text books are very confusing! (Rudy)

Changes in version 2a:

* Corrections to two scripts:
- T-test_IndSamples_UneqVar.rexx (silly editing error corrected)
- Fisher_Exact.rexx (programming error corrected)

* Addition of two new scripts:
- Cochran.rexx (Cochran's test for related observations)
- Smirnov_2W.rexx (Smirnov test on two independent samples)

* Changes to the HELP files and STATS_Macros.TCD macrosheet to reflect the new scripts

What is it?

This archive contains a number of Arexx script files (32!) that are called
by TurboCalc macros to produce statistical analysis on data contained
in a spreadsheet. Here are the files:

Wilcoxon_Sign_Rank.rexx     8630 ----rw-d 02-Aug-98 14:23:22
T-test_IndSamples_UneqVar.rexx   11281 ----rwed 24-Jun-99 13:32:12
T-test_IndSamples.rexx     10647 ----rwed 15-Aug-98 09:14:59
T-test_Corr_Sample.rexx    10444 ----rwed 15-Aug-98 09:14:09
Spearmans_Rho.rexx         14629 ----rwed 12-Sep-98 20:06:25
shannon-weiner.rexx        10448 ----rw-d 02-Aug-98 15:01:17
Regression.rexx 	   14935 ----rwed 07-Oct-98 12:18:59
Rank&Percentile.rexx        6215 ----rwed 02-Aug-98 14:33:01
Normality.rexx  	   13164 ----rw-d 03-Jul-99 11:53:50
Moving_Average.rexx         7003 ----rwed 02-Aug-98 14:34:55
Mann-Whitney.rexx          12687 ----rwed 11-Oct-98 15:00:20
Kruskal-Wallis.rexx        10401 ----rwed 02-Aug-98 14:37:07
Kendalls_Tau.rexx           7305 ----rwed 18-Aug-98 16:13:11
Histogram.rexx  	    7878 ----rwed 02-Aug-98 14:38:02
F_Ratio.rexx    	   10239 ----rwed 03-Oct-98 10:17:49
Friedman_Rank.rexx         11678 ----rwed 09-Aug-98 11:07:53
Fisher_Exact.rexx           9089 ----rw-d 24-Jun-99 13:31:52
Exponential_Smooth.rexx     7839 ----rwed 07-Feb-99 15:23:06
Descriptive_Stats.rexx     12739 ----rwed 02-Aug-98 14:41:33
Deviates.rexx   	    3961 ----rwed 03-Jul-99 11:54:20
Covariance.rexx 	    7224 ----rwed 02-Aug-98 14:42:19
Correlation.rexx	   14765 ----rwed 18-Oct-98 13:58:19
Chi-Sq_Indep.rexx          11379 ----rw-d 09-Oct-98 07:48:51
ANOVA_TWOWAY_NO_REP.rexx   13115 ----rwed 21-Sep-98 20:41:54
ANOVA_TwoWay.rexx          16160 ----rwed 21-Sep-98 20:43:16
anova_oneway.rexx          11339 ----rwed 21-Sep-98 20:42:21
STATS_Macros.TCD	    7011 ----rwed Today     14:13:24        468 ----rwed 02-Apr-99 13:28:55
Cochran.rexx    	    8825 ----rwed 29-Jun-99 17:56:55
Smirnov_2W.rexx 	    9173 ----rw-d 02-Aug-98 14:29:46
Chi-Sq_GO_Fit.rexx          9445 ----rw-d 03-Jul-99 11:53:37
Shapiro.rexx    	   28973 ----rw-d 02-Jul-99 15:21:50
Chi-Sq_2_Ind_Sam.rexx       9898 ----rwed 04-Jul-99 11:35:04
Durbin.rexx     	   10140 ----rw-d Today     14:13:32

Want to know more? Read the included help files!

NOTE: We have not been able to finish the help files and some of the scripts for
this release. However, it is about 98% complete and still usable.


This is the second version of TcalcStats. It replaces the first version
developed for use with TurboCalc 3.5.

This version uses Turbocalc 5+ but may also work with TurboCalc
version 4 (untested).

