LogicSim is a program to simulate digital logic circuits.
It has a full graphic user interface to design and edit
the circuits.
New for version 1.1:
- Scope with unlimited number of channels
- grid
- fixed some bugs
- unlimited number of gates
- user definable work space
- AND, OR, NAND, NOR and XOR gates with 2, 3 or 5 inputs
- RS, JK, JKMS, T and D flip flops
- JKMS and T FlipFlops with independent Set and Reset inputs
- user definable Timer: Clock, Monoflop, turn on delay
and turn off delay
- saving the circuit as iff or print it
- input inverter
- traffic light model
- 7 segment display in HEX or decimal
- highlighting of wires with HIGH while simulating
- replacing "compatible" gates without removing them first
- you can label your gates with selectable position and font
- all windows are font sensitive and resizable
- UNDO function
- AmigaGuide online help with diagrams
- it's localized (currently English, German, Swedish and Spanish)
- copy/cut/insert function
- Scope with unlimited number of channels
- grid
- it's free (email-ware)