Algomath- c Library Release 1.0.5 03.2000
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Algomath is a portable Arithmetic C Library.
All routines have been thoroughly optimised for speed and efficiency,
while at the same time portable C. [...]
Download the latest release at:
You are free to do anything you desire with this code,
as long as you give credit where credit is due...
For criticism, fixes, suggestions, enhancements, send email to:
Armand Turpel: armandt@unforgettable.com
Patrick Dostert: patrick.dostert@cie.etat.lu
who helped in optimizing this library
int am_init()
void am_exit()
int am_numlength(int n)
int am_sumdigits(int n)
int am_sumdigitsalt(int n)
int am_extract(int n, int x)
int am_replace(int n, int d1, int d2)
int am_swap(int n, int d1, int d2)
int am_rotate(int n, int x, int p)
int am_sort( int n)
int am_sumdivisor(int n)
int am_gcd(int a, int b)
int am_hailstone(int n)
int am_isprime(int n)
int am_prime_ba(int t, int x)
int *am_primes_array(int n, int x)
int *am_primes_between(int n1, int n2, int *p)
int *am_factorize(int n, int *factors)
int am_goldbach(int n,int *d1, int *d2)
Luxembourg, 11.1999,
Armand Turpel
The Amiga version only comes with makefile for PPC (and a precompiled libalgo.a)
plus a test program. However, it should be really simple to do a 68k version.
The test program demonstrates
"--'strong' Goldbach's Conjecture
The Conjecture is, "Every even integer >= 4 is the sum of
two primes.--"
by performing am_goldbach on 16 by default. Alternatively one can
test [number]
which will work for even numbers and give an error for odd numbers...
ARK, 30/May/2000