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misc/math/matrices100.lha |
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This software is FREEWARE: is freely distributable, but still copyright by
Bisi Fabrizio. This means that you can copy it freely as long as you don't
ask for a more than nominal copying fee. This fee must not be more than US
4$ or LIT 6000.
None of the programs nor the source code (nor parts of it) may be included or
used in commercial programs unless by written permission from the author.
Permission is granted to include this package in Public-Domain collections,
especially in Fred Fishs Amiga Disk Library (including CD ROM versions of it).
The distribution file may be uploaded to Bulletin Board Systems or FTP servers.
If you want to distribute this program you must use the original distribution
Don't hesitate at all to write me : I absolutely want to know if
further developments of Matrices will be really useful and appreciated.
This software comes with no warranty, either expressed or implied. The
author is in no way responsible for any damage or loss that may occur due to
direct or indirect usage of this software. Use this software entirely at
your own risk.
That being said, I can be reached for questions, comments,
or concerns at the following address:
Bisi Fabrizio
Piazza Ciro Menotti 5
Fiorano (Modena) - 41042
or at the following electronic addresses:
Fidonet : 2:332/516.12
AmigaNet: 39:102/502.12
Let's see what is there in distribution archive:
Matrices: (dir)
- Matrices : the program itself
- Matrices.info :
- Leggimi : italian documentation
- Leggimi.info :
- ReadMe : this document
- ReadMe.info :
- Storia.doc : history (italian)
- Storia.doc.info:
Matrices is a simple program with a nice GUI which makes some simple
operations on matrices, as: product rows x columns, simple or full matrix
reduction, computation of the determinant and computation of the inverse
matrix for a square matrix.
It has 24 memories to store matrices (each one the alfabet letters). Letters
I and Q have special meaning: the I is the unitary matrix. When you specify
to use the I, you must insert its dimensions , but not its content. The Q
(for Quotient) is reserved for future use.
The program has 5 gadgets to select the operations and 24 buttons to view
and to edit the memories.
The menus are 2: Project and Matrix.
Project has the items New, Load, Save, Save As which let you to clear, to
load or to save all the memories. There is also About and Quit.
Matrix has the items Copy and Move to copy/move a matrix in a memory (with
move the source memory is cleared), Insert and Delete to insert a new matrix
or to delete an existing one; again, Read and Write to read/write a single
matrix in ASCII format from/to a file.
The ASCII format is the following:
first row: <letter>(<x>x<y>)
other rows: <item1> <tab> <item2> <tab> ... <tab> <itemN>
For example:
3 4 -1
6 10 5
When you start an operation, a requester appears asking for the source
matrix (or the 2 source matrices for the product) and the destination
matrix. If the memories specified are empty, a requester appears for each
empty memory asking forthe sizes of the matrix, and then another asking for
the contents; if the matrices are full, the old contents will be used.
Contents of misc/math/matrices100.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1973 4128 47.8% -lh5- c9cd Sep 26 1995 Matrices/Leggimi
[generic] 266 707 37.6% -lh5- d825 Sep 26 1995 Matrices/Leggimi.info
[generic] 34672 70676 49.1% -lh5- dc8b Jul 24 1995 Matrices/Matrices
[generic] 392 835 46.9% -lh5- 8b11 Jul 23 1995 Matrices/Matrices.info
[generic] 1707 3505 48.7% -lh5- d1dd Sep 26 1995 Matrices/ReadMe
[generic] 266 707 37.6% -lh5- d825 Sep 26 1995 Matrices/ReadMe.info
[generic] 1594 3340 47.7% -lh5- 4cdc Jul 24 1995 Matrices/Storia.doc
[generic] 266 707 37.6% -lh5- d825 Sep 26 1995 Matrices/Storia.doc.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 8 files 41136 84605 48.6% Nov 4 1995
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