Please note: there were some changes made to the Arexx command set in
TurboCalc between 3.5 and 4/5. Also, TurboCalc's public screen name
changed. These changes, along with many, many, others are reflected in the scripts.

What is included?

There are basically four categories of files in this distribution:

1. The Arexx script files that do the work and which MUST be put in
the TurboCalc/Arexx drawer.
2. The spreadsheet file that contains the macros that call the scripts
(called "STATS_Macros.TCD", and which can be put anywhere but will be
installed in the TurboCalc/arexx drawer.
3. The help files that tell you how to use the macros and interpret the
results! These files would normally be put in the Turbocalc/Help/Stats_Help
drawer but you can install them anywhere. We have tried to produce two types of
help files - Amigaguide and HTML. They are identical (we hope!) so choose which
one you prefer.
4. Special arexx library files that must go in "Libs:". These are:
>rexxreqtools.library< copyright 1992-94 by Rafael D'Hallewyn
>rexxmathlib.library< copyright 1995 by Thomas Richter


Use the supplied "Install_Tcalcstats2c" program to put things in their
proper places.

It is also vital that you have an "Assign" for Turbocalc. If the
installer doesn't find one, it will prompt you to create the assign
and add it to your "user-startup" file. The assign must be active or
the scripts will not work!!

Who did it?

Rudy Kohut did the first version by himself (and it shows!).

Rudy and Nick Bergquist teamed up to improve and expand the scripts
and to create vastly improved help files in both amigaguide and HTML

Rudy lives in Melbourne, Australia.
Nick lives in Greenwich, U.K.

Any queries? Please give us your feedback!

Contact Rudy by email:
Contact Nick by email:

