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Short: | \"Everybody\" adapted by Alex T. (GM/XG compatible) |
Author: | bm373198 muenchen.org |
Uploader: | Alex T (bm373198 muenchen org ->BayernOnline;-) |
Type: | mods/midi |
Architecture: | generic |
Date: | 1996-06-18 |
Requires: | MIDI file player and synthie supporting GM/XG format |
Download: | mods/midi/Everybody.lha - View contents | Readme: | mods/midi/Everybody.readme |
Downloads: | 4392 |
Song: Everybody (3:37)
Composer: D.J.Bobo/transcription by Alex T. (ak Sunny ak/irc talex)
bm373198@muenchen.org ->BayernOnline
music@fortress.insider.sub.de ->FORTRESS BBS!!!
System: A1200 using Camouflage MIDI Sequencer
This is my first Aminet publication and it's also no composition of my own
for I just have to make my songs GM compatible before uploading them to
Aminet. The midi file can be played by any tone generator supporting
GeneralMIDI, if not available you can try to config your midi-setup via the
information given in >everybody.pre<.
Just listen and enjoy...!
NOTE: Watch out for my own songs coming soon on this Aminet ;-)
I've transcribe "Everybody" note by note and instrument by
instrument as close as possible to the original version of D.J.Bobo!
These files in this archive are also NOT FOR COMMERCIAL!!!
Copyright remains by D.J.Bobo, >Everybody.mid< was transcribed "just
for fun ;-)" so enjoy listening...
If you find the midi file nice, 'would be nice of you to mail me :-)
CONTENTS: Everybody/Everybody.pre midi-presets
Everybody/Everybody.txt "Everybody" text by D.J.Bobo
Everybody/Everybody.ReadMe this ReadMe file
Everybody/Everybody.mid "Everybody" transcription
Ratio about 66%/11-Jun-96/4 files
Contents of mods/midi/Everybody.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 31795 46830 67.9% -lh5- ae38 Jun 9 1996 Everybody/Everybody.mid
[generic] 457 777 58.8% -lh5- b5d9 Jun 9 1996 Everybody/Everybody.pre
[generic] 839 1660 50.5% -lh5- 21ae Jun 17 1996 Everybody/Everybody.ReadMe
[generic] 652 1588 41.1% -lh5- db7f Jun 8 1996 Everybody/Everybody.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 33743 50855 66.4% Jun 18 1996
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