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Same night as we played on club Chrome in Gothenburg the Eskimoes were
there doing their stuff on stage. They asked if we could make a remix for them.
The tune later showed up on DJ's only 150 cd. Its not a quality remix but is ok
as its my first remix project. I had a short deadline otherwise i could do it better.
I hope you like it. The vocals/samples are from Eskimoes. I put some effect on them :)
More darker. They wanted more clubby version and they got it. I got the permission to
release this version with their samples.
Stuff we used for it:
Tune: 192kbps, stereo
Our Computer: A4000, AmigaOne
Synthesizer: Roland JD-800
Miditracker: Tracks & Fields
MP3 programs: Lame & TMPEGUI
Contents of mods/kicko/inhale.mp3
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