Contents of misc/math/TCalcStats2c.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                  271     628  43.2% -lh5- 52ff Apr  2  1999
[generic]                  259     628  41.2% -lh5- 5465 Apr  2  1999 TCalcStats2c/
[generic]                 4286   11339  37.8% -lh5- dab0 Sep 21  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/anova_oneway.rexx
[generic]                 5305   16160  32.8% -lh5- 742b Sep 21  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/ANOVA_TwoWay.rexx
[generic]                 4633   13115  35.3% -lh5- 831d Sep 21  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/ANOVA_TWOWAY_NO_REP.rexx
[generic]                 3880    9898  39.2% -lh5- 27c0 Jul  4  1999 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Chi-Sq_2_Ind_Sam.rexx
[generic]                 3869    9445  41.0% -lh5- e538 Jul  3  1999 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Chi-Sq_GO_Fit.rexx
[generic]                 4251   11379  37.4% -lh5- 636e Oct  9  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Chi-Sq_Indep.rexx
[generic]                 3558    8825  40.3% -lh5- 57d9 Jun 29  1999 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Cochran.rexx
[generic]                 5380   14765  36.4% -lh5- 5236 Oct 18  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Correlation.rexx
[generic]                 2705    7224  37.4% -lh5- 7d20 Aug  2  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Covariance.rexx
[generic]                 4274   12739  33.6% -lh5- a1e1 Aug  2  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Descriptive_Stats.rexx
[generic]                 1787    3961  45.1% -lh5- d5d2 Jul  3  1999 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Deviates.rexx
[generic]                 4031   10148  39.7% -lh5- bb35 Aug 22  1999 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Durbin.rexx
[generic]                 2881    7839  36.8% -lh5- 7d41 Feb  7  1999 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Exponential_Smooth.rexx
[generic]                 3288    9089  36.2% -lh5- f3a7 Jun 24  1999 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Fisher_Exact.rexx
[generic]                 4640   11678  39.7% -lh5- 54af Aug  9  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Friedman_Rank.rexx
[generic]                 4022   10239  39.3% -lh5- b426 Oct  3  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/F_Ratio.rexx
[generic]                 2913    7878  37.0% -lh5- dfc3 Aug  2  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Histogram.rexx
[generic]                 2765    7305  37.9% -lh5- cdc3 Aug 18  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Kendalls_Tau.rexx
[generic]                 3962   10401  38.1% -lh5- 20e5 Aug  2  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Kruskal-Wallis.rexx
[generic]                 4544   12687  35.8% -lh5- dc27 Oct 11  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Mann-Whitney.rexx
[generic]                 2584    7003  36.9% -lh5- 6321 Aug  2  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Moving_Average.rexx
[generic]                 4910   13164  37.3% -lh5- 6f9e Jul  3  1999 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Normality.rexx
[generic]                 2282    6215  36.7% -lh5- 3a3a Aug  2  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Rank&Percentile.rexx
[generic]                 5382   14935  36.0% -lh5- a640 Oct  7  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Regression.rexx
[generic]                 3884   10448  37.2% -lh5- 3685 Aug  2  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/shannon-weiner.rexx
[generic]                 8354   28973  28.8% -lh5- bfce Jul  2  1999 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Shapiro.rexx
[generic]                 3104    9173  33.8% -lh5- c0c3 Aug  2  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Smirnov_2W.rexx
[generic]                 5762   14629  39.4% -lh5- 6b63 Sep 12  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Spearmans_Rho.rexx
[generic]                 2010    7011  28.7% -lh5- d2dc Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/STATS_Macros.TCD
[generic]                  264     468  56.4% -lh5- 8d49 Apr  2  1999 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/
[generic]                 3951   10444  37.8% -lh5- a9e0 Aug 15  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/T-test_Corr_Sample.rexx
[generic]                 3995   10647  37.5% -lh5- b028 Aug 15  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/T-test_IndSamples.rexx
[generic]                 4248   11281  37.7% -lh5- fa93 Jun 24  1999 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/T-test_IndSamples_UneqVar.rexx
[generic]                 3245    8630  37.6% -lh5- dc07 Aug  2  1998 TCalcStats2c/AREXX/Wilcoxon_Sign_Rank.rexx
[generic]                60618  109956  55.1% -lh5- 9576 Jun 27  1998 TCalcStats2c/installer
[generic]                 1779    6828  26.1% -lh5- 3f5b Jul  3  1999 TCalcStats2c/Install_Tcalcstats2c
[generic]                  395    2285  17.3% -lh5- 7c2c Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/
[generic]                  261     628  41.6% -lh5- 3d6a Apr  2  1999 TCalcStats2c/
[generic]                 3376    5448  62.0% -lh5- 2791 Jun 27  1998 TCalcStats2c/Libs/rexxmathlib.library
[generic]                 6534   11664  56.0% -lh5- 40e4 Jun 27  1998 TCalcStats2c/Libs/rexxreqtools.library
[generic]                 2766    6347  43.6% -lh5- bc47 Aug 22  1999 TCalcStats2c/Readme
[generic]                  827    1320  62.7% -lh5- d37b Jul  3  1999 TCalcStats2c/
[generic]                 2010    7011  28.7% -lh5- d2dc Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/rexx
[generic]                  270     628  43.0% -lh5- 0a13 Apr  2  1999 TCalcStats2c/
[generic]                  272     628  43.3% -lh5- a586 Apr  2  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/
[generic]                57366  178696  32.1% -lh5- afff Aug 22  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/amigaguide/TCalcStats2c.Guide
[generic]                  931    1576  59.1% -lh5- 61fd Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/amigaguide/
[generic]                  269     628  42.8% -lh5- 09ca Apr  2  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/
