Scilab is an interactive, interpreted software package (with a syntax
similar to the MATLAB one) which has a number of powerful features:
- lists
- symbolic manipulation of polynomials and polynomial matrices
- symbolic manipulation of linear and non-linear systems
- non-linear calculation: simulation and optimization
- easy interfacing with fortran and C codes
- graphical output in X11 Window (2D, 3D, ode plots, Bode & Nyquist digrams ..)
- Output to .ps and .fig
- Amiga KS 2.0
- 68030 8MB Fast +VMM (Scilab needs 12MB of contiguos memory)
Anything below will turn your Amiga into a swap machine !
- 16 MB HardDrive Space
- AmiWin 2.22 X11R6 server for graphics
(runs in a cli window too, if no graphics are required)
- AmiTCP (if AmiWin is used)
- Ixemul library V43.0
Archive is splitted into three parts. You need ALL of them: