Look out for mods/pro/JIL.Black.lha
Sorry for the size...
Greetings to the following funky people...:
Elbish Enchantment (one-man-project like me), Chrystel Split (?!?),
my sister GELI, my cousin CHRIS (hello dear PC-user), Mikey,
Martin (what, you sold your PC!?!), Detlef, Tanja, Dirk,
Andre (ah, got your NetPC), Ritz (he knows...), Coco (leicht & locker)
Waldusch (he?), my mother (look, I`m in the AmiNET), my dad,
Stefan, Sven D. and all the others I forgot... (there are many)...
And now some messages to dudes I never met :-)
CNCD - Great Album !!! I like 4.stella (strange beat:-)
TRSI Recordz - More CD's, more CD's !!!
Da Jormas - What about a CD ?!?
Ich denke Ihr habt es gemerkt, daß ich ein Deutscher mit schlechten
Englisch-Kenntnissen bin, wa ? Sorry.