[generic]                 2824    6848  41.2% -lh5- 6728 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/anova1.html
[generic]                 2965    7639  38.8% -lh5- 086a Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/anova2.html
[generic]                 1204    2734  44.0% -lh5- b691 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/anova3.html
[generic]                 1113    2426  45.9% -lh5- 3d2a Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/chisquare.html
[generic]                 1271    2739  46.4% -lh5- 333c Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/chisq_gof.html
[generic]                 1266    2599  48.7% -lh5- 92ef Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/cochran.html
[generic]                 2333    5758  40.5% -lh5- 6f4f Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/correlation.html
[generic]                  632    1209  52.3% -lh5- 42ee Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/covariance.html
[generic]                 2902    7222  40.2% -lh5- f55d Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/descstats.html
[generic]                  939    1585  59.2% -lh5- 6309 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/deviates.html
[generic]                 1083    2156  50.2% -lh5- 1110 Aug 22  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/durbin.html
[generic]                 1524    3253  46.8% -lh5- 310b Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/expsmooth.html
[generic]                 2088    5016  41.6% -lh5- 6e68 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/fisherexact.html
[generic]                 1653    3606  45.8% -lh5- 13a8 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/fratio.html
[generic]                  741    1355  54.7% -lh5- c229 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/friedman.html
[generic]                  408     697  58.5% -lh5- 4ae2 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/goodfit.html
[generic]                 1927    4473  43.1% -lh5- 6e54 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/heterogeneity.html
[generic]                 2000    4747  42.1% -lh5- 0b47 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/histogram.html
[generic]                 2270    2270 100.0% -lh0- 81e9 Jul 18  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/IMAGES/cumfreqgraph.gif
[generic]                 2212    2212 100.0% -lh0- 591b Jul 18  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/IMAGES/cumpercgraph.gif
[generic]                 3882    3882 100.0% -lh0- 5b93 Jul 18  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/IMAGES/fisher.gif
[generic]                 1649    1649 100.0% -lh0- 729b Jul 18  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/IMAGES/inputreq.gif
[generic]                 3131    3131 100.0% -lh0- f1c7 Jul 18  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/IMAGES/leptokurtic.gif
[generic]                 3455    3455 100.0% -lh0- 9531 Jul 18  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/IMAGES/negativeskew.gif
[generic]                 3072    3072 100.0% -lh0- 9fb5 Jul 18  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/IMAGES/normaldist.gif
[generic]                 1713    1713 100.0% -lh0- c0b7 Jul 18  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/IMAGES/outputreq.gif
[generic]                 3163    3163 100.0% -lh0- 05d8 Jul 18  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/IMAGES/platykurticdist.gif
[generic]                 3458    3458 100.0% -lh0- 27e2 Jul 18  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/IMAGES/positiveskew.gif
[generic]                 2267    2267 100.0% -lh0- ca9e Jul 18  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/IMAGES/sigmoidgraph.gif
[generic]                 5126    5126 100.0% -lh0- aa8c Jul 18  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/IMAGES/startmacro.gif
[generic]                 1636    1636 100.0% -lh0- 8d91 Jul 18  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/IMAGES/t-test1.gif
[generic]                 4370    4370 100.0% -lh0- 31c0 Jul 18  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/IMAGES/tdist.gif
[generic]                 1266    2799  45.2% -lh5- 8b12 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/kendall.html
[generic]                 1940    4452  43.6% -lh5- 0d46 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/kruswall.html
[generic]                17601   50336  35.0% -lh5- 57f7 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/main.html
[generic]                  458    1214  37.7% -lh5- cb41 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/
[generic]                 2265    5856  38.7% -lh5- 78a6 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/mannwhitney.html
[generic]                 1383    2739  50.5% -lh5- c617 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/movingaverage.html
[generic]                 1627    3319  49.0% -lh5- 87ec Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/normality.html
[generic]                 1332    3131  42.5% -lh5- 079e Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/rankper.html
[generic]                 3504    8825  39.7% -lh5- 0625 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/regress.html
[generic]                 1769    3786  46.7% -lh5- 737f Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/shannon.html
[generic]                 1128    2228  50.6% -lh5- 3e7e Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/shapiro.html
[generic]                 1402    3093  45.3% -lh5- da19 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/smirnov.html
[generic]                 2141    5429  39.4% -lh5- 0311 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/spearman.html
[generic]                 1575    3426  46.0% -lh5- 7049 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/ttest1.html
[generic]                 1906    4242  44.9% -lh5- ee68 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/ttest2.html
[generic]                 1834    4062  45.2% -lh5- 4509 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/ttest3.html
[generic]                 2213    5402  41.0% -lh5- 5fd3 Jul 31  1999 TCalcStats2c/Stats_Help/html/wilcoxon.html
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        99 files  384774  915839  42.0%            Sep  1  1999
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