Name: Playing in the School-yard (Glasgow Ep part 3)
Net-Label: Loonies Records
Project: De 1000 nøgne ørers psychedeliske elefant project
Artist: Tarmslyng
Lenght: 9.30 min
Style: some kind of techno
Format: mp3 (16 bit mono)
Size: 4600 K
Date: 1-10-99
Equipment: Amiga 1200 (midi+samples), Old Roland Jx-8p synth,
Dictaphone (noise and voices), PC (16 bit recording).
Technic: The drums was played by the amiga from an program called
Octamed 4, witch allso did the midi sequencing.
The synth is responsible for the filter string, witch is
the only real instrument in the track.
Every thing was recorded live at a PC, while the dictaphone
was playing different very noisy recordings from Glasgow.
Noise: The voices, and noise you can hear through out the entire track
is all recorded in Glasgow. The voices you'll hear is
recorded near a shool yard in Glasgow, so it consist mostly
of children yelling and talking.
Comment: Back in may 1999 I was on an education exchange in Glasgow
for 2 weeks. With me, I had an dictaphone, witch is a small
taperecorder, who can be used for recording messages. With
this dictaphone I recorded voices and noise on my way through
Glasgow. The idear with this was to bring home an auditorial
memory from Glasgow, and maybe make some music with it. So
finally after a half year I have finished my long promished
Glasgow Ep.
The Ep consist of 4 tracks including this one:
1.lnsM3_glasEp1.mp3 [Glasgow underground]
2.lnsM4_glasEp2.mp3 [Under glasgow ground]
3.lnsM5_glasEp3.mp3 [Playing in the School-yard]
4.lnsM6_glasEp4.mp3 [The one who takes care of the UFO]
Contact the label at:
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fidonet: 2:236/29.9
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